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how can I lose a "little bit" of weight/tone up flabbiness?

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I am thin "enough" (5'8" 132lb). But I would like to lose 7 or 8 lbs and I just can't do it. Mainly, it's just the flabby thighs that are really bugging me.

I've been on a very strict low carb diet for over 2 months now and I'm not seeing any change.

I do exercise every other day, but its not making much difference that I can see.


My diet is extremely healthy. It's not like I can cut out soda or chips or something. :glare: My only splurges/non low carb things are 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee and honey for a sweetener in some almond cookies or something. (occasionally). So I feel frustrated. If there was an obvious change to make, I would make it.


So, anyone have a plan that has actually worked? Lost a little weight and/or firmed up "those" areas significantly? I'm 37 and I'm not willing to just go down this road without a fight :D



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Maybe low carb isn't your thing? It's not for everyone - but also weight does tend to redistribute as you get older.


What sort of exercise are you doing- I find that yoga, walking and some simple weights work at home, tones me up. But, I am never going to be petite- are you working against your own natural bodytype and trying to be something you are never going to be? Or is it just a recent thing that you have flabby thighs and you used to have slim legs?

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I weigh more than you, but when I was on a very strict low carb diet and did not lose after 2 months, that's when my doctor did extensive thyroid testing (more than the initial blood panel).


Are you exercising? I walk 5 miles 5 days a week (very early in the am). I add in squats, lunges, core work, etc when I'm being really diligent. Lately, a change in routine has be down to just getting the walking in. I am losing weight slowly. My legs have muscle definition (I don't know if it's the walking or that I've always had a good amount of muscle because I was somewhat athletic as a child).


Anyway, consider a thyroid check and up your exercise.

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This is more recent thing (the weight, anyway). I've always been 125lb. I never been athletic at all - so I have no muscle tone. But being skinny it's never bothered me. But now it's bothering me. Getting bigger down below. I don't like it!

I will check out the links.

Thanks for any more ideas!

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ok - I should have stated right off - I will NEVER run. :D I hate it. I would do almost any other kind of workout before running. So is there something else that gets the same results?

I'm willing to work hard, but I need results. And I won't run. just in case I didn't say it loud enough :)



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P90X is great if you're looking for something all in one and to help keep you motivated. If not, look into doing plyometrics, squats, lunges with weights/bands. You could probably easily put together your own routine by doing a search online on any of the above if you don't want to spend the money on P90X or don't know anyone who has it. Also, low carb diets are not always best, but a well rounded diet. You still need certain carbs in order for your body to function properly and to not hold onto fat and for muscle to grow. HTH! :)

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I run, and that has worked for me. I'm 5'9" and 2 yrs ago I was 152, now I'm 123.


If you don't like running there are lots of options, like PX90, Insanity (which looks fun, my kids are doing this as dryland for swimming), kettlebells (I do kettlebell and yoga to supplement my running), Pilates, the list goes on. Find something that you know you will stick to and do it. Make yourself do it. And don't give up. I was running for a year before I lost a single pound, then within a short time I dropped 20, then eventually 10 more. It takes time and commitment.

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I was in the same boat! I started running (stick with me here!) and LOVED it! BUT, I didn't lose inches or weight. (And, I was up to a marathon in distance - so I was pushing myself)


I finally started losing inches only after I started Insanity. My body seems to need the really, really hard cardio workout to respond. (And, by hard cardio, I'm talking, hard to stand up and catch my breath at the end!!!) I'm currently in my second round and I'm loving how firmed up I am!!!


Oh - and I don't restrict what I eat. I eat a VERY healthy, 90% or so organic diet. VERY low sugar and junk food. If I'm hungry, I EAT!

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Pilates and Cardio Kick Boxing work for me. Once or twice a week I go to a mixed martial arts gym for the kick boxing. I pay $5 a class, and it is a class with all women. It is really fun! Then once or twice a week I do pilates videos here at home. Pilates is very helpful in the toning department, but I find I really need the combo of cardio and strengthening to make any lasting difference.

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I am thin "enough" (5'8" 132lb). But I would like to lose 7 or 8 lbs and I just can't do it. Mainly, it's just the flabby thighs that are really bugging me.

I've been on a very strict low carb diet for over 2 months now and I'm not seeing any change.

I do exercise every other day, but its not making much difference that I can see.


My diet is extremely healthy. It's not like I can cut out soda or chips or something. :glare: My only splurges/non low carb things are 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee and honey for a sweetener in some almond cookies or something. (occasionally). So I feel frustrated. If there was an obvious change to make, I would make it.


So, anyone have a plan that has actually worked? Lost a little weight and/or firmed up "those" areas significantly? I'm 37 and I'm not willing to just go down this road without a fight :D




I can't help you with the exercise but on the losing weight bit I say don't worry about low carb/low fat...worry about calories. And count them religiously. You can go to www.caloriecount.com and they can tell you how many calories you should eat and how long it should take to reach your goal. And, of course, they help you log your calories. It's free. Counting calories isn't fun but it's short term.

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ok - I should have stated right off - I will NEVER run. :D I hate it. I would do almost any other kind of workout before running. So is there something else that gets the same results?

I'm willing to work hard, but I need results. And I won't run. just in case I didn't say it loud enough :)



The good news is you don't have to run. :D Find an exercise you actually like and that will be the easiest way to burn the calories (cuz you won't mind doing it) I can't STAND running, but loved kick-box aerobics.


I was in the same boat a few years back (wanting to lose those few extra pounds and get toned) and I did 'speed walking' on the treadmill instead. I have bad knees anyway, and running just makes them hurt.


Also lifting weights (low weight but high reps) gets you toned...

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Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training.


I was kind of like you - had, what I call, "skinny flab." I didn't really need to lose any weight, but I wanted to be more toned. I started with the 30 Day Shred, but I didn't see a lot of results (except in my arms) with that. BUT, it did get me jump-started with exercising, as I had the mindset that I could do anything for 30 Days.


I, too, will NOT run. I do not. like. cardio. at all.


Overall, I am pleased with the improvement in my body. I've been exercising for almost two years now. I started out with three days per week, but usually do six days per week now. Everything looks better, but, honestly, some of it looks better than others. I think we all have our "spots," and gravity is the enemy!!! I am 5' 4 1/2" and weigh around 112, but I STILL have cellulite on my thighs. As in, all the time, not just when I squish up my flesh. :tongue_smilie: Really more on the front than the back. It is VERY frustrating, but I think it is just genetic. Ladies on here have told me that aerobic exercise would help with the cellulite, but I just do not like aerobic exercise!


Anyway, the videos were only $10 each. You need a mat and two hand weights. I started with 3 lbs, but now I use 5 lbs. It is an expensive investment to try it.

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thanks so much, everyone, for the suggestions! I really appreciate and will check them all out. I just need to pick something that really works and stick with it, I'm sure!

I have thought about counting calories, but I hate the idea. However, maybe I should just buckle down and do it.



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