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I see the need to be thankful today

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I am having a "what more can go wrong" sort of day. I see a need to be thankful otherwise I'm going to spiral down into a day of frustration, self pity, and will end up kicking the cat.


1. I'm thankful that we have a washer and dryer and that I do not have to wash our clothes by hand.


2. I'm thankful that my husband has a job.


3. I'm thankful that we have indoor plumbing.


4. I'm thankful that we have fuzzy friends to hug and cuddle.


5. I'm thankful that we have nutritious warm food for our tummies.


6. I'm thankful that I have a computer with internet.


7. I'm thankful that God loves me.


8. I'm thankful that we have a dishwasher and that I don't have to do the dishes by hand.


9. I'm thankful that we live close to the store.


10. I'm thankful that I can make some hot soothing tea. Darjeeling, anyone?

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I am having a "what more can go wrong" sort of day. I see a need to be thankful otherwise I'm going to spiral down into a day of frustration, self pity, and will end up kicking the cat.


1. I'm thankful that we have a washer and dryer and that I do not have to wash our clothes by hand. Yes, be thankful. My W/D have been in storage hundreds of miles away since November. My boys just left today to retrieve most things from storage. I've either been hand washing or going to my parents (30 minutes away) since then. Our clothing habits have been "interesting" to say the least.


2. I'm thankful that my husband has a job. Yes, that helps. My dh has been under/unemployed since last May. I am thankful for the many family members that have hired him to do work that they probably didn't really need done.


3. I'm thankful that we have indoor plumbing. Yes, me too.


4. I'm thankful that we have fuzzy friends to hug and cuddle. Yes, my dog is my shadow, most loyal pet I've ever owned. My cat, love him, but he has some health issues that are a pain.


5. I'm thankful that we have nutritious warm food for our tummies. Yes, I have a pantry and freezer full of food.


6. I'm thankful that I have a computer with internet. My saving grace.


7. I'm thankful that God loves me. Amen, Selah.


8. I'm thankful that we have a dishwasher and that I don't have to do the dishes by hand. Thanks to my SIL remodeling her kitchen, I have all "new" appliances.


9. I'm thankful that we live close to the store. I am thankful we live where I can walk and not feel so isolate.


10. I'm thankful that I can make some hot soothing tea. Darjeeling, anyone? I would love to sit and share with you.


I'll add my own.


I am thankful for my dh. His polar opposite personality and tenacious attitude have kept me from falling off the edge many times lately. He doesn't like pity parties, which can be annoying if you're trying to have one.


I am thankful for my son. He amazes me every day. At 13 he has a maturity beyond his years and compassion like I've never seen. He's a lot of the reason I never really give up.

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What a wonderful thread!


I got laid-off this morning...and I am very thankful it won't ruin us financially for me to be unemployed.


I am thankful my angry, angst-filled oldest son is not in a public school somewhere, possibly making the wrong kinds of friends. He is home, where we can work through his issues as a family.


I am thankful for our pantry full of food.


I am thankful my youngest is almost done with diapers! It's been over 10 years of one or two in diapers at our house!


I am really thankful for family coming to visit at the end of May. It has been great motivation for us to be finished with schoolwork by then. We are also really looking forward to having them around. ;)


Blessing to you, Jean. I hope your day gets better!

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I am thankful both my teens are thriving and enjoying their lives and growing up beautifully.


I am thankful for having a quiet, not busy time in my life.


I am thankful for the gorgeous sunny autumn weather, but I will also be thankful when the rains finally get here.


I am thankful for dh and the fact we get to spend time together during the day.


I am thankful for our financial situation improving.

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I'm thankful that I have a husband that is devoted to me and our dc and that he always does the right and noble thing even when it is difficult.


I'm thankful that this forum is here so that I can keep perspective on my frustrations and annoyances. That there are perfect strangers here who will give me hugs and prayers when I need them most. That there are people here that will gently make me look at things in a different light. That someone on here always gives me a good giggle (directly or indirectly) when I feel I'm stuck in a dark cloud.


I'm thankful that Jean is able to find so many things to be thankful for and that she reminded me that I do to.

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