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It's time to choose curriculum for next year....

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Anyone else doing the same right now?


I can't get motivated to buckle down and get to work! I used to looooove this time of year. I'd pore over the Rainbow Resource catalog and talk curriculum choices with my friends and research new curricula.


Now I know what works and what we're going to order. I even figured out what I want to do for writing. I just need to make the list, check we've got everything covered and do the ordering. I told dh that it's a little like going to the candy store with a list: Two peppermint sticks, three chocolate drops and a lollipop. The FUN part of going to the candy store is looking at all of the candy trying to choose! :tongue_smilie:


Help me get motivated...what are YOU excited to use or research for next year? Are you struggling with choices for a particular subject?



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I'm working on it. Kinda. I'm having a beast of a time and when I've posted threads looking for specific help there's not a lot of input offered. Whine, whine, whine. :glare:


I'm excited about switching to Ambleside for Literature, but I'm baffled and frustrated about writing.

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I've got my list. Fine tuning my purchase orders...what from whom. But I think that's pretty well settled too.


Now, I just wait for the go ahead to start buying.


Meanwhile, I suppose I should start playing around with schedules. I have a couple with bigger work loads next year. We may need to go at things from a different angle this time.

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We're continuing all the same programs from this year with my dds, so that's easy.

My oldest... Well, he wants a semester of astronomy and one of meteorology. Trying to pull that together has NOT been fun for me, so I'm waiting a few more weeks to really buckle down and research.


Funny enough, my 4yo is the one stumping me. I'm not big on "official" preschool, but he's been getting so bored lately, while the other kids are busy with school work. I'm worried it'll just get worse in the fall if I don't put something together for him. I've never had this issue before.

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I've done my research, I've made my lists, I know where I'm buying from. The hard part now is paying for it. :glare: Yeah, I'm losing motivation quickly, too. Sorry I'm not much help. :grouphug:


:iagree: I have 50% of what I need for next year. All decisions are made. Now I just need the money :toetap05: Today I worked on an "emergency plan" just in case we don't get the money before I need the stuff.


I need to study most of what I need to yet buy, so, yeah, my patience is more than worn out. Today I'm throwing an internal temper tantrum about it. I left this morning to go to the library just to chill out. It didn't help and it's too early to crack open the wine in the fridge.

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Funny enough, my 4yo is the one stumping me. I'm not big on "official" preschool, but he's been getting so bored lately, while the other kids are busy with school work. I'm worried it'll just get worse in the fall if I don't put something together for him. I've never had this issue before.


When my guys were that age, I put together a school basket with cuisenaire rods and counting bears, a matching card game, a handwriting book and a K math book. Oh, and mazes and dot-to-dots. I think I rotated activities, and I'd get out other things, like a balance scale or little games from time to time. It kept them out of my hair, and they got in the habit of doing school at school time. :)



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I ordered almost everything a week ago, and most of it has already arrived. Still waiting on a couple things. Might order a few supplemental books later in the year if the library doesn't have something I want, but otherwise I'm all done!

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I can't decide on much. I have one left. Okay her English and her History is decided and with us. Geometry will be Life of Fred, I think. I was going to do CHemistry with her after Physics but I don't know when she will be done with that so for right now we will be keeping on. I have Rosetta Stone Spanish and want her doing that though now she says she wants French. I have plenty of French materials but since her spelling is so poor, I think Spanish is a better language. As to what else she will be doing, I don't know. It depends on what is available and also I have to study what the requirements are for an advanced high school degree.

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I envy those who have already made their selections. Really I have most of what we need for our 10th grader- Alg II, Chemistry, French, WWWI, but I am having difficulty deciding which History curricula to use with World Views,(leaning toward MOH Ancients) and where to go now after two years of IEW.


My oldest is graduating this month and I seriously think I have senioritis!

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We have ordered and received almost everything (i find it easier when I spread out the purchases :))


Still need to order SM4B for older-we're reviewing a bit right now so I probably have a few weeks (we school year round). Right now I am trying to decide if I should order Evan Moor Daily Geography 2 for younger. I order DG 4 for older and it looks challenging.

