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"the talk" - a humorous retelling

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Funny. You can have such awesome funny conversations with kids.


Also, when your teen is being annoying all you have to say is, "Shall we talk about sex ed now."


Then they will promptly say, "Okay, I'll shut up now." :D


My kids know I have no shame and will talk to them about whatever on an age appropriate level.

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Hysterical! Dh was between meetings and so I read it outloud to him. Just as we were getting to the end, ds 14, who is very sick with a nasty cold and wants the whole house to remain very quiet, came in and asked, "What are you guys laughing at?" We looked at each other and began laughing uproariously. I managed to squeak out, "Tadpoles". He left the room convinced we have lost our minds.



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That was great. As the mother of five dd's I can tell you kids will always throw you a curve ball or two. Every single one of them managed to ask some question that I had not thought of an answer to. And frequently they asked questions that set off alarm bells only to find out that their motivation was something as simple as where do they put their legs. You also have to be very careful that your answers are crystal clear and cannot possibly be misunderstood in any way.

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"I had possibly implied that there was only one man, some special Man who was used only for this purpose."




I'm teaching a parents' workshop this summer on how to talk to your kids about sex. I have so totally just found my first handout!

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A few months ago my ds8 wanted to know how people have s3x. He did not want his sister in on the conversation. We went to my bedroom and sat on the bed while I explained s3x to him.


His response?


"How can that feel good?? That doesn't sound good at all!!!"


He then looked suspiciously at the bed and quietly edged off it.


Dd9 has never asked about sex. Dh and I were discussing this a few days ago, and I was wondering aloud whether I should bring the topic up with her. Dh said that the idea of human s3x has probably never occurred to her and that we should let it be until she brings it up. She has not started to develop or exhibit any signs of puberty. I think she probably gets the general idea given that she is a nature documentary fanatic, but as long as she's content not to worry about/discuss it, I'm not going to worry too much. I figure when she starts developing, I will read The Care and Keeping of You with her, as I did with dd16.



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Once when driving home from the grocery store my youngest boy (age 5 at the time) asked me:


Boy: Mom, why do you suck Daddy?

Me: What?

Boy: You know sux.

Me: ????

BigBoy: Mom he means sex.

Boy: Yah sux, why do you Sex Daddy.


At this point I'm just glad that the question wasn't about sucking. I would have had no idea where he got that question. Just plan sex questions I could handle. It turns out my boy thought sex was something I just did to Daddy.

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I anticipate having to have a more serious sex talk in a few years, but as far as mechanics go, my dd 6 is so intensely science-oriented that she talks about mating, eggs, sperm, blastocysts, zygotes, embryos, and fetuses to anyone who will listen. It can be awkward. :tongue_smilie:

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I read this and got a good laugh. Then I picked my son up from prek and he proceeds to tell me how they learned about the life cycle of frogs today. He told me all of the steps, minus fertilization. Needless to say I made an immediate decision to just let it go. :001_smile:

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I read this and got a good laugh. Then I picked my son up from prek and he proceeds to tell me how they learned about the life cycle of frogs today. He told me all of the steps, minus fertilization. Needless to say I made an immediate decision to just let it go. :001_smile:




what timing!

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OMG! Tears are rolling down my face from trying to stifle the loud cackles that want to come out and invite my kids to ask "What are you laughing at?" I almost wish my boys were that inquisitive. I figured I would answer questions as they come up. But, my oldest son stopped asking questions about age 6 - he just read instead. He went through a "drawing animals mating" phase at age 5 - too much "Wild Discovery" I guess. Dd10 asks questions, but she hasn't gotten that specific yet. I am sure she has read about it in our human body books.

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