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I'm getting ready to start that chore. I don't wanna!


I have a few months to get it done so I'm procrastinating. I'm quite sure I will be kicking myself for not being proactive.


Loud music and a babysitter. Oh, and chocolate! Those are the 3 necessary items to get it done.

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I hear ya'! Moved officially 3 or 4 weeks ago and am still trying to figure out what goes where and what goes to Goodwill. I heard or read somewhere to take 3-5 boxes a day (whatever is reasonable for you) and plow through it. Making a dent until it's done. ;)

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We JUST moved in to our new home 2 days ago and oh wow, the fun doesn't stop- LOL. Granted, we had 5 weeks in between closings so that made the logistics even more challenging, but please remember that the packing up is much harder than the unpacking. :grouphug:


Its so difficult/exhausting/stressful. :( I recommend music, simple meals & as much down time as you can find. :grouphug: You can do it!!

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I hear ya'! Moved officially 3 or 4 weeks ago and am still trying to figure out what goes where and what goes to Goodwill. I heard or read somewhere to take 3-5 boxes a day (whatever is reasonable for you) and plow through it. Making a dent until it's done. ;)

This for some reason brought back memories of the first move I made. I was 6 months into a rather stressful pregnancy, NOT supposed to lift, as my Dr that did not help us move said;) "Anything". Right! We had plenty of help on moving day, my mom made me stay at her house so I didn't over do and all went well. I had spent about 2 months packing, had marked and sorted all the boxes as to what room they needed to go to. My dh came to pick me and my two kiddos up, brought us to our new home and guess what everyone helping had done? They put ALL the boxes into one small room. ALL of them were in the same room! It was days before I finally got to the other end of the room and my dh's work clothes.:lol:

I did go threw them 4-5 boxes a day and put things away. It worked but we had to wash the same clothes over and over until I had clothes for everyone.

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I am so dreading this!!! This is also a downsize move for us so I need to be really organized and get rid of a lot of stuff. I've already gotten rid of a bunch, but I need to get rid of anything more that I can. The kitchen alone makes me cringe at the idea of boxing up!!

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I feel for you. We move into our new home on August 1st. I am so excited about the move but sheesh, I think we need to just burn it all and start fresh.


Still haven't figured out how we will move 3 guinea pigs, a hamster, and a cat. I am hoping we can drive the 800 miles without the cat clawing and howling us to death (he hates car rides) and the critters not get stressed out and sick.

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I have had 2 dreams this past week that we are moving. I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight. While I would love a house that's a bit bigger than ours, and a different floorplan, just the THOUGHT of REALLY moving almost sends me into a panic attack. SERIOUSLY. I have no idea what I would do, where I would begin...I'd probably just curl up into a ball in the corner somewhere.

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