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Help me accept tht my house will nvr be as organizd as it wld be if my kids were PSed

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Sorry for the abbreviations in the title--iI know that's annoying but I couldn't fit the whole title in.


I am an organized person by nature, and neat! And our homeschool room is very organized, for the most part. I have our schedules filed neatly, books in the right spots, file folders and binders for completed work all up to date. We have science bins and math bins so stuff is easy to locate.




I find it so. darn. hard. to keep up with the rest of the house. My knitting projects are in a pile in my closet. My bank statements are randomly stuffed in a folder, and yes, the last two months are unopened. The hall closet has been needing reorganization for months. The garage-oh! the garage-I can't even think about it. I do Quickbooks for my husband and it's really hard to find the time to keep up with it (he has a very complicated business). The junk drawer is, well, WAY overdo for a cleanout. The fridge and freezer need to be emptied and scrubbed.


Ugh. Everywhere I look I see projects that need my attention, and it's hard for me to just accept that there will ALWAYS be something undone. I don't forego homeschooling to do these things, although DH says that I should, once in a while. I just envision a slippery slope where we skip school one day and it just becomes too easy to not put it first. So that's really not an option for me. I always look forward to summer because the boys go to half-day camp for 3 weeks and I go NUTSO organizing and cleaning :lol:


Anyone else have this issue? Seeing projects everywhere and just simply NOT having the time to tackle them? I do manage to do the every day things, like dishes, laundry, linens, vacuuming, shopping, etc. It's the bigger projects that simply don't get the attention they need and it causes me anxiety!

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I totally feel your pain and I'm married to Mr. Neat and Tidy. I honestly do believe that part of him wants the kids to go back to ps because then I'd have time to take care of it all during the day.


This past year I'm sad to say our dd did a good bit of school on her own while I did the housework and home improvements that needed doing. I refuse to do that again this next school year. However, I don't know how I'm going to do it and still keep the house "Home and Garden Magazine" ready like I know he would like it to be.


Any answers/suggestions would be greatly appreciated here, too.

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Shannon I am glad I'm not the only one! DH took the kids out for most of the afternoon, and it's almost because I wasn't so occupied with them that I really saw all the work that I need to do. :( I find myself getting irritated because I don't work well in a disorganized environment. I know I need to let go a little bit. I just hate when things are not "in their place", kwim?

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Totally with you! I am hangning on by my fingernails for our school year to be finished so that I can de-clutter and reorganize.


I was fantasizing today about my neighbor's life. Her kids go to PS. She's an amazing mom, and she spends their school days volunteering at the school, working out, keeping the house clean, gardening. Then when they come home she does all kinds of neat projects with them. Her houes is always tidy and organized. *sigh*


But I wouldn't trade. That's what it comes down to. She has a great life, and it works really well for them. But I love this life, even with the undone-ness, and wouldn't trade for a second.




P.S. Dh took the boys out for golf. I was supposed to get some major projects done today. I ended up at the after-hours clinic getting my thumb stitched. :banghead:

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You just described my life, except I don't clean as often or thoroughly as I would if my circumstances were different. I'm pretty energetic and recently painted several rooms of our house, but I cannot keep up with everything myself. Big projects have been put off indefinitely, for the most part. I am too old, tired and busy to do it all.


For instance, about a year ago, I completed the first year scrapbook of my 8 year old. (I make a pregnancy and first year of life scrapbook for all of my babies. I go all out with this endeavor.) My almost 6 year old's is not done. Maybe it will be done before she goes to college.

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Though when I thought about it, I realized that if my kids were in school, I would probably be at work. So I'd still have projects left undone. I also don't think I would want to spend hours and hours organizing, because I'm not sure that homeschooling is the whole issue. It is having kids, period. At least, that's what I tell myself.

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I spent the school year looking forward to the summer so we could do some major decluttering and cleaning of the house - in particular the basement. I could hardly wait to get going on it. I was antsy and rushing through things. We finished school and were all excited (well I was anyway :) ) and ready to get started. Then, my dh got really sick - the first diagnosis was that it was life threatening, the second was that it was serious and then the third after many many tests was that he'll get better after a few weeks or months. We spent the week at the hospital. We got no decluttering or cleaning done. It put things in perspective. While I would really like to get the house running more smoothly by getting things more in order, the most important thing to me is to enjoy our family and not get so hung up on the condition of the house.

