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What's the going rate for a tooth these days?

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The tooth fairy will be visiting our house for the first time very soon, and I'm wondering--what's the going rate for a tooth these days?





Whatever's handy? (I'm not a good tooth fairy.) Fairy dust (glitter) makes any amount exciting for the littlest tooth-shedders, though.

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Mine know, but they get a quarter for a regular tooth, and a dollar for a molar.

I have heard of some people who give coins from other countries.


Also, do you know what the TF does with the teeth?

She makes the cradles for the baby fairies.

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Also, do you know what the TF does with the teeth? She makes the cradles for the baby fairies.




What do you actually do with the teeth? My mom used to keep ours in a little glass baby aspirin bottle in her dresser drawer. Should I keep them or throw them away?

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I give my kids $2 for the first tooth and $1 for the rest. My son's best friend (10) gets $20 per tooth. I told my son that tooth fairies were like mailmen and had different routes when he asked why he only got $1!! We had this discussion at my dd(5)'s cheerleading practice a few weeks ago. I was shocked at how many people give their kids $5-10 a tooth. Sheesh, with 3 kids I'd be broke!


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We always gave little gifts instead of money. I've got girls, so it might be a lipsmacker tube or a little bottle of nail polish or a fancy bookmark from Barnes & Noble or a strip of stickers. Only 1 item per tooth though.


Money doesn't mean too much to our kiddos (not sure if that's bad or good), so the trinkets were always a hit.

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Our tooth fairy leaves books or coloring books, etc. instead of money....unless of course she has not had time to purchase a book...then she leaves some money. And all kids, regardless of tooth status, receive a "gift" from the tooth fairy. The legitimate tooth loser gets a new book, the others get whatever the tooth fairy can find in their room to slide under their pillow in the dark.:D So everyone roots (no pun intended) for the loose tooth to be loosed!

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It may be gross to some, but I keep some of the teeth in my jewelry box. Dd always asks if the tooth fairy can leave her tooth.


I couldn't tell you whose they were, but they are all there!!


Ds(12) is now losing his back teeth. We were out one day and he pulled one out. He handed it to me, so I could put it up. I put it in my purse and forgot about it. I went looking for a pen and found the tooth!!! That might gross some out!!:lol:

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In general it's whatever I can scrounge up in the middle of the night when I remember that there's a tooth under a pillow! I never have cash around. I can honestly say that I've never had to "borrow" from one of the children, although I do borrow money from them all the time in the daytime! It's ususally 50 cents or $1.


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I bought some Ty beanie baby animals several years ago, and I will leave one of those, sometimes. However, more often than not, I forget to leave anything.


My kids have become very used to this and aren't nearly as upset about it as I think they should be. LOL

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It was $5 for the first tooth here. My dh caved as I was preparing to put 2 gold coins under the pillow. So, $5 for the first and $1 for the subsequent teeth. We've done 4 quarters, 1 dollar bills, gold coins... she's been pleased each time. Another special thing the tooth fairy leaves is a little note. I found these from the Silver Penny (online). Tooth_Fairy_Messages-Large.JPG

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We did $5 for the first tooth...and then a $1 for each subsequent. Except for one daughter that lost her tooth at Disney World...and was informed by a helpful "castmate" that Tinkerbell leaves $10 if you lose them at the World. When in Rome... :-)

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We did $5 for the first tooth...and then a $1 for each subsequent. Except for one daughter that lost her tooth at Disney World...and was informed by a helpful "castmate" that Tinkerbell leaves $10 if you lose them at the World. When in Rome... :-)



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We did $5 for the first tooth...and then a $1 for each subsequent. Except for one daughter that lost her tooth at Disney World...and was informed by a helpful "castmate" that Tinkerbell leaves $10 if you lose them at the World. When in Rome... :-)


When my dd lost one of her teeth at DW, we didn't run into Tinkerbell. I can't say that makes me incredibly sad. I guess everything is worth more at DW. :tongue_smilie:

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