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Need input from Hispanic posters, particularly Mexican

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My daughter has learned a hand-clapping game from a friend, with lyrics roughly as follows:


Shame, shame, shame,

I don't want to go to Mexico No more, more, more

There's a big fat policeman At the door, door, door

If you open the door

He'll pee on the floor

I don't want to go to Mexico No more, more, more.


There's evidently a slightly different version as well:


Shame, shame, shame.

I don’t wanna go to Mexico no more, more, more.

There’s a big, fat policeman at my door, door, door.

He made me pay a dollar,

He made me go to jail,

I don’t wanna go to Mexico no more, more, more.


It makes me uncomfortable, as it seems to be perpetuating stereotypes of Hispanics, particularly Mexican. If you are of Mexican or Hispanic heritage, would you feel the same way or am I overreacting? We are not Hispanic, so I wanted to check my reaction.

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I'm not Mexican, but I find it highly offensive. I would absolutely ban my children from playing it. Even if others found it funny, or did not take it seriously, it offends my sense of decency and fairness, and so we would find something else to chant. Miss Mary Mack, anyone?



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My heritage is Mexican and I would not want my dc singing those, especially since I had an uncle who was one of those not so nice policemen they're singing about :tongue_smilie:.


Honestly, with all the other sweet innocent choices there are, why go with something disparaging?


eta: I'm not suggesting being considerate of the Federales~they're crooks~I just wouldn't want my dc singing about them.

Edited by Sophia
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Honestly, with all the other sweet innocent choices there are, why go with something disparaging?


:iagree: I'm not Mexican or Hispanic, but I find it offensive. Take out the word Mexico, it is still offensive. Why would anyone let their child sing that?

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Omgosh.....I heard some little girls singing this the other day, and I thought it was bad, but then they started in on this one and I thought it was even worse....


apples on a stick just make me sick

they make my heart go 246

not ‘cuz im dirty

not ‘cuz im clean

just ‘cuz i kissed a boy behind a magazine!

hey girls,

wanna have some fun?

here comes a guy with his zipper undone

he can wibble

he can wobble,

he can do the twist

but i betcha 5 dollars he can't do this.

close your eyes and count to ten,

then whoever messes up is his girlfriend!


Their mothers were nearby, and this kids were about 7 or 8. Who lets their kids sing this stuff?

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Apparently my mom thought is was okay:tongue_smilie: I used to sing that when I was little. Except our ending went "but most if all he can kiss, kiss, kiss:lol: Not advocating it, just saying I sung it. As for the OP, yeah, not a great choice.







Omgosh.....I heard some little girls singing this the other day, and I thought it was bad, but then they started in on this one and I thought it was even worse....


apples on a stick just make me sick

they make my heart go 246

not ‘cuz im dirty

not ‘cuz im clean

just ‘cuz i kissed a boy behind a magazine!

hey girls,

wanna have some fun?

here comes a guy with his zipper undone

he can wibble

he can wobble,

he can do the twist

but i betcha 5 dollars he can't do this.

close your eyes and count to ten,

then whoever messes up is his girlfriend!


Their mothers were nearby, and this kids were about 7 or 8. Who lets their kids sing this stuff?

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This one seems to be more a slur against fat policemen than anything else. That being said, I am horrified by memories of this one from when I was a kid --


My name is L I L I

Tickle Eye Tickle Eye

Pom pom beauty

Don't like Whiskey

Chinese Japanese

Indian Chief!


...complete with hand gestures. Ugh.

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Thanks, guys. I know that kids don't hear the same things in this stuff that an adult would, but there are other choices. I've put it to my daughter that she is not to play this one or teach it to others because it doesn't mesh well with our UU principle of respecting the inherent worth and dignity of all people. She's welcome to find other options (but hopefully not the last one!!!!).

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Omgosh.....I heard some little girls singing this the other day, and I thought it was bad, but then they started in on this one and I thought it was even worse....


apples on a stick just make me sick

they make my heart go 246

not ‘cuz im dirty

not ‘cuz im clean

just ‘cuz i kissed a boy behind a magazine!

hey girls,

wanna have some fun?

here comes a guy with his zipper undone

he can wibble

he can wobble,

he can do the twist

but i betcha 5 dollars he can't do this.

close your eyes and count to ten,

then whoever messes up is his girlfriend!


