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Has anyone ever sleep spent??

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Seriously.....I have been having trouble sleeping since my mom died...so once in a blue moon, I take an ambien...or a xanax to sleep...Anyway, it seems I ordered a bunch of curricula...and I only sort of remember....my dh said I was up online...but I didn't get out of bed or anything. I always tell him when I take any kind of medicine in case I have a reaction.....


Well, I will never, ever, ever take an ambien again....and I hope I wasn't sleep posting...but then again, I have nothi g to hide...and I like all of you!




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My friend was on Ambien and it was terrifying for all of us, mostly his family.


He got up in the middle of the night, drove the car, fixed the brakes, put in a stove (obviously over different times) and finally tired to get into another person's car and was brought to the psych ward.


Even more scary, the Drs figured it out immediately- which shows me that they know this stuff is happening often.


Now he's off it and suffers through 4-5 days of no sleep.

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I'm confused. Did the meds make you do a sleepwalk kind of thing. Only instead of sleepwalking you sleeporderedcurriculum? Oh my! That is some kind of homeschool dedication! :D I wonder if I could borrow this sleeporderingcurriculum thing when dh gets the Amazon bill? :lol: On a serious side though, that is pretty scary that it could affect you like that. I'd steer clear of those meds!


ps-What curriculum did you get? :D

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Went on vacation with a friend and one morning had an entire conversation with her and I would swear she was awake. She was reacting just like she normally would and looked wide awake. She left the room and when she came back I mentioned something we had just talked about and she didn't remember a word of the conversation or anything that had happened since she "got up" - she had taken something like Ambien the night before and had been "asleep". It was really weird and a little scary.

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Ambien is crazy stuff. My BIL is a Dr. and SIL is a P.A., they both like Lunesta. When my mom got sick and passed away, I started taking 1/2 a pill of the lowest dose of Xanax. It made me sleep like a baby. I took it most nights for about 6 months and haven't needed it in about 6 months (mom died a year ago).

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I take ambien almost every night. Otherwise there is NO sleep. I have tried everything else my doctor and I could think of. I have learned that I need to take it once I am in bed, under the covers and ready to go to sleep. If I take it when I am still "up" I will continue to function but have absolutely no memory of anything I did or said. I have never done anything crazy or bad and I have never gotten out of bed and done anything while still drugged. I totally agree that it is scary and you have to have someone with you to make sure you are ok on it. However, for me the alternative is worse. Sleep deprivation will make you crazy and makes me just as dangerous, if not more so, than the medicine. There is a reason sleep deprivation used to be used as torture!

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Wow. They wanted to give me Ambien during my last week of pregnancy with my youngest last spring because I wasn't sleeping. I turned it down because my husband works nights and I didn't think a 9 year old would be sufficient supervision for myself and the other 2 children. Now I'm really glad I did. Those are some scary stories.

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Everyone reacts differently. I take Ambien every night or I wouldn't get any sleep. The docs do know that this happens- when I was first prescribed it, my doc said that my dh needed to keep an eye on me and see if I did anything weird. I didn't. In fact, I take it and still get up 2 or 3 times a night to nurse and have no problems. On the other hand, dh never remembers conversations that take place in the middle of the night even though he never takes anything.


I am also curious about what you ordered!

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I have to know what you ordered!


I've heard some weird stories about Ambien, but not buying curricula in your sleep! That's some serious dedication. :D


My sister sleepwalks (without taking any medication), and the weirdest thing she ever did while sleeping was peel 10 pounds of shrimp.

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I've heard some pretty crazy stories about Ambien. They gave it to me during the last week of my pregnancy and tried to give it to me again while I was still in the hospital after having DD because I wasn't sleeping.

I've taken it a few other times before- but never had negative reactions to it. But I don't take it anymore. When I get desperate I take a xanax to turn my brain off long enough to fall asleep. Not sure why I feel like xanax is better than ambien!

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Haha...funny thing was ...it wasn't the middle of the night...it was early morning and I vaguely remember....but not totally. It was like a dream state...weird.


Ok...so I bought some readers off my amazon list...some pants for dh...lol...

And also downloaded a bunch of PDFs onto my kindle app...hahaha...

And then....


I spent 69.95 for Far Above Rubies....I have been mulling over buying this again as I used it with my older dd's. I used it for assignment ideas for years and loved it...but I sold it when my second dd graduated from our homeschool 3 years ago. It is now available on cd- and I can put it on my iPad....


But...I didn't remember ordering it or being awake enough. I am not sure I would have spent that kind of money unless I was sure....I ended up spending about $100. I did have it in my homeschool budget, and yesterday I spent time going over the sample I also downloaded!!


