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Can I brag for a sec?

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I have been and will continue to struggle with weight issues for decades.

A year ago I was Prediabetic. I just returned from yearly visit and I raised the numbers that needed to be raised ( Vit D levels) and lowered the ones that needed to be lowered. (Sugar, A1C, Triglyceriedes, etc.) I have lost over 50 pounds and I just needed to brag for a minute. I will go back to my humble, it's no one's business but mine, mode shortly.


Thanks for listening.

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:bigear: So....How did you do this?


It's a struggle every day. I started out switching entirely to whole grain and no sugar. That didn't do it. I saw an allergist and he took me off pretty much all grains, eggs, dairy, soy, etc.. I mostly eat fruit, veggies and protein, including beans. Wheat seems to be a huge problem for me.

My Dr. gave me his "rocket to success" program, which is the new food pyramid. It is 7 veg servings a day, 1-3 legumes daily, 2-3 fruits, 1-3 whoel grains, 1-3 dairy ( I switched to coconut milk) eggs or meat only 1 serving per daily and 1/2 - 1 serving of nuts.


I have to tweak that system as I eat more protein and less grains. I have add in alternative grains such as Quinoa and Buckwheat. I eat some corn as a grain and mostly GF breads. Aqava nectar is my sweetener of choice.

Basically revamped what we eat around here. Salads with protein is my mainstay when eating out. No white potatoes, occaionally sweet potatoes.

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So proud of you!!!! I bet you feel TONS better too!


Please tell me how much better you FEEL. I need to hear that!!!


Thanks for the party!

I do feel tons better, however, I have a long way to go so it's a tempered feeling. I can very easily get bogged down in the road ahead, but today was such a good day, I had to share. Getting all those numbers under control means I am going in the right direction. It's slow, but hey I didn't put the pounds on quickly either. And I have resolved it's a way of life not a diet. This is how we eat now. I'ts been fascinating to watch it trickle down to my married kids. At first they were motivated to help/support me, but now slowly I am seeing some changes in the meal plans when we get together too and it isn't just "mom" food.

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