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Another UTI has exploded on the scene. I'm having terrible bladder spasms, etc. I've already started taking medicine. ****, ****, ****, ****, ****!:banghead:


Just when I start to take one step forward, I go sliding back two steps or more. I just met last night with a wonderful personal trainer. We outlined an exercise schedule for me - including stuff like water aerobics. And now this. I can't go in the water until this is over. With the pain and frequency that I'm running to the bathroom, I doubt I could do a dry kind of exercise either.

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I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do or say that would help you. What does your doctor say? Do you need surgery or special medicine?


I will pray that you recover and heal from all this soon. :grouphug:


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I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do or say that would help you. What does your doctor say? Do you need surgery or special medicine?


I will pray that you recover and heal from all this soon. :grouphug:



I just have a super weak immune system. Normal doctors do not know what to do about it. If it's not my bladder, it would be pericarditis or a sinus infection that goes out of control or. . . something. I'm exercising more lately - nothing strenuous. I managed 15 min. on an exercise bike last night and 15 min. on the elliptical. Then we called it quits. But even good cautious exercise stresses my immune system and so now this.


I'm flying across the country to see a specialist MD/naturopath in St. Louis next month. He specializes in people like me who have chronic illness and immune problems who have stumped other doctors. I hope he can help. (He did help me quite a bit last year when I went out but obviously I'm still pretty fragile.)

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Jean, I had excruciating UTI's at least annually since the age of 5. After marrying they became much more frequent. The pain at times was unbearable. I'd get those lovely pills to numb my bladder and made me pee deep orange.


I finally started to drink UNSWEETENED cranberry juice daily for many years. I've also read apple cider vinegar is helpful. I've been in my house 15 years now and have had one UTI and the other I believe was a kidney stone/infection. The only thing that saved me was the unsweetened cranberry juice. It needs to be diluted and if you like soda, dilute it with berry seltzer. It's quite yummy!!!


For the past many years now I only have the cranberry when I want it, but I keep it on hand at ALL times. EVERYONE knows not to touch it because with my luck I'll end up with a UTI on the weekend and need to go to the ER. At the FIRST sign of feeling a slight sensation of ANYTHING I start to douse myself with cranberry juice. It truly does work!

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Jean, are you on a good and heavy dose of immune stimulating supplements? Not just for a few days but, in your case, perhaps for years? They won't hurt you (I've been on one for 3yrs now)and may build up your system. It won't be overnight but eventually you should feel better.

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Jean, I had excruciating UTI's at least annually since the age of 5. After marrying they became much more frequent. The pain at times was unbearable. I'd get those lovely pills to numb my bladder and made me pee deep orange.


I finally started to drink UNSWEETENED cranberry juice daily for many years. I've also read apple cider vinegar is helpful. I've been in my house 15 years now and have had one UTI and the other I believe was a kidney stone/infection. The only thing that saved me was the unsweetened cranberry juice. It needs to be diluted and if you like soda, dilute it with berry seltzer. It's quite yummy!!!


For the past many years now I only have the cranberry when I want it, but I keep it on hand at ALL times. EVERYONE knows not to touch it because with my luck I'll end up with a UTI on the weekend and need to go to the ER. At the FIRST sign of feeling a slight sensation of ANYTHING I start to douse myself with cranberry juice. It truly does work!


Denise, I have Cystex which is a very concentrated unsweetened cranberry. I was taking it every day and then went down to once a week but recently started to forget to take it. Sigh. I'm taking it again! (Plus some other stuff.) I am going to run and get the Uristat (which I think is what the orange stuff is called).

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Jean, are you on a good and heavy dose of immune stimulating supplements? Not just for a few days but, in your case, perhaps for years? They won't hurt you (I've been on one for 3yrs now)and may build up your system. It won't be overnight but eventually you should feel better.


Can you give me recommendations? I do take high doses of vitamin D and a slew of other supplements but nothing specifically immune stimulating.

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oh no... I am so sorry you are going through this! Have you heard of UT Vibrance? It's pricey, but it helped me when I had a UTI after our 2nd was born.


Do you take probiotics? A healthy gut is start to a healthy immune system.

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oh no... I am so sorry you are going through this! Have you heard of UT Vibrance? It's pricey, but it helped me when I had a UTI after our 2nd was born.


Do you take probiotics? A healthy gut is start to a healthy immune system.


I haven't heard of that name but I looked it up and the ingredients look like they're the same as another product I'm taking.


I take high doses of probiotics.

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:grouphug: Oh my word...I feel so bad for you! Why oh why do good people have to go through such stinky bad luck. I am going to pray that the dr. in St.Louis will have some answers for you and that you can remain strong in spirit despite all of your setbacks.:grouphug:

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Denise, I have Cystex which is a very concentrated unsweetened cranberry. I was taking it every day and then went down to once a week but recently started to forget to take it. Sigh. I'm taking it again! (Plus some other stuff.) I am going to run and get the Uristat (which I think is what the orange stuff is called).


One other thing........ I'm SO on RESEARCH BURNOUT so I can't tell you much, but Ayurveda medicine is focused on treating the body/immune system AS A WHOLE instead of treating/focusing on individual syndromes/diseases/issues. I started to research this when the Candida diet started to make me sick. I agree with the overall philosophy that the approach needs to treat the body as a whole to strengthen the immune system. I haven't gone further than that. I'm just so confused and burnt out on research!!!


All that to say, have you considered focusing on the immune system as a whole to treat ALL the symptoms (fibro, respiratory, UTI, etc.?) instead of tackling the individual issues? At least something to consider!

