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Star Trek fans, I need your help!

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I've never seen Star Trek (Star Wars either).


The original series is only on disk on Netflix.


Where exactly does the 2009 film come from? Is it a continuation of the original series or is it the original series in movie form?


Would I be lost to watch the 2009 film or should I search online for the original series first? What about all the other variations, Star Trek: Nemesis, Generation, Next Generation, etc.


Color me stupid but I'm so lost :001_huh:



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You'll be less confused, because then you won't be asking yourself "I thought he was dead...."


Just kidding.


I don't keep up with Star Trek but I watch the movies sometimes with my husband and they're entertaining without any additional context.

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The 2009 movie is an alternate universe version of the original series. Knowing the old one would be helpful, desirable, and WAY more fun, but not necessary. I LOVE, LOVE the newer movie!:D


Alternate universe?? I'm already confused. So, it's kind of like a "this is what could have happened instead"?


Oh geez, I can already tell I'm not cut out for this :lol:


You'll be less confused, because then you won't be asking yourself "I thought he was dead...."


Just kidding.


I don't keep up with Star Trek but I watch the movies sometimes with my husband and they're entertaining without any additional context.


Thanks, good to know :001_smile:

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The 2009 movie is an alternate universe version of the original series. Knowing the old one would be helpful, desirable, and WAY more fun, but not necessary. I LOVE, LOVE the newer movie!:D





I'm not a huge Trekkie (but dh & dd are), but I'm pretty familiar w/ a lot of the plots & such since I live w/ Trekkies. I enjoy Star Trek, but don't live & breathe for it. ;)


However, I *loved* the 2009 movie. I loved it so much that ds got it for me on dvd as a present. :D

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Lol I cant keep it all in my head- so maybe that doesn't make me a true Trekkie- but that movie was great- the kids were just watching it here the other night.


I am not so keen on the original series any more- its a bit too old fashioned now for me. But Next Generation is fantastic.


I can never remember if Deep Space Nine or Babylon 5 are trekkie series but I always lump them together. Love them too.


I never liked the most recent Star Trek series- I found the earlier series all had very clean values. The most recent one seemed more modern and compromised on the values it expressed.

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The newest movie was a reboot. They used the original characters (like Spock, and Kirk) but with new actors. In the movie you saw the characters from before they first met, so that would make it like a prequel, except that they changed the timeline. So in this version Kirk's father was killed, Spock's home planet is destroyed, everything is different. This is allowing them to redo the series with new people, and it allows the characters to be slightly different than they were in the original series. kwim?



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The original series is only on disk on Netflix.


Not for long:


Star Trek - All Of Them - Coming To Netflix July 1


Netflix announced it would begin offering every television episode ever made in the Star Trek franchise on its streaming service, part of the company's push to remain the dominant entertainment provider.
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I am a Trekkie and loved the new movie. Beyond loved it and we often turn it on when we want something easy in the background after the kids go to bed.


I can't wait for the next one (I am assuming there will be). I remember watching the original series with my dad. And while I don't really care for William Shatner as a person (I loved he was snubbed in the new movie), I still love the series.


My new love is Doctor Who. Also on Netflix ;)

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I am a Trekkie and loved the new movie. Beyond loved it and we often turn it on when we want something easy in the background after the kids go to bed.


I can't wait for the next one (I am assuming there will be). I remember watching the original series with my dad. And while I don't really care for William Shatner as a person (I loved he was snubbed in the new movie), I still love the series.


My new love is Doctor Who. Also on Netflix ;)


Alright, now that you brought it up, I'm going to need you to explain Doctor Who. I don't understand the concept.



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I'm not a huge Trekkie (but dh & dd are), but I'm pretty familiar w/ a lot of the plots & such since I live w/ Trekkies. I enjoy Star Trek, but don't live & breathe for it. ;)


However, I *loved* the 2009 movie. I loved it so much that ds got it for me on dvd as a present. :D


And I would venture to guess that the reason you loved the movie is because you're not a Trekkie.


I'm not a true Trekkie, either, but I couldn't bring myself to even see the movie. The reviewers and folks involved in the movie kept telling me it was nothing like any of the TV series ("not your father's Star Trek"). So, I wondered why bother? Why not just make up their own thing, instead of taking something so many people love and changing it beyond recognition?


Anyway, from what I understand, if you wanted to watch the movie without knowing anything about the ST canon, you'd be just fine.

