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Moms of only kids

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Movie day. Sometimes ds and I just veg out with movies and popcorn and junk food.


We tried to watch LOTR all in one day. I have the extended versions. :lol: I think we spread it out over 3 days.


Hiking in the woods, eating dinner out, read aloud time. Basic goofiness. My dh prefers a serene evening setting. Ds and I like to be loud and goofy.


Maybe a cleaning or decorating project. Maybe do something special for dad so he'd have a good surprise when he got home.


We'd probably plan a few days just to be apart. Like I get to work on my writing, he can play Call of Duty all day. We're both introverts.

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I am not a mom of an only, but I do have an only daughter and so if we get a chance to be away from the males, Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version), scrapbooking, exotic cheese and good crackers works for a day. We also watch documentaries that we can not otherwise get the menfolk to embrace enthusiastically. Planting annuals in the flower borders is also popular and hanging out at the nursery admiring gorgeous landscape plants currently not in the budget is another thing we enjoy.


Trips to the lake (YAY! No boys to splash us), leisurely nature hikes, and sewing/quilting also fill an extended male absence.



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Our Y has programs. Check your local parks department for science days or naturalist talks. Our local extension has kiddo garden events. Museums, historical societies. Stock up on audio books. :)

Oh, hon, I just wish I lived in an area that has a Y with or without programs.


Thanks for the audio books idea though.

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Well, I've been there the past three weeks and have one more week before DH is home.

Sadly, we haven't done anything but deep clean the house. :tongue_smilie: Well, I have cleaned the house while DS has watched an insane amount of television. (He normally doesn't.) I have scrubbed windows, reorganized bookcases, organized our school plans for the remainder of elementary and early junior high, etc.

We haven't done anything special as I don't like to drive very far from home when DH is gone, but we've have gone out to eat to all the places DH hates. (He hates fish and DS and I love it. :D) Oh, and we have gone out for ice cream nearly every day. (I really must go on a diet now!)

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4 consecutive weeks? I'd visit my parents- I'd LOVE to spend the time with them and not "waste" dh's vaca time!


I'd plan a visit to anyone I hadn't been able to see that I could take dd to. For me that would be my godmother--a nine hour drive, but there are free things to do there and we'd plan to stay 3 days, but if she asked us to stay another we would. The cost of the trip would be gas and treating godmother to a dinner out. I'd pack our food for the ride, including caffiene to keep me awake--no spending while driving. Your parents, another relative, a college roommate?

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Pretty lame, I know but how about some crafts? Buy some terra cotta flower pots and pain them for next year's bulbs, etc.

VBS - if you are involved in a church. Either dd can attend or be a helper depending on age. (This can wear out the fittest of the guys, ask my ds) :001_smile:

If she likes to cook or would want to learn, get a fun cookbook you agree on and take turns cooking - one day her, next you. This should give you a day without kitchen duties. :001_smile:

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Regal Cinemas have selected G & PG rated movies for $1 on Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10:00 AM during the summer.



It used to be free, but looks they they are charging $1 now. Still not bad.


I would take day tips, maybe invite some friends to ride along. Check to see if you have any places within a few hour drive, like caves, gem mining, fossil hunting, tubing, museums.


Invite friends over for dinner and game nights, or go to their house.


Eat junk food for dinner one night! :)


Volunteer somewhere.


Learn to do something new. Take a summer class.


Build a giant popsicle stick bomb or a toothpick building.


Have fun!

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Just throwing out a few ideas here. I have an only at home and I think we'd love to do any of these things together:


• Spend one of the weekends in a hotel in the city. While there do cultural things, go shopping and hang out at the pool a lot.


• Spend time with extra focused teaching on home arts such as cooking, baking bread, sewing, redecorating a room together....all "girl stuff" everyday, morning until night.


• Did I mention shopping?


• Enroll in summer classes through your park & recreation district.


• If you can't go camping away from home, set up a camp in your backyard. Dig a fire pit and have campfires every night. Get sky maps and stargaze together.


• Plant a garden together.


I'll keep brainstorming and come back with more if I can.




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When my oldest was my only, dh traveled a lot. We did many of the things already mentioned. One time, we made a tent out of blankets and camped in the family room. We also stayed up all night reading a book together. It was about 8:00 a.m. the next morning before we finished the book and fell asleep. I know those are little things but, they were fun and created special memories that belong only to the two of us.

Have fun w/your son!


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Here's a few more:


Go blueberry picking (or strawberry, peach, whatever is ripe in your area)


Do you fish? Go fishing. Even if you don't catch anything, it's fun.


Make homemade ice cream. Maybe bake a pie or some other treat.


If you both like to cook, plan several new recipes to try. Then spend several days making and testing them.


Go swimming - pool, river, lake


I second the day trips. Sometimes, the little things add up to the most fun.


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When my oldest was my only, dh traveled a lot. We did many of the things already mentioned. One time, we made a tent out of blankets and camped in the family room. We also stayed up all night reading a book together. It was about 8:00 a.m. the next morning before we finished the book and fell asleep. I know those are little things but, they were fun and created special memories that belong only to the two of us.

