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Totally new dynamics

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How is the dynamics of your homeschool going to be different this year? For us, then it'll be the first time in something like 5 years that I officially only have four students. I still have an active, inquisitive preschooler, but will just read and explore together while keeping the almost-toddler busy. Piece of cake....


Realy looking forward to it, though, My kids will be in grades 5, 5, 8, and 11.

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This will be the first year I am teaching 2 children different subjects. We're also launching a business 3 days before our first day of school, so my husband will be teaching the morning subjects while I work and then we'll switch after lunch. It will be a very different year for us from what I'm used to!

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Well, we're "officially" going to be schooling our PreK starting July 1, which means that I really need to sit down and work on goals and a new schedule for him. We're hoping to start Tot school with the girls, but I need to figure out how to get everything organized and away from them, first.


This year, we're going to be splitting up my olders, and focusing more on teaching to their strengths, and working on their weaknesses, rather than just trying to keep everything together. Also, we're going to be adding a subject to study missions and such, and working our geography into that.

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This will be the first year I've had 2 "for real" students. K is really laid back for us, so I never really worried about what we got done (or didn't). Next year I begin 1st and 3rd, so both kids' work must get done. Also, the third grader is "official" with the state, so I have to keep all sorts of paperwork and jump a bunch of hoops. :glare:

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This will be our first complete year in our new house. Although we moved in November, we didn't all live under one roof until Christmas. Then it's been chaos since.


I'm excited things have calmed down a bit and we can devote more energy to school than to mayhem.


We have historically moved every five years, but this is someplace we feel we'll stay long term. So we finally feel comfortable to look into long term opportunities, such as college.

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This year I am only homeschooling my own children. [My 16 yr old niece counts as one of my own since she lives with me.] I am very excited to be able to devote more time to my kids individually. Even though ds 9 and dd 7 will be doing the same subjects and same level, I am going to work with them individually and let them move at their own pace. :D

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My children are all in high school this year. It's a totally different world. I miss curriculum shopping and using programs that I think look interesting. We have chosen an online accredited high school program that is a traditional high school. It's just so different. I actually feel like I'm in mourning because our typical homeschooling years are officially over.

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It is the first time I will have just one student. It is weird to not have a group dynamic. And there is a lot of me looking at and talking to just him - I am already tired of hearing my own voice, blah, blah, blah. :) It will be a totally different year for us.


On the upside, we can really focus on his interests and strengths or weaknesses.

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For the first time I won't have a baby or toddler! Although my 3yo still wants plenty of attention. Maybe this year he'll actually sit still a few minutes and want to "do school." Naps have been gone for awhile so there is no down time from him. :tongue_smilie:

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My children are all in high school this year. It's a totally different world. I miss curriculum shopping and using programs that I think look interesting. We have chosen an online accredited high school program that is a traditional high school. It's just so different. I actually feel like I'm in mourning because our typical homeschooling years are officially over.


:grouphug: :grouphug:

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4yo is *loving* doing school w/ us--she gets out her math book every morning & plops it down next to my breakfast *before* cofee. :lol:


8yo is reading SOTW to 4yo, too, & they color maps together. It is weird, though, to look around the table & realize I've got 3 different levels of math going at the same time. Thank goodness none of them is Algebra (yet).


Shoot--that means when Alg *does* start, I'll have FOUR math students at once. I didn't need to realize that this morning, lol!


Another change--logic stage student. Whew. Lots of work there, different layout to the day, reads his own history. First time since we started that I haven't read SOTW to the bigs for hist. Kind-of...bittersweet. :lol:

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This is the first year we will be incorporating co-op classes into our homeschool. :) We are also staying in the same house all year! :D Last year we were showing the house and preparing to move which made homeschooling very hairy. I also have dh around this year. He was away in PA during the week for the majority of last year.

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THis year will be the first time I homeschool only one with that one being the only one at home. When I started homeschooling in 1994, my oldest was 5, only temporarily homeschooled (the following year he started full time, permanent homeschooling), but his little sister also needed to be kept busy (she was 15 months then). Now I will only have the high schooler while older sibling are away at college and life.

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This is the first year I will have two kids who are both old enough that I will require them to sit down and do school work. Up to now I have only done this with one kid while the other one was entertained somehow.


This is also the first year I feel like I can get serious about writing with DS1. He has completed vision therapy and can now read grade level material for short periods of time. He has completed a therapeutic handwriting program, and he has learned basic keyboarding. With those obstacles removed, it's time to work on getting the writing to flow.

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A few things will change:


1. The first year that I haven't had an elementary aged student. I think I'm going to miss that.


2. Ds is now a 9th grader. I"ll add a high schooler each year for two more years after....sniff, sniff. Youngest ds is likely to be doing high school work within 2 years so it seems like my years ahead will be rather intensive.


3. I'm taking some music theory and history refresher courses to prepare for grad school. It will be interesting to see how the family reacts to "mom" time that can't be interrupted except for emergencies. I am determined to set a good example in study skills.


4. DD will be a fully qualified paramedic and working full-time. She's going to take two years off from her pre-med program, earn money, and try to get her bearings as she is thinking more along the lines of physician's assistant. So, I won't be having her begging me to drill her on drug cards and what not. I think I will actually miss that part. I loved it when she asked me to quiz her.


No dramatic changes I guess, but the smaller ones all taken together, make me feel as though things are changing in a big way.



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This will be the first year the girls will learn completely together (except for math and LA). Last year, they learned separately. In previous years, Sylvia joined in as she wanted.


This will also be Becca's third grade year and we're stepping it up, adding Latin and typing.

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