Anyway, this program looks very up my daughters alley, or I would have called and asked them not to ship it...Maybe I was just having fond memories of homeschooling my older girls. I do miss them so much!



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I take ambien 2-3 times per week. I agree with the pp, I have to take it and then get right in bed. I may not drop right off to sleep (takes about 10 minutes!) but if I stay up after the ambien until I "feel" sleepy I end up doing odd things. I have purchased alot of things online after ambien, talked to people on the phone and then don't remember the conversation the next day, and found old boyfriends on Facebook and then have to unfriend them because I really don't want to go there.

But the ambien works for sleep. I just need to be a responsible user of the stuff.


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I'm confused. Did the meds make you do a sleepwalk kind of thing. Only instead of sleepwalking you sleeporderedcurriculum? Oh my! That is some kind of homeschool dedication! :D I wonder if I could borrow this sleeporderingcurriculum thing when dh gets the Amazon bill? :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: I just read this to my dh and he laughed! Wait, what was I thinking? :001_huh: I should've waited 'til after the bill came! :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for sharing, I now know I better not take this med!

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This thread is too funny LOL.....well, in a slightly freaky sort of way.


Well, I found it kinda funny in a icky kind of way too. And I will never, ever take another ambien. I have never had any effect from it before...it barely makes me sleep...but I was really tired and not falling asleep. The weird thing was I was asleep the whole night...and this was really toward the morning...sigh. I am just glad it was nothing really serious. Never...ever...ever again. I am such a light sleeper, I am surprised that I didn't wake myself up. :D



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Seriously.....I have been having trouble sleeping since my mom died...so once in a blue moon, I take an ambien...or a xanax to sleep...Anyway, it seems I ordered a bunch of curricula...and I only sort of remember....my dh said I was up online...but I didn't get out of bed or anything. I always tell him when I take any kind of medicine in case I have a reaction.....


Well, I will never, ever, ever take an ambien again....and I hope I wasn't sleep posting...but then again, I have nothi g to hide...and I like all of you!






Oh sweet one, :grouphug: I, too, was devastated when my Mom passed away. That was many years ago now. I didn't take any med for it but I probably should have.


Fast forward to now and I "used" to take ambien, but it's habit-forming. Gee, I don't do drugs/meds, but I "needed" it to help me sleep. A couple of years ago I went cold turkey and haven't looked back. I was on it for a few years b/c I have sleep apnea and my neurologist prescribed it for me.


If you can take something else instead of ambien do it.

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My mom has a co-worker who had to stop taking Ambien because she was watching QVC and buying random things in the middle of the night. One time she bought a colon cleanse program. :lol: She left detailed notes to herself about what she ordered, too.

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My mom has a co-worker who had to stop taking Ambien because she was watching QVC and buying random things in the middle of the night. One time she bought a colon cleanse program. :lol: She left detailed notes to herself about what she ordered, too.



Curriculum is much more fun.

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I take ambien 2-3 times per week. I agree with the pp, I have to take it and then get right in bed. I may not drop right off to sleep (takes about 10 minutes!) but if I stay up after the ambien until I "feel" sleepy I end up doing odd things. I have purchased alot of things online after ambien, talked to people on the phone and then don't remember the conversation the next day, and found old boyfriends on Facebook and then have to unfriend them because I really don't want to go there.

But the ambien works for sleep. I just need to be a responsible user of the stuff.



I only took it a few times and it never really worked...just put me in a hazy...not restful sleep. But, I was soooooooo tired...and not sleeping, so I figured I would try one more time.....never again. I will stick with valerian root or some Motrin PM....

I did take it in bed..and never got out of bed. But having the iPad within reach...ummmmm...not a good idea:D:D


Note to self....put iPad far away when going to sleep.



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What about melatonin? I take that when I cannot sleep and that stuff knocks me out...and it's natural.


I use USANA brand, which is pharmaceutical grade, and it says one to two caplets (they are very tiny). One was not quite enough, two is the best sleep I could ever imagine! Very deep and very long and I wake up feeling rested, which is a precious rarity... I don't need it all the time, but when I do, I'm glad I have it.

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Oh sweet one, :grouphug: I, too, was devastated when my Mom passed away. That was many years ago now. I didn't take any med for it but I probably should have.


Fast forward to now and I "used" to take ambien, but it's habit-forming. Gee, I don't do drugs/meds, but I "needed" it to help me sleep. A couple of years ago I went cold turkey and haven't looked back. I was on it for a few years b/c I have sleep apnea and my neurologist prescribed it for me.


If you can take something else instead of ambien do it.