Their mothers were nearby, and this kids were about 7 or 8. Who lets their kids sing this stuff?


I am 35 and I know we sang that. That's as old as the hills.


How 'bout

Miss Susie had a steamboat

the steamboat had a bell

Miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat went to

Hello operator

give me number 9

and if you disconnect me

I'll kick you from

behind the elevator there was a piece of glass

Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little

Ask me no more questions

I'll tell you no more lies

the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their

flies are in the meadow,

the bees are in the park

Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the

d-a-r-k d-a-r-k d-a-r-k DARK

Edited by calandalsmom
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I am part Mexican and not really offended, but that's just me I guess....


I remember when Kianna was younger getting upset over a song about getting pregnant and having the baby on the floor... really gross and totally inappropriate. Kianna didn't know what any of it meant luckily, but I never explained why it bothered me either. I did tell her that it wasn't appropriate for her and to sing another song.

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I am 35 and I know we sang that. That's as old as the hills.


How 'bout

Miss Susie had a steamboat

the steamboat had a bell

Miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat went to

Hello operator

give me number 9

and if you disconnect me

I'll kick you from

behind the elevator there was a piece of glass

Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little

Ask me no more questions

I'll tell you no more lies

the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their

flies are in the meadow,

the bees are in the park

Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the

d-a-r-k d-a-r-k d-a-r-k DARK

Dark is like a movie

A movie's like a show

A show's like a tv set and

that is all I know,

I know my ma,

I know I know my pa,

I know I know my sister with the

forty incher bra.


more endings...


Miss Susie gave me peaches,

Miss Susie gave me pie,

Miss Susie kicked me down the steps

and gave me a black eye.


My ma was born in England,

My pa was born in France,

I was born in diapers,

because I had no pants.

I remember this one ;)

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I am 35 and I know we sang that. That's as old as the hills.


How 'bout

Miss Susie had a steamboat

the steamboat had a bell

Miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat went to

Hello operator

give me number 9

and if you disconnect me

I'll kick you from

behind the elevator there was a piece of glass

Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little

Ask me no more questions

I'll tell you no more lies

the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their

flies are in the meadow,

the bees are in the park

Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the

d-a-r-k d-a-r-k d-a-r-k DARK


I remember doing both of those, too. It's amazing how long they stick in your brain!

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It makes me uncomfortable, as it seems to be perpetuating stereotypes of Hispanics, particularly Mexican. If you are of Mexican or Hispanic heritage, would you feel the same way or am I overreacting? We are not Hispanic, so I wanted to check my reaction.


What ethnic background is your daughter's friend?

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What ethnic background is your daughter's friend?


Caucasian, same as her.


I don't want to overreact, as I know that all of these things are about flirting around with saying things that are inappropriate, but I'd rather not have my kid teaching things that make me uncomfortable to the other kids in the group. I think we also tend, as a society, to dismiss things too easily as "oh, it's just a kid's song" or a song on the radio or a joke or what have you.


I vividly remember a friend introducing me to a variation of "say say o playmate" (remember this was the late 60s/early 70s):


Say, Say o hippie,

come out and play with me

and have some LSD

climb my marijuana tree

slide down my needle

into my cellar door

and we'll be jolly friends forevermore more more more


It didn't lead me to drug use ;), but I'm sure my parents would have been *thrilled* to hear me do that or teach it to the other kids at church!

Edited by KarenNC
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No, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable about stereotypes.


It sounds like a jump rope song, in that kids are sometimes singing things that aren't appropriate but are subjects that kids are dealing with, ie boys, kissing, race, and using bad language.


If I heard my kids singing that, I'd tell them not to sing it, that it's not a nice song.


