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End of Year Testing

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We'll be doing a test through our homeschool group. It's either Stanford or ITBS. (To be honest, I'm not terribly invested in which one it is.)


We also did a California Achievement Test (CAT) from Seton Testing Services earlier this year for one kid because I needed a test score pronto. Not expensive and gave me a number to use (we hadn't tested for the last two years).

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We are required to test yearly starting at age 7. I used CAT once with my oldest; I wasn't impressed. She has used ITBS since. It tends to create a lot of frustration due to the sheer length of it. Last year, I forgot that I needed to test my middle, oops, and I knew she wouldn't be able to handle the ITBS. I have a homeschooling friend that administers the Woodcock Johnson, so she tested my middle. It was great! We will be continuing with that test for both girls this year.

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We also did a California Achievement Test (CAT) from Seton Testing Services earlier this year for one kid because I needed a test score pronto. Not expensive and gave me a number to use (we hadn't tested for the last two years).

This is what we use. We have to either do a standardized test or have a certified teacher do a written analysis of the child's work. It's easier to do a simple test, and I can administer the CAT at home.

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We are required to use a nationally-normed test in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade. For that, we use the CAT. Otherwise, ds takes the state test, the same as his peers. I find the information useful for planning the next year. We are able to take it for free at our district office. He toke the 8th grade test even though he is in 7th as I wanted a science test score which is divided by subject areas. The science test is only given in 8th grade for middle school.


ETA: Sorry, I forgot we were on the high school board. There is one state test here required in 10th grade (well, 11th now as they weren't passing it in 10th grade) which a home school student can take as well. Then of course there are the usual SAT, PSAT, and ACT tests. Contact the local high school for their testing schedule.

Edited by swimmermom3
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We need to test our 3rd grader at the end of this year for the first time. Just wondering if there is a general consensus as to which test is the "best" one for homeschooled children? I am confused about all the different types!

What are you looking for? An accurate assessment of their skills and abilities? Passing so you meet your legal requirement?

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What test do you give your kids at the end of the year? My state requires a test score, or a write-off from a certified teacher who has looked over all his work. I am opting for the test, but I have no idea what my options are. HELP!


We've always used ITBS, but our PSP only requires us to test at 4th grade and up. I don't know the ages of your kids. I've been happy with the tests.

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What are you looking for? An accurate assessment of their skills and abilities? Passing so you meet your legal requirement?


I haven't found a test yet that will do a good measurement of what my kids have been studying. Other than math and language mechanics, there is just too much variety between our studies and typical courses of instruction in schools.


The CAT didn't have a results page that was as specific as what the Stanford test provides. On the other hand, it took two hours to administer and was something I could do myself (which meant that I could look over the answer sheet and the test booklet and see exactly what questions were missed).


I don't think that the CAT is the best answer all the time. But there are drawbacks to the other tests too.


The first time my middle son took the test, he was a second grader. At that level, all of the questions are read to the student. He was reading books like Redwall for fun. But he didn't know what the vowels were or what the word antonym meant, so he did poorly in the language section. It was a horrible measurement of his actual ability or achievement because of a lack of testing familiarity.


So I don't think that there is a "best" test. There are tests that are widely used to meet certain goals. But first you need to figure out what the goal of testing is.

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I haven't found a test yet that will do a good measurement of what my kids have been studying. Other than math and language mechanics, there is just too much variety between our studies and typical courses of instruction in schools.


The CAT didn't have a results page that was as specific as what the Stanford test provides. On the other hand, it took two hours to administer and was something I could do myself (which meant that I could look over the answer sheet and the test booklet and see exactly what questions were missed).


I don't think that the CAT is the best answer all the time. But there are drawbacks to the other tests too.


The first time my middle son took the test, he was a second grader. At that level, all of the questions are read to the student. He was reading books like Redwall for fun. But he didn't know what the vowels were or what the word antonym meant, so he did poorly in the language section. It was a horrible measurement of his actual ability or achievement because of a lack of testing familiarity.


So I don't think that there is a "best" test. There are tests that are widely used to meet certain goals. But first you need to figure out what the goal of testing is.


Sorry I didn't answer sooner. Thank you for the question and also for the answer, both of you. Hmm.. Well, I guess I haven't thought about what exactly I *want* in one of those tests. Basically, we're doing it because the state of GA says we have to at the end of 3rd grade. We're not big on giving those tests because, as this poster said, I don't think there is one that will really be an accurate measure of what my son has learned.


Thank you for mentioning the CAT test. I am not sure I have heard of that one before. I have heard a lot about the IOWA test, but not many in this thread have mentioned it. :confused:

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Christian Liberty Press now offers an online version of the CAT. We used that for 7th and 3rd this year. The $25 fee is reasonable. You can self-pace (individual sections are timed, but you can do the sections over a month+ time period) and .... wait for it... full instant results when you hit submit including percentages and grade level equiv.


Oldest used ACT for her requirement.

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Sorry I didn't answer sooner. Thank you for the question and also for the answer, both of you. Hmm.. Well, I guess I haven't thought about what exactly I *want* in one of those tests. Basically, we're doing it because the state of GA says we have to at the end of 3rd grade. We're not big on giving those tests because, as this poster said, I don't think there is one that will really be an accurate measure of what my son has learned.


Thank you for mentioning the CAT test. I am not sure I have heard of that one before. I have heard a lot about the IOWA test, but not many in this thread have mentioned it. :confused:


ITBS is the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.


For my purposes, testing at early grades didn't give me much info that I didn't already know from teaching the kids.

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ITBS is the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.


For my purposes, testing at early grades didn't give me much info that I didn't already know from teaching the kids.


Ah, sorry! :blushing: That's what I get for being sleep deprived...


I know, that is how we feel about the testing, too. If GA wasn't saying we had to do the testing the end of this year, you can bet we would NOT be doing it! I don't understand why, either, as they say we don't even need to report the results. :confused:

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Ah, sorry! :blushing: That's what I get for being sleep deprived...


I know, that is how we feel about the testing, too. If GA wasn't saying we had to do the testing the end of this year, you can bet we would NOT be doing it! I don't understand why, either, as they say we don't even need to report the results. :confused:


CAT has two tests. The CAT E I believe is shorter. It is accepted in our state. I find the PASS test easy to give and it's untimed.

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Ellie, this is what GA says about testing:


"Georgia’s Home Study law (GA Code Ann. 20-2-690-©(7), requires that children take a national standardized achievement test every three years, beginning at the end of the third grade. These test scores are NOT to be submitted to public school authorities, but are only to be seen and kept on file for at least 3 years by the parents. There is NO exit exam required of home school high schooled students to graduate.

The teaching parent may use any nationally normed standardized test. The testing companies set the rules as to the qualifications of the person administering the test and under what circumstances the test should be given. The home schooling parent is responsible for the cost of the test and having their children tested. The state does not provide this service."



It makes me scratch my head and ask, "Soooo, what's the point?" :confused:

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