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I inherited 30 Millions

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Attention Mrs....



On behalf of the administration and executor of the estate of late Engr.Jochen Kruger once again try to notify you as my earlier Letter were returned undelivered. I hereby attempt to reach again for the same email address will. I wish to notify you that late Engr. Jochen Kruger made you a beneficiary in his will. He left the sum of thirty million, one hundred thousand dollars ($ 30, 100000.00) to you in the Codicil and

last test of their will.


This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true.



Being a well traveled man, he met sometime in the past or implicating him were nominated by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you are not too sure again. Engr. Jochen Kruger until his death was a member of the helicopter Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and a German baron. He was a Christian who loved very dedicated give alms to the poor, hungry and need. His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his lifetime. Engr. Jochen Kruger later died at 30 days of July 2004 at the age 80. His will is now ready for execution after 4 years of thorough research.



According to him, this money is to support its humanitarian and medical activities and to help the poor and needy in our society. Please if I reach you as I hope, I try to return as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. I hope to hear from you in no distant time.



I am sincerely sorry if you feel bothered or embarrassed by this message,

I'm on my own work. I hope you understand that?

Thank you.



Note: It is recommended to contact my personal email address below:

Email: (e-mail link to who knows where)


I await your prompt response and please keep this very discrete and until your transaction is finalized.

Service on its own,





I am so tempted to write back to please make sure that they find someone who can write in correct English before sending this out with a British Address. But I suppose I should not even hit the reply key...

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I'm your cousin, from your mother, 6 times removed. I have had a very hard time lately, and could use a wire transfer of only one-half a million of your new found dollars. If you don't send it within 48 hours, very bad luck may come your way.


(I get those things all the time... Wish it was real, right??!!) :)

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I hate to inform you, but this is most likely a scam. I'm sorry to burst your bubble.


If, however, it turns out to be true, I will be glad to forward you the address to my PayPal account in anticipation of your generous donation, as I am of the poor and needy mentioned in the letter.



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We could tour the world together!


I'm waiting for my millions from the Nigerian prince.


Sadly, DH had a "client" who was waiting for money from Nigeria based on this one. He kept coming in trying to buy a $500K house with no down payment, but with promises that he'd be getting the money soon. He came in so often that DH and his sales partner finally started asking him specific questions and had him bring in the emails, and they realized what was happening. He had sent thousands of dollars already and was incensed that DH and his partner thought he was stupid enough to be scammed. It was heartbreaking :(


But Liz, I'm sure that's not the case here, since this is inheritance law we're dealing with, so congratulations! :tongue_smilie: Your DH must be thrilled to pieces!

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Sadly, DH had a "client" who was waiting for money from Nigeria based on this one. He kept coming in trying to buy a $500K house with no down payment, but with promises that he'd be getting the money soon. He came in so often that DH and his sales partner finally started asking him specific questions and had him bring in the emails, and they realized what was happening. He had sent thousands of dollars already and was incensed that DH and his partner thought he was stupid enough to be scammed. It was heartbreaking :(


But Liz, I'm sure that's not the case here, since this is inheritance law we're dealing with, so congratulations! :tongue_smilie: Your DH must be thrilled to pieces!


Oh gosh, this is sooo sad. Was your dh able to report it to the District Attorney (are they the ones who handle actual fraud)? I know they cannot do much with just an e-mail but if the poor man had sent money...

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Oh gosh, this is sooo sad. Was your dh able to report it to the District Attorney (are they the ones who handle actual fraud)? I know they cannot do much with just an e-mail but if the poor man had sent money...


They thought about it, but the guy was so adamant that it was all legitimate and so angry and offended, and they knew the likelihood of anything coming of it was so small, I think they decided to let it go. I think his sales partner did call someone (I don't recall who) who basically said the same thing--they hear the stories all the time but it's so difficult to track the perpetrators down, etc. The guy eventually stopped coming in, of course. It is very sad. It blows my mind that anyone could truly fall for it, though!

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I've been invited to participate in a class-action lawsuit where I could be entitled to as much as $2.56. I'm considering it.





At least it may be *real* money and it would buy you a small cup of coffee. :D

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I believe I also received an inheritance from Mr. Kruger last fall. Perhaps you and I are long lost relatives! I am sad to say that I felt that it was too much of a "test of his will" and declined to pursue my inheritance, since it would probably have involved a "test of my finances". Oh well, easy come, easy go, huh?

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to think some ppl actually reply to this nonsense.


Especially with this kind of grammar and vocabulary - and trying to tell us it comes from a British Lawyer :D. I am still trying to figure out what the first sentence of the third paragraph is supposed to mean???

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I believe I also received an inheritance from Mr. Kruger last fall. Perhaps you and I are long lost relatives! I am sad to say that I felt that it was too much of a "test of his will" and declined to pursue my inheritance, since it would probably have involved a "test of my finances". Oh well, easy come, easy go, huh?


Do I have a sister? Another cousin?

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