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It is so dumb to cry about a computer,

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but that's what I'm doing. I'm sorry for what could possibly be the dumbest thread in WTM history. My macbook's mother board is dead. It would cost $500-700 to replace it, and that is, obviously, not worth it. The only other computer in the house is my girls' netbook. Oh, and my friend's husband let me borrow a very old Dell laptop, which I can pretty much have, if I want it. It is so outdated and hard to use. It won't hold a charge for more than 15 minutes, no exaggeration, along with a bunch of other issues.


I am in tears. This is so dumb. We don't have the money for a new Macbook. We don't have the money for a refurbished Mac from the apple store. I am so leery of Craigslist and ebay for this kind of stuff. I don't want to get burned. I am really really sad. I have a ton of pictures that need to be edited. I have photography clients lined up all summer. We have no credit cards (thank you, Lord!), but very very very little savings as well. Nowhere near enough to get a new computer. I can't think of anything to sell. I am at my wit's end.


Thanks for listening. I can't believe I'm crying about this when there are children in the world with no food or water. That makes me feel like a piece of crap. :(

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Do you have any budget for a computer? I'm not sure what you'd require for your work but you can get a good desktop PC for $300 to $400 US these days and run GIMP for photo editing (so you don't need to purchase more software). A good PC laptop would run about $400 to $500 US. Even if parts went on those in the future they wouldn't cost anywhere NEAR the cost your quoting for the Macbook.


And no, it's not a stupid thread and you shouldn't feel guilty about feeling bad.


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I know what you mean, too. Our main computer is dieing a slow death, and the thought of replacing it makes me want to pull my hair out (and possibly cry too!). There are not enough hours in the day for me to look into buying another one (not enough hours and of course spending the $ makes me want to cringe too). Just don't feel like doing it :confused:

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I know what you mean, too. Our main computer is dieing a slow death, and the thought of replacing it makes me want to pull my hair out (and possibly cry too!). There are not enough hours in the day for me to look into buying another one (not enough hours and of course spending the $ makes me want to cringe too). Just don't feel like doing it :confused:


I always worry when people say their computers are dying. I've picked up many "dead" computers from folks only to find they needed a $40 stick of RAM or even just a reinstall of the OS.:001_unsure:

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Have you called to see what it would cost to fix the MB? Is that where you got the quote from?


Try Charlotte Street computers here in Asheville. They are good. Don't know if that is an option.


My laptop took a ummm... dive. Kaput. I used my Dell card to get another. So I am paying for it monthly. That is the only CC bill we have now.

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Do you know a computer geek teen (or adult) who might be able to help you out? My ds is allergic to Macs ;), but other than that he often has so many parts lying around that he could build a new computer out of them. What would be incredibly outdated to him would be a great computer for most others who aren't gaming. I bet you know someone similar.

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I feel your pain.


I cried about my macbook last week.


The charger has been working/not working for several months. I spent $80 on a new one which still would not work. I finally got it working, did not move the macbook, did not breathe near the macbook and then the dog unplugged it. I could not get the battery charger to work for several hours and several periods of crying.

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:grouphug: I know what you're going through. We had to go to rent a center to rent a computer until we saved up enough money to buy a new one when our old one died last year. We don't believe in credit cards either....and don't feel bad. I cried like a baby when we went through it too. I was going to school online, and had to use the library's computer until we figured out what to do. They will only let people use the CP for one hour at a time...it was sooooo frustrating!!!

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When my motherboard died on my Macbook Pro (Cat dumped a cup of coffee over it) I took it in to an offbeat mac repair place and had them remove the hard drive. I lost the computer but not the information. I carried my hard drive around in my backpack, (it had my dissertation on it) and hooked it up to other Apple computers at the university library, kinko's etc. A similar solution might work for you as a stopgap until you can get the next computer.

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:grouphug: I feel your pain. I cried when the hard drive in my MacBook crapped out last year. I hate PCs, and having to use my husband's cheapie just makes me feel... dirty. :tongue_smilie: I loved my MacBook. Had it since college, and never once had a problem with it. *sigh* I miss it...

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Take a look at apple.com and then support tab on the right. Search in the support area. My husband says he is seeing as little as $420 for a motherboard for macbook, but you'd know better what you are looking for. And I know, $420 is still not peanuts. But I'd rather fix a mac than have a new pc.



Thanks, Heather. I'm at work, and trying to search around between patients. I don't see a place to look for a motherboard for sale on the apple site. I will keep looking though. Thank you!

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Have you called to see what it would cost to fix the MB? Is that where you got the quote from?


Try Charlotte Street computers here in Asheville. They are good. Don't know if that is an option.


My laptop took a ummm... dive. Kaput. I used my Dell card to get another. So I am paying for it monthly. That is the only CC bill we have now.



I actually took it in to another place, and that's where I got the quote. I don't think I want to take it anywhere else (Charlotte St) and pay to have them tell me the same thing, ya know? :(

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I'm sorry. I do understand. Back in January we had numerous problems with our computer and the printer. I was frustrated, fell behind in school work and I cried. Heck, I cried last week simply because the printer decided to not communicate with the computer. I cry more over computer related issues than anything else in my life.

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but that's what I'm doing. I'm sorry for what could possibly be the dumbest thread in WTM history. My macbook's mother board is dead. It would cost $500-700 to replace it, and that is, obviously, not worth it. The only other computer in the house is my girls' netbook. Oh, and my friend's husband let me borrow a very old Dell laptop, which I can pretty much have, if I want it. It is so outdated and hard to use. It won't hold a charge for more than 15 minutes, no exaggeration, along with a bunch of other issues.


I am in tears. This is so dumb. We don't have the money for a new Macbook. We don't have the money for a refurbished Mac from the apple store. I am so leery of Craigslist and ebay for this kind of stuff. I don't want to get burned. I am really really sad. I have a ton of pictures that need to be edited. I have photography clients lined up all summer. We have no credit cards (thank you, Lord!), but very very very little savings as well. Nowhere near enough to get a new computer. I can't think of anything to sell. I am at my wit's end.


Thanks for listening. I can't believe I'm crying about this when there are children in the world with no food or water. That makes me feel like a piece of crap. :(


I am so sorry Nakia. Feel free to bawl your eyes out. I have cried over much less and that computer is essential to your business so you have every right to be upset!!!

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:grouphug: Maybe a site like this could give you a more reasonable quote.




This is only one - there are many listed online. I'd call Apple directly and get a price from them as well.


You know how life has its Kodak moments? This is a Nutella moment. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I'd be crying too. :grouphug:


Apple does have financing options for computers, but what it is is a credit card with no interest for 12 months. (I forget the rest of the details.) It's how I got a new computer when my old one died.

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Don't give up on the Craigslist/Ebay option. All of our current Macs have been purchased off of ebay, including my sweet baby MacBook (and yes, I'd probably cry if it died, and I'm not really a crier). There are definitely good deals and honest people out there, you just have to look carefully and be willing to wait for the right one to come along.

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