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Well, we moved and downsized and I thought that would help. It didn't. At least your knitting projects are contained in a closet.....mine have taken over the bedroom and my end table in the living room plus the cat has been playing with my yarn. My sewing stuff is competing with the homeschool stuff on the kitchen bookshelves (yes, kitchen bookshelves). Now I have two grandchildren living with us and I'm not sure where I am going to put their stuff, and of course the three year old DGS will need his own pencil box, ect. No one takes off their shoes before they come in the house and I can't quite manage to communicate the need to hold the ice tea container level when one is taking it out of the frig. At this rate I will need another seventeen years to even dream about a neat, organized home and at my age that means I am looking at a neat, organized nursing home :tongue_smilie:

If it would help, I can email you some pics of my house so that you could look at them whenever you think of your organized neighbor!

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For instance, about a year ago, I completed the first year scrapbook of my 8 year old. (I make a pregnancy and first year of life scrapbook for all of my babies. I go all out with this endeavor.) My almost 6 year old's is not done. Maybe it will be done before she goes to college.


I have scrapbooks that I started and haven't worked on them in years. DD I had completed up until she was about 2 or 3 and I think I'm around 6 or 8 months on DS. Yep, they'll be lucky to get theirs by college, too, assuming I can remember everything from their childhood for the journaling :tongue_smilie:

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I have scrapbooks that I started and haven't worked on them in years. DD I had completed up until she was about 2 or 3 and I think I'm around 6 or 8 months on DS. Yep, they'll be lucky to get theirs by college, too, assuming I can remember everything from their childhood for the journaling :tongue_smilie:


My poor fourth child...I cannot recall if we even had a first birthday party for her.:confused: In my defense, my mother had passed away two months prior, so I do give myself somewhat of a pass on that. I have pictures of the other kids first birthdays in their scrapbooks, though. I have seriously considered just picking a random picture and calling it her first birthday. I hope that it a forgiveable "sin".:001_huh:

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I don't know if you hs yr around or not but I like to. I take a wk off when I need then. It works out to be about every 5-7 wks I take 1 wk. That gives me a break then to catch up. Normally in the summer we school until the end of June and start up the middle of Aug. so the kids get about a 6 wk break(me to) and I get to do some more catch up that always needs to be done.

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Not being organized, undone projects, etc. drive me batty. I don't allow myself to worry about it during the school year, other than normal cleaning. Once school is done, I take a week (this last week - woo hoo!!) and clean out everything in my house - every drawer, closet, stack of books, etc. We eat fast food all week and my kids pitch in (the fast food makes it fun for them), each with their own list. Everything is cleaned top to bottom too.


If things start bothering me during the school year, I remind myself that it WILL eventually get done and I can just shove it to the back of my mind until then.

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Guest momk2000

[quote name=texasmama;2775050


For instance' date=' about a year ago, I completed the first year scrapbook of my 8 year old. (I make a pregnancy and first year of life scrapbook for all of my babies. I go all out with this endeavor.) My almost 6 year old's is not done. Maybe it will be done before she goes to college.



Ok, this makes me feel a little better that I'm not the only one with unfinished baby books. Boy do I carry some mommy guilt over this. :001_huh:

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Give up on perfection and accept good enough. Your babies are so young you could have a 4-day school week or half day Friday. Then just pick a spot and declutter/organize - getting rid of stuff is the key. Make a plan to do one area every Friday and keep it very doable so you don't get disappointed. If you can't do this then don't sweat it. It's a constant chore and you'll have to declutter/organize/clean even after the kids are gone. What you do with your kids matter more.

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I am an OCD "neat freak" and I spend a lot of my time trying to find that "balance." In the end (this is beginning our 4th year homeschooling) - I have just learned to accept that my house cannot be perfect while schooling two boys, running errands, doing extra-curriculars,.....and the 4 animals I have in the house keep me pretty busy too (cleaning wise).


I still keep things really clean...just not "perfect" and I have stopped striving foor that unattainable "perfect."

