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Exploring Orthodoxy sub-group, meet here!

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So I just stole this from another thread, but hey I need to adapt ;).


Today I went to DL, with the blessing of the waters. (this is all new to me) Afterward there was a small coffee hour. I settled the kids and went to get my coffee, when I turned around all 4 were in conversation with Fr. :scared: So, I hear Fr, explaining about the pool of Bethesada and all of a sudden my ds5 (who we never know what he is going to say) say's, "I sure hope they had swimmies!!!" :blink: Then he proceeds to relay all sorts of info about his siblings. Finally, Fr. Joseph say's, "So, instead of your parents going to confession...I should just ask you if they have been good?!" Ds5, "Yup!" :svengo:

Edited by simka2
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I don't really have anything to contribute, but I MISS you guys!


We went back to our Episc. parish last week and will this week too--Fr. Sava is out of town, so I figured it was a good time for us to be on the off weeks. We will be heading back to the EO for a couple weeks after that. It's hard to do both; I still feel so torn, kinda like Sam at the end of the LOTR...:tongue_smilie: Anyway...



I am seeking help, as prayer and/or practical suggestions: My ds10 is still hating the idea of switching-- any advice for handling that situation?:bigear: Like this wasn't hard already...sigh.:glare::001_smile:

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I'm missing church.


In addition to being sick and the car ride making things worse, DH's new job has him working Fri-Mon. We have one car. I'm sure we'll be buying another car soon-ish, but in the mean time.


I am missing church and living vicariously through you all. :D

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Caitlin, what would happen if you talked with your son about making the change, and said something like you feel it's the direction you feel led to go, that you would hope he'd understand and give it a go, etc. but that if he still wants to attend the Episcopal church you would be willing to try and figure that out for him [assuming it would be a logistical option]. I can't imagine that he would want to continue going there without you, and even if he did you could put a time limit on it, perhaps? I don't know -- I'm must thinking out loud. When we started converting, our oldest was 15 and we DID give him this option (he could walk to that church from the home we lived in at the time). He didn't take us up on it, but we were willing to do that because he had formed relationships there. I do realize, though, that 15 is far different from 10 years old.


[And I like how I don't feel limited by the character limit!!]

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MrsBasil - I was wondering how you were feeling.


Glad Simochka opened this thread. (that name is even fun to write).


PJ - read your blog post today and thought it was good. Kinda went along with the other blog I read that you had posted a link to. Good stuff. Thought the dinner analogy was "right on".


Too many posts to respond to all tonight. Brain is getting foggy, up too late again.

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I don't really have anything to contribute, but I MISS you guys!




I miss you all too! And my dh hasn't gotten any farther in the book in the last week (I'm still not asking him about it, but I check where the bookmark is :tongue_smilie:). So I'd appreciate prayers that he'd be drawn back into it and keep reading. I'm so anxious to be able to discuss this with him.

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The lack of a character limit is very nice!!!!! Patty Joanna, in our last inquirer class, we were discussing the OCA and the various ethnic (not sure if that was the correct term) churches in America as well. It was a very interesting discussion.

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So I just stole this from another thread, but hey I need to adapt ;).


Today I went to DL, with the blessing of the waters. (this is all new to me) Afterward there was a small coffee hour. I settled the kids and went to get my coffee, when I turned around all 4 were in conversation with Fr. :scared: So, I hear Fr, explaining about the pool of Bethesada and all of a sudden my ds5 (who we never know what he is going to say) say's, "I sure hope they had swimmies!!!" :blink: Then he proceeds to relay all sorts of info about his siblings. Finally, Fr. Joseph say's, "So, instead of your parents going to confession...I should just ask you if they have been good?!" Ds5, "Yup!" :svengo:

Oh Simka2,


That is too funny! Thanks for sharing that...and for starting this thread. I miss the forum and reading all the stuff going on there. Hope everyone is doing well...I've got a cold and DH is out at an interview.



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Oh Simka2,


That is too funny! Thanks for sharing that...and for starting this thread. I miss the forum and reading all the stuff going on there. Hope everyone is doing well...I've got a cold and DH is out at an interview.





Yeah! Brianna found us ;).

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Simka - My 7yo climbs up into our priest's lap every week during coffee hour. He's one of those kids that holds nothing back. I am thinking that when it is time for my life confession, I am just going to ask the priest what my ds has told him first. I figure it will save our priest from having to hear it all over again ;)


Really missing the subgroup. I feel so "exposed" here!

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Only suggestion I have is to get her connected somehow to other kids in the parish. That might be Sunday school, or a picnic....sometimes parishes will have a picnic or something...go to that. Many if not most parishes have after-liturgy gathering...coffee hour. This is a very important part of church life--our priest called it the Liturgy after the Liturgy. And it's not about the food.