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Jean, I had excruciating UTI's at least annually since the age of 5. After marrying they became much more frequent. The pain at times was unbearable. I'd get those lovely pills to numb my bladder and made me pee deep orange.


I finally started to drink UNSWEETENED cranberry juice daily for many years. I've also read apple cider vinegar is helpful. I've been in my house 15 years now and have had one UTI and the other I believe was a kidney stone/infection. The only thing that saved me was the unsweetened cranberry juice. It needs to be diluted and if you like soda, dilute it with berry seltzer. It's quite yummy!!!


For the past many years now I only have the cranberry when I want it, but I keep it on hand at ALL times. EVERYONE knows not to touch it because with my luck I'll end up with a UTI on the weekend and need to go to the ER. At the FIRST sign of feeling a slight sensation of ANYTHING I start to douse myself with cranberry juice. It truly does work!



Yep, it does the trick...unsweetened cranberry is my HERO.



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:grouphug: Really doesn't sound pleasant, Jean.. I'm sorry for you.


When I had sarcoidosis, which is an auto-immune disease, my naturopath put me on three supplements - Vitamin D3, Celadrin, and MSM (Methyl-Sulphonyl-Methane). Although Celadrin and MSM primarily support the joints, they do also play a small part in immune health. Vitamin D3 is obviously a given - specifically D3, not just D.


I'm pretty much over the sarcoid, but now we've established that I have CFS, I am working with my naturopath to give me the best chance of good sleep and good health. I'm apt to get thr*sh down below, so I take this winter probiotic. You probably know already that there are different kinds of probiotic - the one I take is particularly suited to what I need. I expect you could explore this with the naturopath you plan to see. There are a few other probiotic pearls available on that website, and also a lot of information like this pdf if you have a little search.


My naturopath hasn't yet given me the all clear to take Echinacea yet, as it's an immune stimulant and sarcoid is basically over-active auto-immune, but it's something I give my dc regularly through the winter. They are noticeably healthier when they take it (catch less bugs) so for me that's definitely worth it.

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Have you ever tried D Mannose powder?



I always get UTIs when I'm pregnant. Really bad ones-like needing shots to cure them because 2 rounds of antibx won't cure them. With my 3rd child the midwife suggested D mannose. I took a tsp 3x a day for just a few days and it worked. I was surprised to say the least. I thought maybe it was just luck though this time around.


With #4 I had a different midwife but she suggested the same thing and I started taking it at the first sign and I never got a UTI!


I have suggested this to my mom and a friend and they have been shocked at the great results.


You can get it at health food stores.


Might be worth a try :)


ETA: Hope it's not a stone-yikes!

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Okaaaaaay. . . the quick UTI test came back negative. . . Dh (a nephrology nurse) wonders if I'm passing a stone. (No one else has a clue.)


do you have any pains? Specifically pains starting on the sides and travelling to the groin? Do you have any back pain? When I had stones there was blood in my urine (which I've had with UTI's) , chills coming and going, radiating pains ending in the groin.


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Another UTI has exploded on the scene. I'm having terrible bladder spasms, etc. I've already started taking medicine. ****, ****, ****, ****, ****!:banghead:


Just when I start to take one step forward, I go sliding back two steps or more. I just met last night with a wonderful personal trainer. We outlined an exercise schedule for me - including stuff like water aerobics. And now this. I can't go in the water until this is over. With the pain and frequency that I'm running to the bathroom, I doubt I could do a dry kind of exercise either.

Jean, do you take a good probiotic on a daily basis. It helps me a lot.

:grouphug: It is so miserable to be constantly fighting this.

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do you have any pains? Specifically pains starting on the sides and travelling to the groin? Do you have any back pain? When I had stones there was blood in my urine (which I've had with UTI's) , chills coming and going, radiating pains ending in the groin.



I have blood in my urine. I have these spasms that double me over and make me tear up (but other than that, they oddly aren't too painful for me). It's almost more of a nerve pain that shoots all the way up to my shoulders! Dh just nods and says "Yea, you would get the atypical symptoms. . .":D

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I have blood in my urine. I have these spasms that double me over and make me tear up (but other than that, they oddly aren't too painful for me). It's almost more of a nerve pain that shoots all the way up to my shoulders! Dh just nods and says "Yea, you would get the atypical symptoms. . .":D




I would be suspect of stones. I did research after my stones and suspected vitamin D. OR was it calcium?


Research burnout. Sorry.

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:grouphug: Have you tried Cranberry? I mean 100% juice, but you can also get cranberry "pills" from health food stores. A friend who suffered something wicked found that the cranberry deal REALLY worked. Same person also gave up sugar 100% and between those two things never had another problem.

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Thanks, everyone. I'm drinking lots, taking probiotics, lots of unsweetened cranberry with D-Mannose and some other herbs etc., plus stuff to calm bladder spasms.


Dh suspects a stone.


I'm starting to suspect yeast because I did some research and yeast can cause bladder spasms too and I know that yeast is a problem. Rather ironically, yeast is one of the main things I'm going to talk to the Dr. in St. Louis about.


I don't know which one of us is right. Or if I want either one of us to be right. Actually I just want it all to go away.


In the meantime, the stuff to calm the bladder seems to helping somewhat - I'm now only having them every hour instead of every 5 minutes. It the pain gets worse or just doesn't go away then I'll pursue it further with a doctor. But right now I've basically been told to take what I'm taking and "wait and see".

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