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My sil is in college with the intent of becoming a teacher...

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She was talking about the kids and if I was going to have them keep going to school in the fall.

I told her they are coming back home and we are going to homeschool again.


She then went on to tell me about her professor and how much she drills into her students' heads that homeschooling is probably the very best educational choice a parent can make for their children, and that they as teachers need to support and encourage parents in doing that.


My sil said she is happy the kids are coming back home because they were really thriving with HSing and she has noticed a difference in them and their attitudes since they started school.

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Im not sure! I would love to meet her though. My sil said some kids raised the objection about HS children and socialization and the Prof went off on them..."Dont give me that tired line!" and then lectured them on how children are better socialized people when they aren't in a school. She also hates standardized testing and thinks it is the downfall of education.

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A used to be friend of mine went to school to be a teacher, and the crap that comes out of her mouth is beyond insane.


I also watched her go through 2 student teaching positions (can't think of another word), and change her opinion to match the teacher she was under. It was ridiculous. She was not capable of forming her own opinions, talked about the students in a negative way, called ME for lesson plan ideas, and just whined daily. My son could have died in her care once, so I obviously have strong opinions about her, and we no longer speak.


I'm glad your experience with your sil is different!

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I was a hs student in Elem Ed classes (finally wound up with a MS in Elem Ed), and my profs were very encouraging of hs. Most profs realize that ps is failing, and are in the field to try to improve that situation. They were ALL anti-standardized testing.

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Aren't you relieved to know that your sil is being mentored in a way that she will become your ally rather than someone who might cause you to fret. I *love* that for you and your family and your extended family. Very cool.

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Cleveland State University


I have met a few Profs that have encouraged me to homeschool and have told me they love their HSd students because they are invested in the class and don't need handholding


I went to a local community college and asked 4 of my professors there opinion on homeschooling.


3 said they could always tell a homeschooled student because those students were there to actually learn the material, not just pass the class.

One of those 3 said compared to other 18 year olds-the maturity level tended to be higher.


1 had a differing opinion, not negative just uncomfortable because the CC had so many 14-16 year olds taking classes and he felt college was better experienced as an adult. He did say they were always prepared and interested in learning though.

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