We take both boys to Sunday School every week. It is the hour before Divine Liturgy, so in order to get all the farm chores done and make it there on time, we actually end up having to get up earlier than we do during the week. It has definitely been worth it though, as the children's catechesis at our parish is wonderful! My dh and I learn something new from the boys nearly every week :D. Sunday School has also provided the boys with an opportunity to meet the other kids their age.


We ALWAYS stay for coffee hour, even if we have a major project going on back at the farm. My boys have both made friends at our parish during coffee hour, and look forward to hanging out with them during this time. (It also provides mom with the opportunity to engage in conversations with actually adults!)

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So I just stole this from another thread, but hey I need to adapt ;).


Today I went to DL, with the blessing of the waters. (this is all new to me) Afterward there was a small coffee hour. I settled the kids and went to get my coffee, when I turned around all 4 were in conversation with Fr. :scared: So, I hear Fr, explaining about the pool of Bethesada and all of a sudden my ds5 (who we never know what he is going to say) say's, "I sure hope they had swimmies!!!" :blink: Then he proceeds to relay all sorts of info about his siblings. Finally, Fr. Joseph say's, "So, instead of your parents going to confession...I should just ask you if they have been good?!" Ds5, "Yup!" :svengo:


:lol: *wonders if your child will be in a podcast one day* :P

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S2 - that looks like a great book that your dh is reading, put it in my wish list. When atheists or agnostics ask me about why I am a Christian they always ask about those "hard sayings"; sometimes I can answer and sometimes I am :001_huh:. I bet that book would help with that.

BTW, your packing advice has helped plenty of times. I keep thinking about the plastic hangers story.


KH - prayed for you and dh today.


BriG - Sorry you are sick. Hope you get over it quick. <<hugs>>


I am missing the group and the privacy too, but also feeling liberated by the "unlimited" word count.


I broke down and bought some books. I didnt want to make the investment unless O was in our future. After talking to Fr. Jeff, my sentiments.... "though none go with me, still I will follow". Plus, I was using the library at the parish, but since we are moving soon thought it better to stop borrowing lest I pack something up inadvertantly.

I bought the OSB, "Becomming Orthodox", and "Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells". Looking forward to delving into them.:)

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Another "Yes!" moment with dh and Orthodoxy. As you know this morning was a rough one. I was mentioning to dh about how much safer I feel in the EO. I said, You know what? I don't get that 'women need to know their place' or are a threat vibe." His response, "You know why right? Mary. She is so honored and valued, that thru her "all women" can be honored and valued...instead of under the curse. You are seen as an incredible asset, not a threat."


Just thought I would share! ;)

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Another "Yes!" moment with dh and Orthodoxy. As you know this morning was a rough one. I was mentioning to dh about how much safer I feel in the EO. I said, You know what? I don't get that 'women need to know their place' or are a threat vibe." His response, "You know why right? Mary. She is so honored and valued, that thru her "all women" can be honored and valued...instead of under the curse. You are seen as an incredible asset, not a threat."


Just thought I would share! ;)


:bigear: to the bolded


:confused: to the underlined, should I check your blog??


NM, I checked your posts; <<hugs>> It is unbelievable how naive some people choose to remain and how some churches are with their hiring. <<hugs>>

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Another "Yes!" moment with dh and Orthodoxy. As you know this morning was a rough one. I was mentioning to dh about how much safer I feel in the EO. I said, You know what? I don't get that 'women need to know their place' or are a threat vibe." His response, "You know why right? Mary. She is so honored and valued, that thru her "all women" can be honored and valued...instead of under the curse. You are seen as an incredible asset, not a threat."


Just thought I would share! ;)


Simka, I love this. I had a similar thought awhile back and it was so lovely to think about. In addition to the Theotokos, I think of all the female saints. There's no "lesser/more important" when it comes to the gender of the saints. Female saints are honored at the same level of reverence and zeal as male saints, with some even being called "Equal to the Apostles."

Edited by milovaný
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Another "Yes!" moment with dh and Orthodoxy. As you know this morning was a rough one. I was mentioning to dh about how much safer I feel in the EO. I said, You know what? I don't get that 'women need to know their place' or are a threat vibe." His response, "You know why right? Mary. She is so honored and valued, that thru her "all women" can be honored and valued...instead of under the curse. You are seen as an incredible asset, not a threat."


Just thought I would share! ;)


Wow. That's beautiful. I hadn't thought of that before. The whole "new Eve" thing is beginning to make sense. Restoration.

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Another "Yes!" moment with dh and Orthodoxy. As you know this morning was a rough one. I was mentioning to dh about how much safer I feel in the EO. I said, You know what? I don't get that 'women need to know their place' or are a threat vibe." His response, "You know why right? Mary. She is so honored and valued, that thru her "all women" can be honored and valued...instead of under the curse. You are seen as an incredible asset, not a threat."


