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I'm feeling down

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I feel a little bummed for my kids (and for myself) because we dont' have a lot of friends. We moved here two years ago, and a few factors have contributed to our not making friends. One of them is homeschooling, but I'm not so sad about my kids missing out on the school friendships (from the one year they were there, I could see the negative influence on them). The second thing is the sprawl. In DFW we know people here and there, but making plans with anyone would entail a lot of driving or traffic. No one is handy. We miss the friends we left behind in Seattle, and I am longing to go back. I'm disappointed with what we found here. I have family here and it just hasnt' been near as an advantage as I thought it would be, sadly. I want out.


I was wanting to have a little end of the year party for my kiddo's (and myself) but started crying when I realized they didn't have any close friends they'd want to invite. Shoot. They know a few people from girls scouts and boy scouts, but no true friends. My son is the only one with friends b/c the 2 boys live on our street and they can play together easily. As for my girls, those families live a bit away.


I'm just looking for some sympathy. My DH is not able to be there emotionally for me, and I don't have a friend to call. Waaaa!!! I keep trying to redirect my energy on the positive, which thank God, there are many. I just feel down a lot recently and am not sure why. (just did bloodwork last week and found I have a Vit D deficiency, so hopefully once that is normal I'll feel better).


Thanks for listening!

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If you want to see your situation as half full. . . we moved to our new state 18 mo. ago and are still in relocation apts. There are kids everywhere here.


Some awesome. Some good. Some not so much.


Dh and I are often lamenting that our boy's lives have shifted from "family" to "any port in a storm" that isn't family!!!


It's not quite that bad, but we wish we had less influence from the public school kids. Ex: one of my boys has now heard the terms "X rated film" from a ten year old. Ds doesn't know what the term refers to -- I hope -- but still . . .


I hate to say it but I'm starting to sound nutty even to myself that isolating the kids from "the element" is a great idea! Our culture has become nothing but "the element."



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Sorry you're going through a rough time. I'd love to invite you for a cup of tea... unfortunately Ca. is a bit far. :001_smile:


I've had a few cries today myself. I'll drink my tea now, take some nice deep breaths, and think warm loving thoughts for the both of us.


Not sure what ages your girls are (mine are 9 and 12), but we're looking for penpals. No worries if it's not your thing, just thought I'd throw that out there.

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It's not always easy to find friends. I feel your pain! I have had some lonelier times lately. For different reasons. I have found a lot of comfort on these boards! I went from an occasional lurker, to a Royal Hive Larvae in about 4 months!! :001_smile:


Is there a homeschooling support group you can get together with? A co-op you can join? I usually do these things just for the sake of finding friends for me and my kids.


In the meantime, we love being your friend here! :D

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I understand! We're adjusting to life in a small town. We don't live in a neighborhood, so there are no neighbors to meet. We don't have a homeschool group. The girls have a few friends that they see at church on Sunday, but my oldest doesn't have anyone who is his age. And the schools here are really bad, so many of the families with kids have moved away or are commuting to schools outside of town. It's kind of a mess! I worry about trying to find social outlets for all of them, but especially my high schooler. There are a lot of undesirable behaviors going on among kids his age in this area, so I'm really holding back and not sure what to do. I know God wanted us here, so I'm trying to be patient about the friend situation...

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I am starting to develop the belief that modern society, at least as it is around here, is not conducive to making friends. No one seems to have any free time or the priority for it.


I feel lucky that whereever I go I seem to know a lot of people somewhat, and it's fun, but those deep, intense, talk every day type friendships seem to be elusive. And yet, I'm not sure that I'd be a good 'talk every day' type friend myself. Hmmmm....

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