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Can you stand one more update about my friend Audora?

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She's on her way HOME!!!!!!! Woohoo!!! She walked out of the hospital and is planning to shop for maternity clothes on her way home (with my mom!). She is walking and talking normally. Some things will take longer to come back - right now she doesn't really have a social filter. She says whatever comes to her mind. It's kind of funny, actually. I can't tell you how happy I am for her family.


Thank you ALL for your prayers!!!! I'm still in awe that she went from unresponsive, in a coma, and on life support to going home in TWO weeks!!!! Wow.

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Jennifer, that's TERRIFIC news!!! I'm SO HAPPY for all of you!!!


I'm sure you will, but take humor in her lack of a filter. I did that with my mother when she had dementia. I was:lol::lol::lol:all the time, even when she was calling me a b*tch!!!:lol:


After my head injury 4.5 years ago, my memory issues were, of course, far worse than they are now. I *always* forgot when I was upset with someone, and it was actually pretty funny. Someone would wrong me and then I'd act like nothing happened. After a bit I'd be :001_huh::confused::001_huh:and it would eventually come to me that I was upset because of THIS or THAT. It's funny, though, because I still do that even now. Not as much but I still do it. Dh is a lucky man.:D

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