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I can totally relate:(. The lack of organization in my house really gets to me. I can't just look at it, shrug, and be happy knowing that I'm putting what's important (loving and educating my kids!) first. It really frustrates me and I have to work VERY hard at not letting it control my mood. It just feels so hard to concentrate on schooling when there is laundry everywhere, toys strewn about, dishes waiting to be loaded up. And the kids rooms.....oh, just no words. I could go up and clean them right now and they would be a mess by mid-morning. Anyway, sorry to ramble. But you are not alone. I don't know how to feel content with chaos around me.

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I am NOT neat and tidy and BO (born organized). Never have been. I was in the military for 3 years and even they couldn't teach me to get and keep my living quarters neat and tidy! ;) Therefore, I am who I am and will never have the Better Homes & Gardens looking home that I'm sure my dh would like us to have.


Having said that, yes, I do see all the projects (read: cleaning/decluttering) that needs to get done whilst we're schooling. This is life. It has nothing to do with homeschooling, really. If you have kids, you will have messes. What is your priority? Your goal at this stage of life? Is it to have a spic-n-span house or to have kids who know they're loved and that couches are for sitting on, not just an expensive room decoration?


As for putting the kids in public school (or any school other than home), you may very well find that while you think that is the answer, it will not be. Habits are habits and will take you some time to get over (like spending time on WTM), even if the kids are in school down the street, or the next town over. You will probably also find that your kids, whether they be gifted or 'average', will be ahead of the 'other school' crowd in not only academic prowess but also social skills. Are you willing to give that up?


I do know how you feel, really I do. To some extent. I just come from the opposite end of the spectrum. Keepiing any space neat and tidy is not my forte and never will be. I do what I can but I'm me. Plain and simple. You feel constrained because you're looking at all that's left 'undone' and feel like you really should have time to do it ALL. Don't do it ALL. But maybe plan a day or two a month to tackle those things that are really bothering you.


(Oh, and here's a SECRET. Shhh! You can enlist (read: force) your kids to help you with said projects. That counts as learning, too. But don't tell them that! ;) )



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:bigear: I was hoping this problem would resolve itself once I no longer have babies and toddlers. But that does not seem to be what I am hearing!:tongue_smilie:


I can get my house clean, just not all of it at the same time. I focus on bathrooms and the kitchen. I try to ignore all the piles. And sometimes I cry. Just ask DH.


None of my homeschooling friends have extremely clean or organized homes, either.


You are not alone!

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Although a naturally neat and organised person, I don't let the chaos bother me. I do what I can when I can, and as I'm usually on the go all day, every day, seven days a week, and feel constantly exhausted, then I can't do more. I have four children, the youngest is four, and they seem to be all growing up so incredibly quickly that I rather dread the day when the house will be empty and quiet. So if any of those undone tasks ever gets to me, even slightly, I remind myself of the years ahead when my babies will be grown and gone and I'll have all the time in the world to tidy, organise, make curtains, decorate, etc, etc, etc .....



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Not being organized, undone projects, etc. drive me batty. I don't allow myself to worry about it during the school year, other than normal cleaning. Once school is done, I take a week (this last week - woo hoo!!) and clean out everything in my house - every drawer, closet, stack of books, etc. We eat fast food all week and my kids pitch in (the fast food makes it fun for them), each with their own list. Everything is cleaned top to bottom too.


If things start bothering me during the school year, I remind myself that it WILL eventually get done and I can just shove it to the back of my mind until then.


Love this idea!

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It was a bit easier to keep things clean once they were clean and organized when the kids were in school and I WOH 40+ hrs/week but that was only because no one was ever home to make a mess. However, the last thing I wanted to do when we were finally home and together was clean!

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I haven't read all the replies, but I wanted to let you know that my children have been in ps for 4 years and my house is *almost* as messy as it was when we were homeschooling. It seems like our time would be freed up to clean more, but it doesn't really happen in reality.


I am starting to let go of the clean house ideal and accept that with children, there are things that are so much more important than a clean home (I'm not sure it is even possible anyway). When they are grown I know I will never look back and wish I'd spent more time cleaning. Time goes too fast and I am selfish; I want to take all I can with them right now.

Edited by Blessedchaos
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There's a thread on the afterschooling board about this: it is called, For those who used to homeschool and now don't, a Question. I asked, am I dreaming to think that my house will be neater, etc, when DK are in school. You can read the comments, but I think the overall message I got was that your spare time is what you make it. :001_smile:

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