I'm mix (Mexican Irish)

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I don't know any of these and my girls never sang these. Ones I knew were Miss Mary Jack, and I know my girls did Down Down Baby when they lived in Belgium. I know I did something kind of like Down, Down Baby when I was a kid (I am 48), but it had only the last part and somewhat different. THe first part was all different. It did have let's have the rhythm of the hands, the feet, the eyes, and the hips. Even though I grew up in an area that was still segregated when I went to kindergarten, we never did any racist or ethnic slur rhymes.

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I am 35 and I know we sang that. That's as old as the hills.


How 'bout

Miss Susie had a steamboat

the steamboat had a bell

Miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat went to

Hello operator

give me number 9

and if you disconnect me

I'll kick you from

behind the elevator there was a piece of glass

Miss Susie sat upon it and broke her little

Ask me no more questions

I'll tell you no more lies

the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their

flies are in the meadow,

the bees are in the park

Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the

d-a-r-k d-a-r-k d-a-r-k DARK


Dark is like a movie

A movie's like a show

A show's like a tv set and

that is all I know,

I know my ma,

I know I know my pa,

I know I know my sister with the

forty incher bra.


Here's a really bad one. We used to sing:


Milk, milk


Around the corner chocolate's made!


Not bad until you consider the body parts we pointed to as we sang it:lol:


Those are the ones I remember, too.


My name is L I L I

Tickle Eye Tickle Eye

Pom pom beauty

Don't like Whiskey

Chinese Japanese

Indian Chief!


...complete with hand gestures. Ugh.

I knew that one as


My name is L I L I

Tickle Eye Tickle Eye (or possibly Kissie eye Kissie eye)

Coochie Coochie

Shove Shove Shove

Playing Chinese Checkers

With a poke poke poke


I'm not entirely sure if that's indecent, or racist, or both, or neither.

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I did Miss Mary Mack but I've never heard most of the others. I wouldn't let my kids do the Mexican one either. I'm not sure if I'd let them do Miss Mary Mack. The one we did most often was mostly nonsense words- Bobo See-otten-totten. Or something like that. I can still do it even though it's been years! It really gets stuck in your head forever if you do it a few times. I wouldn't want the Mexican one stuck in their heads.

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My daughter has learned a hand-clapping game from a friend, with lyrics roughly as follows:


Shame, shame, shame,

I don't want to go to Mexico No more, more, more

There's a big fat policeman At the door, door, door

If you open the door

He'll pee on the floor

I don't want to go to Mexico No more, more, more.


My former ps students used to do this rhyme all the time (lol), but after " door, door, door," they said:


He will grab you by the collar.

Boy you better holler!

I don't want to go to Mexico no more, more, more.



Maybe I am just dense, but I don't see what is offensive about it. If you subbed "Ohio" for "Mexico" would it still be offensive? IMO, it's just a silly kids' rhyme. I don't see any stereotypes being used, or negative racial comments made.

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I haven't read the responses...


I was taught this clapping game and rhyme when I was little by a friend of mine who was from Mexico. I didn't remember the words until you posted them. I have often wondered why that was used as a "fun" rhyme.


I wouldn't want my kiddos using it.

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Maybe I am just dense, but I don't see what is offensive about it. If you subbed "Ohio" for "Mexico" would it still be offensive? IMO, it's just a silly kids' rhyme. I don't see any stereotypes being used, or negative racial comments made.


That was my original question---was I seeing things that weren't there. In the end, I would still not be happy with a fat cop from Ohio peeing on the floor (the version her friend taught her), so we'll just skip this one.

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Maybe I am just dense, but I don't see what is offensive about it. If you subbed "Ohio" for "Mexico" would it still be offensive? IMO, it's just a silly kids' rhyme. I don't see any stereotypes being used, or negative racial comments made.



IMO, it's worse than Ohio because as parents we already have to counter negative stereotypes that the kids may hear from other places about Mexicans, Latinos, etc. It is because of the cultural atmosphere. Nobody really has issues with people from Ohio, so if the rhyme was about people or cops from Ohio, nothing else is going to be entering their minds to reinforce a negative image. I agree, though, that I wouldn't really want them rhyming about any cops peeing on the floor!

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