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The newest movie was a reboot. They used the original characters (like Spock, and Kirk) but with new actors. In the movie you saw the characters from before they first met, so that would make it like a prequel, except that they changed the timeline. So in this version Kirk's father was killed, Spock's home planet is destroyed, everything is different. This is allowing them to redo the series with new people, and it allows the characters to be slightly different than they were in the original series. kwim?




Basically, it's ST from the beginning with a whole new take, storyline, etc...just the same beloved characters. There's pros and cons to this (pros in that it's easier for them to keep writing...cons if you are Trekkie purist). I guess they would have to have knocked off Spock's planet as no one could ever replace his parents in a new series.

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Well, and there you go. I was wrong again.


LOL That is ok. I try and not think about the changes. But honestly, the acting was so well done that you couldn't help but believe these were the original characters before we knew them on Star Trek the original series.


And the other ST movies were getting horrendous they needed to reboot it per se. And boy did they reboot it!



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Alright, now that you brought it up, I'm going to need you to explain Doctor Who. I don't understand the concept.




Basically - you have a Time Lord that travels the universe in a blue box that is bigger on the inside than the outside. It also travels through time. He likes to 'collect' human girls as companions (tho currently he has a married couple as companions). He tends to be very attached to the human race (Time Lords don't look human - humans look Time Lord) and often saves it from other alien species (and sometimes from itself). He is the only Time Lord left (sort of). He has a special ability to regenerate when his body starts to die. Helps the people doing the show keep it going when an actor doesn't want to.


Pretty much the gist. There is the old Doctor Who episodes and the new Doctor Who episodes (started up again in 2005). It is a British show also. If you want to start watching it, you can start with the new Doctor Who series 1 (which will star Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor - the 10th Doctor is David Tennant and he is yummy - tho so is Christopher Eccleston). Be prepared for some of it to be a bit corny. That is what I love about it at times ;)



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Basically - you have a Time Lord that travels the universe in a blue box that is bigger on the inside than the outside. It also travels through time. He likes to 'collect' human girls as companions (tho currently he has a married couple as companions). He tends to be very attached to the human race (Time Lords don't look human - humans look Time Lord) and often saves it from other alien species (and sometimes from itself). He is the only Time Lord left (sort of). He has a special ability to regenerate when his body starts to die. Helps the people doing the show keep it going when an actor doesn't want to.


Pretty much the gist. There is the old Doctor Who episodes and the new Doctor Who episodes (started up again in 2005). It is a British show also. If you want to start watching it, you can start with the new Doctor Who series 1 (which will star Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor - the 10th Doctor is David Tennant and he is yummy - tho so is Christopher Eccleston). Be prepared for some of it to be a bit corny. That is what I love about it at times ;)



Oh, the blue box looks like an old English phone booth ;)

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But then, I only tolerated the old Dr. Who when I was a kid (stepdad was a fan) so that I could watch Red Dwarf.
I've had the Rimmer song struck in my had all week. :D
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You might enjoy the 2009 film better if you DON'T know Star Trek


It was a good romp, in the theaters... But I kept thinking But <character> would NEVER act like that/do that. And in the end decided that I don't care if they continue in this alternate universe. The characters are not the same characters, they just happen to have the same names and some incidental facial features.

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And I would venture to guess that the reason you loved the movie is because you're not a Trekkie.


;) Well, perhaps.... At least the movie wasn't quite as cheesy as the original series. :D


But, my dh (the Trekkie) loved the movie too. I actually heard quite a few Trekkies say they enjoyed the movie.


I think it helps to at least be familiar w/ the original series in order to appreciate the 2009 movie. It's kind of fun to see the interpretations of characters, esp. if you know how they acted on the tv series. Imo....

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So if I started watching series 1 of the new Doctor Who I wouldn't be lost even though it starts with the 9th doctor?


If I'm understanding correctly, when he regenerates himself, he looks different but it is ultimately the same guy?



Yes - it starts with a new companion (Rose) and The Doctor explains everything to her so you can get an idea of what is going on. They don't carry over too many story lines from the original series (since it ended in 1989), but the ones they do are explained well.


And yes, you've got it. The 9th Doctor looks different, but is still (essentially) the same guy with different mannerisms/personality traits.

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And I would venture to guess that the reason you loved the movie is because you're not a Trekkie.


I'm not a true Trekkie, either, but I couldn't bring myself to even see the movie. The reviewers and folks involved in the movie kept telling me it was nothing like any of the TV series ("not your father's Star Trek"). So, I wondered why bother? Why not just make up their own thing, instead of taking something so many people love and changing it beyond recognition?


Anyway, from what I understand, if you wanted to watch the movie without knowing anything about the ST canon, you'd be just fine.


