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So cheer me up. Something devastating happened and my hair is falling out

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"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."

- Martha Washington


School supply sales have started? That always cheers me up...

Chocolate? Kilts? Chocolate kilts? It would be like edible underwear sans underwear. LOL.

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Thanks all! I am not really rockin' the bald spot though :tongue_smilie:



My son got himself thrown out of boy scouts. Yes, he is totally at fault and it hurts because he loves scouting and was proud to be one.


Awww, think on the bright side: this will be a hilarious story to tell on his wedding day. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug: I have a t shirt which says "Girl Scout Dropout". ;)


When my hair starting falling out, it was vitamin B12 deficiency....and when it did it again, it was iron deficiency. Pesky vitamins and minerals tried to wreck my mane.:tongue_smilie:

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Awww, think on the bright side: this will be a hilarious story to tell on his wedding day. :tongue_smilie:


Errr ... I don't know. It may be *quite* a while before we can say at Thanksgiving dinner "Hey son, remember that summer when you literally drove the assistant scoutmaster so insane he had to take a leave of absence and the whole troop hated you?! Haha! That was really funny!"


I am so raw over it. I believe you, specialmama :grouphug: , but it is hard to imagine.


How about: I have no idea what your avatar is, but I can't stop looking at it.


*Snort* I can't remember at the moment why I chose that picture.


:grouphug: I have a t shirt which says "Girl Scout Dropout". ;)


When my hair starting falling out, it was vitamin B12 deficiency....and when it did it again, it was iron deficiency. Pesky vitamins and minerals tried to wreck my mane.:tongue_smilie:


It's my thyroid and my medication ... I think. We shall see. It's kind of a bummer but under normal circumstances, I could just blow it off (as much as a vain person can anyhow).


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Obviously, it is time for KILTS!


And maybe kittens. Or not.


You know I skimmed that locked thread and for a moment, I thought that maybe I could unclench and get a cat. My dd has been begging for one but I haven't allowed it 'cause of annoying kitty litter and I don't want my house to smell like CAT PEE. :ack2: I was tempted. I really was.

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Now I'm confused. So it's the thyroid that is the hair problem not that you're pulling it out because your son has reached new hights in scouting? I'm sorry on both accounts.


Sorry, it's my thyroid (I think) that is causing the hair loss and I am down because it's one unhappy thing after another.


I did smile at the "new heights in scouting". :001_smile:

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You know I skimmed that locked thread and for a moment, I thought that maybe I could unclench and get a cat. My dd has been begging for one but I haven't allowed it 'cause of annoying kitty litter and I don't want my house to smell like CAT PEE. :ack2: I was tempted. I really was.


Things might be bad right now, but at least your sense of humor is still intact. :lol:

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Errr ... I don't know. It may be *quite* a while before we can say at Thanksgiving dinner "Hey son, remember that summer when you literally drove the assistant scoutmaster so insane he had to take a leave of absence and the whole troop hated you?! Haha! That was really funny!"


I am so raw over it. I believe you, specialmama :grouphug: , but it is hard to imagine.



Sorry, it's my thyroid (I think) that is causing the hair loss and I am down because it's one unhappy thing after another.


OOOOOOO See I thought your boy blew up stuff while trying to launch a shuttle or something and your hair caught on fire! Ok, it makes more sense now, and it is a little sadder than I thought. I wish what I had assumed was how it played out... more laughable I guess. I'm sorry! :grouphug:

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My son got himself thrown out of boy scouts. Yes, he is totally at fault and it hurts because he loves scouting and was proud to be one.




My dear husband was kicked out of cub scouts in 2nd grade for fighting (with the scoutmaster's son, no less). His mother was horrified. He has gone on to a nice career in the military and in education. And yes, it does make a good story because he is extremely level headed and non-aggressive now.


We learn and grow by overcoming obstacles. I hope this turns out to be a growing experience for your son and ultimately leads to something positive.

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I completely understand vanity about hair. I always had hair. Suddenly, I didn't have nearly as much. When it was all said and done, I had lost nearly half my hair.:001_huh: I had plenty to start with, but it really was alarming. I wasn't sure when/if it would stop falling out. I've always received many compliments on my thick hair. I have taken to responding, "Everyone gets something. I got hair." Without hair, what did I get?:confused: (Okay, that is an exaggeration as I try to make you laugh a tiny bit about your situation...)


The hair did grow back just fine, btw, and I've grown it back long to the middle of my back. Now it is growing gray...almost 50%...so there's that.


(Have I distracted you from your own hair?:D) I could tell you about the time when I cut it myself in the 9th grade...or when I dyed it brassy blond right before high school graduation...I have plenty of hair stories.


Sorry about your son and Scouts. :grouphug:

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In one year my DS got kicked out of summer camp to being the senior patrol leader. The right troop makes all the difference in the world!


That's a great comeback. :cheers2: Thank you for sharing that.


It isn't the troop, it really is my son.


I completely understand vanity about hair. I always had hair. Suddenly, I didn't have nearly as much. When it was all said and done, I had lost nearly half my hair.:001_huh: I had plenty to start with, but it really was alarming. I wasn't sure when/if it would stop falling out. I've always received many compliments on my thick hair. I have taken to responding, "Everyone gets something. I got hair." Without hair, what did I get?:confused: (Okay, that is an exaggeration as I try to make you laugh a tiny bit about your situation...)


The hair did grow back just fine, btw, and I've grown it back long to the middle of my back. Now it is growing gray...almost 50%...so there's that.


(Have I distracted you from your own hair?:D) I could tell you about the time when I cut it myself in the 9th grade...or when I dyed it brassy blond right before high school graduation...I have plenty of hair stories.


Sorry about your son and Scouts. :grouphug:


No, I totally get that. I used to think that about my chest but it has lost its former glory. ;)

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