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Hoping this doesn't get me banned

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but I figured I owe everyone who recommended Sheet Music a big thank you.


And everyone else who said they didn't like TeA....you should get this book. They even have the Kindle edition, so you no one knows you ordered it. Just be careful when letting people use your computer.


:blushing: Eek!:leaving: (oh my heck, I'm so embarrased)

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Ok, after the downward spiral of the diamond earring thread and the HSer over hearing someone at the convention talking about the negative impact of black HSers on the HS community.....I really needed a nice, positive, uplifting thread to post on. thank you! And CONGRATS!!! ENJOY!

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Happy Valley just got happier, congratulations.



Ok, after the downward spiral of the diamond earring thread and the HSer over hearing someone at the convention talking about the negative impact of black HSers on the HS community.....I really needed a nice, positive, uplifting thread to post on. thank you! And CONGRATS!!! ENJOY!

no problem, just doing my civic duty:lol:

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Ok, after the downward spiral of the diamond earring thread and the HSer over hearing someone at the convention talking about the negative impact of black HSers on the HS community.....I really needed a nice, positive, uplifting thread to post on. thank you! And CONGRATS!!! ENJOY!



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Great news!!!! I'm so glad you're finding solutions :grouphug:


...the HSer over hearing someone at the convention talking about the negative impact of black HSers on the HS community...


OT, but WHAT???? How did I miss this thread? That's horrifying :(

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but I figured I owe everyone who recommended Sheet Music a big thank you.


And everyone else who said they didn't like TeA....you should get this book. They even have the Kindle edition, so you no one knows you ordered it. Just be careful when letting people use your computer.


:blushing: Eek!:leaving: (oh my heck, I'm so embarrased)



And if you have the "real"book - put it at the very very back of your bookshelf or somewhere where the kids won't find it and think it is a new book for their music appreciation class :ohmy: (true story.....)

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And if you have the "real"book - put it at the very very back of your bookshelf or somewhere where the kids won't find it and think it is a new book for their music appreciation class :ohmy: (true story.....)


EEK!! :lol::lol:That's why hubby didn't want the real book. I didn't want it bc I thought whoever it was shipping it would be having a real good chuckle :glare:


My library has FIVE copies of an LDS book about the same thing and there is a pretty long wait for them, because apparently there's high demand for it here. It just makes me giggle to think what the librarians must be thinking as they put them on the hold shelf.


My Amazon story: I already have Kindle for PC on the desktop and while I was downstairs on the laptop decided to go ahead and buy the Kindle version and start reading it and welcome hubby with a pleasant "surprise". So I downloaded the Kindle for PC program to the laptop and saw the other books I'd had there, but it would not download Sheet Music. So instead of a pleasant surprise, DH came home to a "DH you have to find a way to fix this NOW!!! I cannot call them and have them try to fix this for me. If they look at our account, they'll know what we got!!!!" :lol::lol: It's funny now that DH fixed the problem and we never had to call to ask for help, but at the time I was figuring the money would just have to go to waste.

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:lol: or maybe it's :w00t:


It was DS (10) who saw it and said "cool, new book for music appreciation mom?" as he held it up for me to see what he was talking about.......luckily he didn't see or read anything more (as far as I know...). Me: "no definitely not. that is for me to learn music stuff - your new book is downstairs on the piano - go grab it and take a look".


Ay-karumba......darn kids that can read - who taught them that over-rated skill? :tongue_smilie:

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but I figured I owe everyone who recommended Sheet Music a big thank you.


And everyone else who said they didn't like TeA....you should get this book. They even have the Kindle edition, so you no one knows you ordered it. Just be careful when letting people use your computer.


:blushing: Eek!:leaving: (oh my heck, I'm so embarrased)



Cool. Are you the 'I don't like TeA poster from a view weeks back?'

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Cool. Are you the 'I don't like TeA poster from a view weeks back?'


Yes. I, erm, changed my mind. And just so all the woman who are like me know, ummm boiling hasn't happened yet. It's just that the learning process is a little more fun. I dont want to give any false impressions and make some women even more frustrated. Don't worry, ladies, there's hope!

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It just makes me giggle to think what the librarians must be thinking as they put them on the hold shelf.


EEEEK! I checked this out from my library years ago because, you know, it's Kevin Leman, and I was reading ANYthing our library had by him. I did know the topic ahead of time, and yes, it was a wonderful book. But I never thought what a librarian would think!:blink::blush:

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I've read this book and it is great. I was already on my way to a change of mind about TeA, but this book really helped me to see it in the right Light.


Ay-karumba......darn kids that can read - who taught them that over-rated skill? :tongue_smilie:


I have even asked my oldest why I taught him to read.....


Thanks for the Kindle suggestion. I ordered it and I can read it at the ballpark unabashed!!


Yep, doesn't bother me a bit. They probably think, "Ah, one blessed hubby!"


And, if you are brave enough, check out themarriagebed.com. It is a Christian website/forum about TeA for married couples.

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