Just thought I would share! ;)


Yes, I agree! Very good point. There is so much respect for Mary, and the myrrh-bearing women, and all the female saints. No differentiation between them and the male saints, which I love. Women are valued, and our priest often tells us that we are the "backbone of the church".

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Oh! Thank you for starting this. I have been missing my daily check in with you all. :D


Last Sunday, I attended my first Orthodox baptism of a little 1 month old boy. It was beautiful! Unfortunately, it was after a full DL and a little 15 min. break, so my kiddos were getting antsy and I was a bit distracted, but I was so happy to be able to share in the new parents' joy that day.


I think it was the first baptism the priest had done, too, which made it even more special. :)

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OH, yeah! Glad to see you all! It is funny how many times this past week I have talked about you all... my friends... and then realized in the middle of it that I had not met any of you yet!


I just returned from a wonderful Clergy/Laity congress that was held at St. Nicholas Ranch in So.Cal. If you ever have an opportunity to visit the Monastery there, do! It was beautiful, and when the sisters sing Liturgy in that gorgeous space one truly feels that heaven is so very close!!!!


Love to you all!!

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You will never believe it- both of my sows had their piglets today! They couldn't have picked a better day. It is beautiful outside. One sow had 11 and the other sow had 10, although one died. They all seem healthy and happy! If anyone is interested I will try to post a picture later

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Yeah, and this does not match where we are AT ALL. :glare: I am trying to figure out how to fit it in!


Same! My olders (17, 15 and 13) are just reaching early American history. And this after I finally got off my butt and started doing history more seriously the last couple of years; so it's hard to think about going back. But I also have four more, ages 11, 9, 5 and 3, and it would be easier to start wherever with them; they listened as we read the above, and have the basic background of what happened prior (enough for me to be satisfied). I'm thinking I'll be finishing up history to the modern times through the summer -- and then focusing on Ages of Grace after that.


Patty Joanna, LOL. You may not know this, but I'm not well-trained mind / classic education oriented you might even call me an unschooler. Almost. Not quite. So it IS pretty boxy to me, hee hee.

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Feeling like my knickers are around my ankles out here. O_0






Ages of Grace looks pretty boxy to me too. What does that mean?? hmmm..... :D


I really like it though, and for 50$ how can you go wrong. A lot of bang for your buck imo.

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I have got the curriculum. I haven't printed it out yet, but I at least have it downloaded :D. My first impression, especially for us converts or inquirers, is that it is worth just for the art study, bible study, and hymn study. Also, the first few weeks of the history study deal with the early church councils.


The art study comes with full page prints of the artwork. Lots of prints!!!! The hymn studies come with sheet music and embedded links to the music. The bible portion is linked to the podcast from Under the Grapevine on Ancient Faith. (You will basically go thru the entire bible in one year)


The weakest (although understandably so) is the copy work. It is verses and empty lines to copy the verses.


I am probably going to add a page to my blog about our progress with it. ;)

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I have got the curriculum. I haven't printed it out yet, but I at least have it downloaded :D. My first impression, especially for us converts or inquirers, is that it is worth just for the art study, bible study, and hymn study. Also, the first few weeks of the history study deal with the early church councils.


The art study comes with full page prints of the artwork. Lots of prints!!!! The hymn studies come with sheet music and embedded links to the music. The bible portion is linked to the podcast from Under the Grapevine on Ancient Faith. (You will basically go thru the entire bible in one year)


The weakest (although understandably so) is the copy work. It is verses and empty lines to copy the verses.


I am probably going to add a page to my blog about our progress with it. ;)



*la la la la* I can't hear you!

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So, if you wanted to print the whole thing out, how many pages would you estimate, Simkalita? And the picture she has of the front cover, spiral bound -- that's not something you purchase, right? You buy the curriculum, then print and bind it yourself (if desired)?

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So, if you wanted to print the whole thing out, how many pages would you estimate, Simkalita? And the picture she has of the front cover, spiral bound -- that's not something you purchase, right? You buy the curriculum, then print and bind it yourself (if desired)?


You get the cover pic. As far as pages I haven't printed so Ia m not really sure. i know that you do not ahve to buy the whole thing. You can buy the sunjects individually. But yes, you would have to bind them or have them bound.

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Hi all!

Simochka, that was a great quote from DH about women in church!


Happygrl, my DH was at the same conference as you! I have been to St Nicholas Ranch many times.


Also-- I looked at Ages of Grace and it looks so nice!


I am still wondering if PS+afterschooling is in our future for next year... many reasons... trying not to obsess over this question:tongue_smilie: while I sensibly pray and also make many lists of pros & cons;)

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