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Dear Hive, would y'all please pray for me...

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I'm embarrassed to post this because I know so many of you are dealing with far worse, but I'm at a bit of a low point and could really use some lifting up.


Here goes: I posted in another thread that my 3yo is very sick with a stomach virus. I know everybody deals with an unforgiving virus like this every now and then but, well, I'm wimpy and need your prayers :o and here's why:


On top of the very sick 3yo, who so desperately wants mommy, I have a very brand new baby who also desperately wants mommy and to be honest, I'm completely freaked out that my precious newborn is going to get this.


I'm having trouble taking care of the newborn who cries when not being held by me, comforting and cleaning up a puking 3 yo, and feeding/taking care of 3 others who are not yet sick themselves. 3yo wants nothing more than to be held an in my lap, but so does the baby. :001_huh: Have I mentioned that I'm really worried about the baby? Also, whenever I've had a stomach flu, I completely lose my milk supply. It comes back when I'm better but for how ever long I'm sick, my milk vanishes (is this a common thing??) and I'm scared as to what that will do for a new babe. :(


I also have really bad emitophobia, and when you add in all the fun post-partum hormones, I'm (insert maniacal laughter) a bit of a mess right now. :001_huh:


Oh, and dh came home from work today and informed me that he has to leave at 5am tomorrow morning to go out of town on a business trip. :001_huh: He can't not go or he'll lose his job. :( I have no family and I don't think any friends who would be willing to come over and help a pukey family. :tongue_smilie:


So, all I have to turn to for help is prayer from the Hive at this point... could y'all lift us up... that the baby doesn't get this, that I can maintain some semblance of sanity through this (better yet would be a nice calm, but that may be pushing it) and, dare I ask, that I don't get this so that *some*body can look after these (likely all soon to be sick) children and new baby?


If you've made it this far and are not shaking your head at my pathetic-ness, I thank you. :grouphug:

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Praying. when it rains, it pours. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Is there anyone who could take one of your children who is well -- to give you a little bit of a break? I'm so sorry you are dealing with this.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I wish, but because I've been dealing with this all day, my best guess is that the older kids (and myself) have all been exposed already. I've been trying to hide baby away and washing hands/changing my clothes like crazy but the other kids have all been "around". I wouldn't want to risk one of my other dc starting to get sick when being looked after and expose another family

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I didn't have any help when mine were little either, so :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:.


I caught a terrible flu when dd was born. She didn't get it, fingers crossed! I couldn't nurse well for a day, and she wouldn't take the bottle, but the next day, milk came back and all was well. It was like she waited for me!


If its safe, put Lysol (or disinfectant wipes) by the bathroom your sick one is using. Every time she gets sick, wipe it down. Have safe rooms and bathrooms for unsick kids. I had a terrible case of gastroenteritis and did this and no one caught it (and believe me "it" was everywhere).

Edited by Susan C.
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I'm praying for you, but I also want to hold out the hope that maybe the immunity you have will be transmitted to the baby through your breastmilk. Here's hoping! And this is a wild guess, but I wonder if part of your supply loss in the past was related to dehydration, maybe?


We just had a bout of stomach virus a few weeks ago. I kept clinging to the thought that at least stomach illnesses tend to be short.


:grouphug::grouphug: I wish I lived close enough to bring you some gatorade and chicken soup. :grouphug:

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IAnd this is a wild guess, but I wonder if part of your supply loss in the past was related to dehydration, maybe?





I thought this too... but there have been a couple times when the kids have had a stomach virus and I've felt really nauseated but never had any, um, symptoms at all. Nothing. But, my milk supply went away after the kids got sick, but before I felt nauseous. It's weird. That's (milk just vanishes) is usually how I can tell I'm coming down with a stomach virus. :001_huh:


I totally get losing my milk if I was running to the bathroom, but this hasn't been the case. :confused:

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I thought this too... but there have been a couple times when the kids have had a stomach virus and I've felt really nauseated but never had any, um, symptoms at all. Nothing. But, my milk supply went away after the kids got sick, but before I felt nauseous. It's weird. That's (milk just vanishes) is usually how I can tell I'm coming down with a stomach virus. :001_huh:


I totally get losing my milk if I was running to the bathroom, but this hasn't been the case. :confused:


Oh dear. I hope and pray it won't hit you this time.


I just had a thought though--what if you aren't eating and drinking as usual due to the nauseated feelings? What if you are getting some low level of dehydration because your intake is lower? I'm probably out to lunch, just searching around for some kind of answer. :tongue_smilie:

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Praying for you - hang in there!!!


You're doing all the right things - hand washing, hydrating everyone, breastfeeding (sharing immunity), and mothering all your little ones all at once. This shall pass - and with every minute, you're one small step closer to getting back to your normal rhythm.



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