We got so much enjoyment out of the characters. They did an excellent job with the casting. We also enjoyed things that non-Trekkies would miss. (the mission with the guy dressed in red made us crack up)


They did make an alternate reality, but we think they stayed true to the original series. I can't wait for the next film in the series.

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(the mission with the guy dressed in red made us crack up)



I saw the red shirt and instantly went - DUDE! YOU ARE SO DEAD! And of course, J.J. Abrams didn't disappoint.


I also loved the ending when the old Spock commented about his customary farewell seeming oddly self-serving.


I just love that movie. Oh and the music is one of the best parts! The composer did an excellent job!



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;) Well, perhaps.... At least the movie wasn't quite as cheesy as the original series. :D


But, my dh (the Trekkie) loved the movie too. I actually heard quite a few Trekkies say they enjoyed the movie.


I think it helps to at least be familiar w/ the original series in order to appreciate the 2009 movie. It's kind of fun to see the interpretations of characters, esp. if you know how they acted on the tv series. Imo....


I am definitely a Trekkie--loved the original series and watched it as often as my parents would let me when it was brand new in the 1960s and every day after school when it was in reruns in the 1970s--and I also enjoyed the 2009 movie. (I actually enjoyed it far, far more than Star Trek IV (1986).


I agree that it would be helpful to be familiar with the original series, but it wouldn't be essential to enjoying the updated version of the movie.

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I (I actually enjoyed it far, far more than Star Trek IV (1986).


Ack! Don't say that ;)


I absolutely loved Star Trek IV! Sure, the plot was a bit bad (and a bit preachy) but I so enjoyed seeing a 'lighter side' to some of the characters. It was no Wrath of Khan for sure, but I enjoyed it very much.


Granted, if I had a choice right now, I would probably turn on the new Star Trek movie. Wait, I think I will do that tonight ;)



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I showed my mom my favorite scenes from the movie (Spock beating up Kirk, Kirk being stranded on that ice planet with future Spock, Scotty, and the end when they destroy Nero's ship) and my mom kept commenting on how things were supposed to be, lol.


I told her about the shows coming out on Netflix and she's excited about The Next Generation :001_smile:

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For those interested:


Here's the Star Trek TV series line up:


Star Trek (original series)

Star Trek (animated; tried to continue the mission)

Star Trek: The next Generation (100 years later; same time period as DSP & Voyager)

Deep Space Nine (100 years later; along with TNG & Voyager)

Voyager (100 years later; along with TNG & DSP)

Enterprise (prequel to Star Trek; the beginning of the space program)


I am a reformed Trekkie - which means I have a bunch of geeky Star Trek stuff packed away in a box.

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(I actually enjoyed it far, far more than Star Trek IV (1986).


Wow. That one is actually my favorite of the films.


I think I'm just too old school for contemporary movies. All those explosions and quick cuts just don't hold my interest.


It's sad, because I used to be a serious movie buff. My husband and I frequently saw two or three (or four) films in the theatre every weekend. Nowadays, I rarely even go. And I could count on the fingers of one hand the films I've seen made in the last 10 years or so that I actually liked. (And most of them were box office flops.)


Ah well, I'll just sit over here in my corner and be wrong (again).

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It's sad, because I used to be a serious movie buff. My husband and I frequently saw two or three (or four) films in the theatre every weekend. Nowadays, I rarely even go. And I could count on the fingers of one hand the films I've seen made in the last 10 years or so that I actually liked. (And most of them were box office flops.)


Out of curiosity, what are the movies you've seen & loved in the past few years? :001_smile:

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I showed my mom my favorite scenes from the movie (Spock beating up Kirk, Kirk being stranded on that ice planet with future Spock, Scotty, and the end when they destroy Nero's ship) and my mom kept commenting on how things were supposed to be, lol.


I told her about the shows coming out on Netflix and she's excited about The Next Generation :001_smile:


Oh, now I LOVE TNG!!! We DVR it, and watch several episdoes a week. It's way, way better than the original, IMO--and I loved the original back in the day. There's much more character development in TNG, and of course, cooler technology, since it's 20+ years newer. I wish it were possible to make more episodes of TNG with the same characters, the way they were 20 years ago when TNG was in production.

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Out of curiosity, what are the movies you've seen & loved in the past few years? :001_smile:


I really liked Stranger Than Fiction. I loved the Al Pacino version of The Merchant of Venice. I liked but didn't love the new Jane Eyre.


A silly one that I really loved, Easy A.


That's all I can think of at the moment.

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