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Attachment Parent'ers...growing HS trend?

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I belonged to an attachment parenting board when I was pg with my second dd. I haven't been on those boards in so long but I'm seeing a lot of ap'ers post here. If you post on other ap boards, do you see a growing trend in ap'ers hs'ing? I'm just curious...as I ponder this, it seems like a natural outcropping of ap.

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Growing? Hm.


I've been a parent and AP parent for 13 years. Since then, starting out in LLL meetings, I've seen a significantly higher percentage of parents who homeschool in AP circles than mainstream gatherings. I'm not sure if I'd call it "growing" any more than homeschooling itself is growing.

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Growing? Hm.


I've been a parent and AP parent for 13 years. Since then, starting out in LLL meetings, I've seen a significantly higher percentage of parents who homeschool in AP circles than mainstream gatherings. I'm not sure if I'd call it "growing" any more than homeschooling itself is growing.


That's how I got here! Most all the Leaders in my Group homeschooled as well as many of the regular moms.

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yeah, among my "AP" friends that I made long before my kids were school-aged, many more than not have ended up homeschooling. I think it's also a regional thing, though. I never met anyone else who was planning to homeschool when we lived in Boston.

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Were the people who you were with doing ap of any particular religious conviction or was it an outcropping of ap, as you saw it? So many people think that we all must be a religious fanatic to hs so I'm curious about ap and religion. My ap board was an eclectic mix of people and when religion came up it was swiftly deleted by the mods so I have no real understanding if the two (ap and religion) went together or not. I'm just trying to see if there's a link to all three (ap, religion, hs'ing) or are they really separate alltogether... I know each person has their own reasons, not trying to pigeonhole here...just curious about the psychological side of it all I guess....

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There's a moderately busy homeschool board at Mothering.com... and there are plenty of AP homeschooling families Portland.

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Growing? Hm.


I've been a parent and AP parent for 13 years. Since then, starting out in LLL meetings, I've seen a significantly higher percentage of parents who homeschool in AP circles than mainstream gatherings. I'm not sure if I'd call it "growing" any more than homeschooling itself is growing.


Same here - parent for 12 years and AP parent for 11.5 ;-) It was the AP world, and the homebirthing community, that led me to homeschooling. AP and homeschooling work well together.

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Were the people who you were with doing ap of any particular religious conviction or was it an outcropping of ap, as you saw it? So many people think that we all must be a religious fanatic to hs so I'm curious about ap and religion. My ap board was an eclectic mix of people and when religion came up it was swiftly deleted by the mods so I have no real understanding if the two (ap and religion) went together or not. I'm just trying to see if there's a link to all three (ap, religion, hs'ing) or are they really separate alltogether... I know each person has their own reasons, not trying to pigeonhole here...just curious about the psychological side of it all I guess....


In the AP/LLL circles around here it was very eclectic. Much like this board, there were folks of all faiths (Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Buddhist, and even some of no faith). We all were very breastfeeding/ap/family focused and It was an amazing thing to see people so different band together.

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When I first considered homeschooling for our family, it was because I was introduced to the idea through my LLL and AP friends. When I first started out, the religious homeschoolers I met were evangelical and more on the fundamentalist side. They were definitely NOT AP. In fact, I was often told that I was going to run my children and make them more susceptible to Satan because I did not parent "biblically." Later, when I met more Catholic homeschoolers, I found them to be more of a mixed bunch and leaned more AP.


So, that is my long winded answer to say that religion and AP are really not related when it comes to homeschooling.

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Please enlighten me as I have never heard this term before.
Here is API's "Eight Principles of Attachment Parenting." Most people associate AP with babywearing, extended nursing, and gentle discipline. There's more, but those are the most obvious characteristics.
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Growing? Hm.


I've been a parent and AP parent for 13 years. Since then, starting out in LLL meetings, I've seen a significantly higher percentage of parents who homeschool in AP circles than mainstream gatherings. I'm not sure if I'd call it "growing" any more than homeschooling itself is growing.



I joined LLL 19 years ago, and that's where I met my first hsers. There were so many more than I realized!

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In the AP/LLL circles around here it was very eclectic. Much like this board, there were folks of all faiths (Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Buddhist, and even some of no faith). We all were very breastfeeding/ap/family focused and It was an amazing thing to see people so different band together.



That's my experience as well. We have a nicely diverse group, that I mostly first met through my bfing group when my last was born. I like that not everyone is unschooling or uses just Calvert or just SOTW etc. We can bounce ideas off of each other, and there is always someone who understands whatever you need to weep about currently. There are also a few radical unschoolers in the group, too. Which is an interesting and growing segment of hsers. Right now, I am being inspired by a religious (Jewish) family in my group who uses various curric in very relaxed, creative ways. (And I am an agnostic unschooler lol). I love that I am able to evolve and grow as a parent, as a person, through these folks. I even learned to knit through my hsing group.

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I am into the whole homebirth, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, no vax, homeschool thing. I was never formally introduced to any of it. It was just the way I was. I never even heard of AP until well into my homeschool journey. All of these things were unheard of when I started doing them and in the beginning I frequently got the, "Is it legal?" question. I have found the most acceptance and understanding in the homeschool community.

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