I didn't realize ambien was habit forming...yikes! I am not going there again...not even another trial run...that was too weird.


I am glad you are off it...but what do you use instead? I have used Motrin pm and valerian root and they work well for a little while...then stop working.


A y ideas on the more natural side? I am on enough meds right now that I want to be on less...not more...kwim?


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What about melatonin? I take that when I cannot sleep and that stuff knocks me out...and it's natural.


I use USANA brand, which is pharmaceutical grade, and it says one to two caplets (they are very tiny). One was not quite enough, two is the best sleep I could ever imagine! Very deep and very long and I wake up feeling rested, which is a precious rarity... I don't need it all the time, but when I do, I'm glad I have it.


I can't take melatonin. It clashes with my other medication....

I wish I could. I have heard good things about it.

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The first time I took Ambien, I didn't really know how it worked. I took one, waited half an hour, and still couldn't sleep. So I took another one. Still nothing. By this time, it was 1 or 2 in the morning and I was really miserable. I decided there was no point in trying to sleep when I so obviously couldn't, so I got up and got on to the computer...started watching a movie. The next thing I knew, it was morning and I was waking up in bed...I felt so refreshed and relaxed, just amazing. I just couldn't remember watching the movie, or turning it off or going to bed or anything. Then, come to find out....it's Friday morning, not Thursday morning like I thought it should be. It was so weird....not only couldn't I remember going to bed, I couldn't remember the whole previous day.


At that time, I had 3 little ones. I was so totally freaked out and scared of what I had done. I told my husband. He hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary about my behaviour. Neither had anyone else. It was crazy...:001_huh:


I have taken Ambien since. Half a capsule though, not two. I have also since learned patience......;)

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The first time I took Ambien, I didn't really know how it worked. I took one, waited half an hour, and still couldn't sleep. So I took another one. Still nothing. By this time, it was 1 or 2 in the morning and I was really miserable. I decided there was no point in trying to sleep when I so obviously couldn't, so I got up and got on to the computer...started watching a movie. The next thing I knew, it was morning and I was waking up in bed...I felt so refreshed and relaxed, just amazing. I just couldn't remember watching the movie, or turning it off or going to bed or anything. Then, come to find out....it's Friday morning, not Thursday morning like I thought it should be. It was so weird....not only couldn't I remember going to bed, I couldn't remember the whole previous day.


At that time, I had 3 little ones. I was so totally freaked out and scared of what I had done. I told my husband. He hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary about my behaviour. Neither had anyone else. It was crazy...:001_huh:


I have taken Ambien since. Half a capsule though, not two. I have also since learned patience......;)


Wow.....just wow. That would totally freak me out...

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Have you tried magnesium? I stopped having insomnia issues when I started supplementing my magnesium, which was really low. There are also some powdered versions you mix in a drink that are sold specifically for helping people sleep--mag-calm or something like that?


I will try this...thanks


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Yes. I ordered a Hoover Floormate for my birthday off of Amazon one night after I took an Ambien. The next day I bought one at Walmart. A few says later the doorbell rang and my 6 year old yelled, "Mommy, we got another vacuum!!" LOL I had no recollection of buying it.


I also apparently inquired about a child available for adoption under the influence of Ambien. Imagine my shock when I opened that email!


I took 1/2 an Ambien tonight so who knows if I'll be embarrassed I posted this tomorrow. ;)

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The first time I took Ambien, I didn't really know how it worked. I took one, waited half an hour, and still couldn't sleep. So I took another one. Still nothing. By this time, it was 1 or 2 in the morning and I was really miserable. I decided there was no point in trying to sleep when I so obviously couldn't, so I got up and got on to the computer...started watching a movie. The next thing I knew, it was morning and I was waking up in bed...I felt so refreshed and relaxed, just amazing. I just couldn't remember watching the movie, or turning it off or going to bed or anything. Then, come to find out....it's Friday morning, not Thursday morning like I thought it should be. It was so weird....not only couldn't I remember going to bed, I couldn't remember the whole previous day.


At that time, I had 3 little ones. I was so totally freaked out and scared of what I had done. I told my husband. He hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary about my behaviour. Neither had anyone else. It was crazy...:001_huh:


I have taken Ambien since. Half a capsule though, not two. I have also since learned patience......;)

:001_huh: WOW, that is super scary!!!


Have you tried magnesium? I stopped having insomnia issues when I started supplementing my magnesium, which was really low. There are also some powdered versions you mix in a drink that are sold specifically for helping people sleep--mag-calm or something like that?

I was also going to suggest magnesium. The one many people suggest is Natural Calm, they have it for a good price on Amazon.

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