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I told dh that it's a little like going to the candy store with a list: Two peppermint sticks, three chocolate drops and a lollipop. The FUN part of going to the candy store is looking at all of the candy trying to choose! :tongue_smilie:






That is SO TRUE!!!! What if you go there and they have Lemonheads?! Or a Zero bar?? :lol:


I have about half of what we need. I have been trying to see what I can get used first before I make a big RR order. It's always fun to get that big ole box!

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Anyone else doing the same right now?


I can't get motivated to buckle down and get to work! I used to looooove this time of year. I'd pore over the Rainbow Resource catalog and talk curriculum choices with my friends and research new curricula.


Now I know what works and what we're going to order. I even figured out what I want to do for writing. I just need to make the list, check we've got everything covered and do the ordering. I told dh that it's a little like going to the candy store with a list: Two peppermint sticks, three chocolate drops and a lollipop. The FUN part of going to the candy store is looking at all of the candy trying to choose! :tongue_smilie:


Help me get motivated...what are YOU excited to use or research for next year? Are you struggling with choices for a particular subject?




I was feeling the same way and decided to add a couple of fun things to my order. I'll be getting a Puzzleball Globe and SepToys Design Blocks.

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I'm about 75% *decided*...is that progress?? LOL Getting it all purchased is going to be interesting! I work 10 hours a week and I'm trying really, really hard to reserve my paychecks for our homeschool materials, purchased little by little as I get paid. lol


I'm making it a major priority to get ALL of one program before moving on to purchase the next. This year was a major hassle because we had pieces and parts and started stuff late and UGH!!!

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I was feeling the same way and decided to add a couple of fun things to my order. I'll be getting a Puzzleball Globe and SepToys Design Blocks.


Excellent! I'll just tell dh it's your fault that I ordered extra stuff to motivate myself. ;) Actually, a Puzzleball Globe has been on my maybe list for a while. Hmm.....



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I am almost all the way finished deciding. The last decision I have to make is math for my oldest. I'm waiting for McRuffy Color Math 4 to be up on the website so I can see samples. I've been checking a lot even though it's supposed to be done sometime this summer, and summer hasn't even started yet. I'm ready to have that decided.


I have purchased and received maybe 80 - 90% of what we'll be using (with the exception of novels and picture books which we can buy throughout the year) and I'm working on going through it and trying to line this up with that, and figure out how much of this we'll realistically finish in a school year, and which parts of that we want to use, etc. At this point there are only a few necessities left to buy, so money-wise, we'll make it.


Well, I guess I haven't tallied up how much we'll be spending on little things that add up (craft and science experiment stuff). I'd really like to have it all purchased in advance and in a storage bin just waiting to be used.

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Excellent! I'll just tell dh it's your fault that I ordered extra stuff to motivate myself. ;) Actually, a Puzzleball Globe has been on my maybe list for a while. Hmm.....




Who, me ;)? :leaving:


Yeah, it's just not as exciting to get that Rainbow or Amazon box, and all it contains is Saxon math or the next level of Writing With Ease.

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I think I've made up my mind for next year . . . but can't be sure till we have the money in hand. I have a couple of weeks until then.


I'm always excited by the "hunt", though it can be overwhelming at times. I think I'm a curriculum addict. :blushing:


I'm struggling with grammar and writing curriculum decisions.


Defintely planning to get some fun stuff this year from Timberdoodle.

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I've done my research, I've made my lists, I know where I'm buying from. The hard part now is paying for it. :glare: Yeah, I'm losing motivation quickly, too. Sorry I'm not much help. :grouphug:


:iagree: Me too. I started researching in December. I'm pretty much decided on everything. Now I just need to wait to order until we have some extra money. :tongue_smilie:

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We are supposed to start now?:lol: I have had mine all purchased for a couple months.;)


LOL. I really meant time for *me* to start...usually I've finished by now too, but I just haven't been motivated.


After I posted this thread, I ordered writing and grammar. Now I just have to put together my RR order. Blah. Except for the puzzle globe. ;)



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