Have fun w/your son!


Daughter. :lol:


I've got two camping trips on my planning sheet. A Harry Potter movie marathon the day before and the day of the last movie. Two video game days. Pizza day where we will make breakfast pizza, lunch pizza, dinner pizza and dessert pizza.


I've got nine days left to fill in. I don't mind driving for an hour or two. But I don't particularly want to go to Bangor or points south.

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Another vote for road trip. I've always wanted to just take a scenic route and stop at whatever place grabs my attention. Dh is a stick to the plan and just get there kind of guy. So, I'd use the 4 weeks to go on a not flashy, just-seeing-a-bit-of-America kind of trip.


And, if I couldn't do that, I'd head to my grandparents' farm and hang out there for the whole time.

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You could dress funkily and then go to lunch, perhaps emulating British hats. Then speak in an accent to everyone. But you're in a small town, maybe drive an hour or two for that one. :lol::lol:


You could do dark sunglasses and hats and a trench coat, then hire someone to sneak around and photograph you. They'll think you're a celebrity.


People watching is a fun activity, then make up stories as you watch. :lol:


Shopping in the foundational garments section of the store.


Buy matching bags on your shopping trip.


Go someplace and try on expensive clothes.


Paint a room


Redecorate her bedroom


Build something your dh wouldn't expect from you.


Google earth all the places you've lived and houses too.

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Are you near one of the Great Lakes? I might go camping near there and enjoy the beach, too.... Or near another lake and go fishing....


Read (or watch) Alice in Wonderland and/or Through the Looking Glass and have a Mad Hatter's Tea Party, complete with dress up, different types of tea, tea sandwiches, goodies, etc.

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Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Have fun w/your daughter! I guess all of the memories of things I did w/my son and I just got carried away.


Does she like to do nature studies. Maybe hunting for unusual flowers or leaves, pressing them and then sketching or rubbing them onto a notebook. Since the area you live in has such beautiful scenery, maybe a day drawing or painting?


When I was a kid and my dad was overseas, mom would turn on the radio or record player and we would dance while cleaning. Also, we made homemade bread. My mom and sister did sewing projects - I can't get along with the sewing machine, so I wasn't involved!


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Wow! 4 weeks just the two of you. Routine and distraction is the name of the game. My dad used to work out of town months on end, and i remember my mom had our daily routine nailed down so tightly that looking back, i can't even remember the times my dad was gone seeming like a long time. One thing that might be of help too is if your hubbie can write your child. Postcards, little comics snipped from the paper, or little trinkets from the area he'll be in. Kids love that stuff!


When my hubbie had a horrific work schedule one year, working often 12 - 14 hour days, i distracted my daughter with the 4 items mentioned above. We stuck to our commitments, however we would carve out a day or two during the week that we could do whatever we wanted. We would take little road trips on our own, or plan playdates with friends that would span the afternoon because we didn't have to be home to cook for daddy. We'd shop at a shee shee bakery, and pick up items for a tea party. Sometimes we'd watch Mary Poppins during the tea, or other times we'd have a dance party at the tea. Sometimes it was a Wii Tea. :)


Ah, Grandparents. Grandparents are great, aren't they? Enough said. :)


Camping trips are a great idea!...even in your yard?!?


Good luck and safe travels to your hubbie.



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"spa" day - with girly movies, mani-pedis, robes, the works. Let her pick your nail color and you pick hers. With my DD (only 4, I know), we do each nail a different color.


Take up a craft - learn to knit, scrapbook, do photography, something.


Is she an introvert? she may want a couple of "down" days.


Learn a few key phrases in French and go to Montreal for a few days. Just because you can.


What does you daughter do that your husband can't stand? (Within reason, of course.) Let her do that.


I've been DH-less for almost three weeks now but DD has been in preschool. Evenings we play, watch Disney Junior (formerly Playhouse), do our nails, watch the lights from our window (we're in a city). But 4 yo amusements and 11 yo amusements are entirely different things.


Good luck!

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I asked my own dd, who just turned 12, what she would love to do with me during the summer that we never have time to do during the school year. Her answer was that she'd like for us to go out and have pedicures together, have lunch or dinner by ourselves in a restaurant and go shopping. We had an afternoon like this a couple of years ago and she loved it. (Since pedicures, eating in restaurants and shopping for fun are a luxury, it's pretty special when we've been able to do all of that.)




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I probably wouldn't do anything beyond what we normally do on weekdays. Dh is at work all day anyway so our days wouldn't be any different. On weekends we might have some beach days or go to a nature center - just some outside activities to get his mind off of missing Dad. In the evenings we might have some movie marathons.

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Lots of field trips! I'd ask her where she'd like to go, what she'd like to do, and then come up with some of my own. Museums of all kinds, zoo, aquarium if available, factory tours, crafts fairs, flea markets, the mall, amusement parks, water parks, beach or lake, all come to mind. It's a great time to start a new craft or to take time for one you've put aside. Also a great time to get together with others whether they homeschool or are in ps won't matter as it's the summer. It's also a great time to try new recipes and do lots of baking. I'd use the time for fun and connecting. :)

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