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Question for peeps of faiths other than Christianity

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Is there contemporary music for your faith? I was listening to praise and worship music in the car this morning and was wondering about it. Is there, for example, hip hop for Allah? Or is this just a Christian thing? One of my favorite parts of my faith is turning on worship music and singing and dancing around the house for my Creator. Is this something found in other faiths as well?

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yes we have nasheeds which are islamic songs they even make them for kids. There are usually some that contain music and some that dont contain music at all. we don't listen to the ones that contain music because we believe from our understanding of the Quran and hadith that music is forbidden(haram). i know some muslims think its ok so i guess it depends on what muslim you talk to. We listen to the Quran mostly(even my toddler likes Quran over nasheeds.) we use the nasheeds mostly for my son when he is playing or for holidays. oh yeah there is hip hop too there is a group called native deen that make hip hop islamic songs and im sure others lol

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I hope everyone doesn't take this the wrong way. As an athiest there aren't many songs for us. But there is one:




Steve Martin, aside from being a brilliant commedian, is a wonderful banjo player and musician. It's tongue in cheek. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title.

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The Sufi tradition has a form of devotional music broadly known as Qawwali. The late Pakistani singer Nusrat Fatah Ali Khan was one of this forms most beloved artists. He recoded with Peter Gabriel's record label (and many others). Some of his traditional songs were "re-mixed" into (what would you call them?) "dance tracks." I prefer the originals (which are marvelous).



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I hope everyone doesn't take this the wrong way. As an athiest there aren't many songs for us. But there is one:




Steve Martin, aside from being a brilliant commedian, is a wonderful banjo player and musician. It's tongue in cheek. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title.


That's immediately what leaped to my mind!

I love Steve Martin!



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yes we have nasheeds which are islamic songs they even make them for kids. There are usually some that contain music and some that dont contain music at all. we don't listen to the ones that contain music because we believe from our understanding of the Quran and hadith that music is forbidden(haram). i know some muslims think its ok so i guess it depends on what muslim you talk to. We listen to the Quran mostly(even my toddler likes Quran over nasheeds.) we use the nasheeds mostly for my son when he is playing or for holidays. oh yeah there is hip hop too there is a group called native deen that make hip hop islamic songs and im sure others lol


You don't believe in ANY music or just religious music?

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So, what are your (any of y'all's) songs like? The songs I love best are the love songs, the ones that express adoration and love for my Savior and the work He has done in my life. Is there a feeling of adoration and love for your diety like that? Is it expressed in your music?

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Well, Tim Minchin might qualify as contemporary music for my lack of faith, but only just. Atheists who feel the need to self-express about their lack of belief tend more towards comedy. [Total aside, I have tickets to see Tim Minchin, and haven't been this excited about an upcoming concert since Prince's Purple Rain tour way back when.]

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There is a whole independent Jewish music scene out there, seriously.


From "classics" of MBD (whom I don't really like, but he is very famous), to heartbreaking stuff like

, to some kid whom my daughters recently discovered and call "frum Justin Bieber" :lol:, singing pretty much verbatim "On the rivers of Babylon..." on this clip... and then, back to America, there is Lipa with many Yiddish songs too, then there are Nanachers with much of their techno/dance-like music, often with melodies taken from elsewhere but added their specific content (these guys are crazy, dancing in the streets all the time :D); then there is Meni Phillip who meanwhile stopped being religious but used to be a real "star" in the Orthodox world (I find this one nice, we listen to it sometimes); then there is a whole BUNCH of songs related to holidays in myriads of versions, such as this
or shabbat songs such as this
, only one of at least a dozen possible melodies, or
; then there are stuff like
where the chorus is taken from Pirkei Avot; or
; or traditional
... There is just SO MUCH Jewish music around there, both primarily religious as well as secular-spirited, this is a very very limited sample and not really "representative", just the stuff I thought of when it comes to relatively modern, religious-spirited stuff, with the exception of one or two, I tried to make it "diverse" rather than what I personally like). Edited by Ester Maria
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You don't believe in ANY music or just religious music?


again im only speaking for myself as a muslim because like i mentioned before there are tons of sects in islam and some muslims believe different. we believe All music is haram(forbidden). now when i say music i am speaking of what you would consider music( when i was christian i used to listen to worship songs like: shout to your lord, my god is an awesome god, i get on my knees etc) this we don't consider it good there is some music though with out the instrumental which we feel is ok

here is two examples which we are ok with one has a drum and is for kids the other no music at all. but ultimately we feel the quran is the best to listen too. hope that makes sense.
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Amirah, if you do not mind a question, how do you feel about purely instrumental music (such as much classical music)?

I find your attitude interesting, I think I have met it before, but those people whom I met who considered music religiously forbidden for them did not really extend it to music which is purely instrumental and not danced to / "involved" with (but only listened, with a sort of "distance" from it). So, while they would not listen to anything to which people dance (especially modern music), etc., they still thought a piano concert was okay, for example. Is this similar to how you feel or you extend the prohibition to instrumental classical music too?


Sorry for curiosity :), and thank you in advance for your answer.

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Amirah, if you do not mind a question, how do you feel about purely instrumental music (such as much classical music)?

I find your attitude interesting, I think I have met it before, but those people whom I met who considered music religiously forbidden for them did not really extend it to music which is purely instrumental and not danced to / "involved" with (but only listened, with a sort of "distance" from it). So, while they would not listen to anything to which people dance (especially modern music), etc., they still thought a piano concert was okay, for example. Is this similar to how you feel or you extend the prohibition to instrumental classical music too?


Sorry for curiosity :), and thank you in advance for your answer.


no i don't mind you asking at all. before i converted to islam i did listen to all types of music. i am trained in opera and i played the violin,viola and the piano for many years( i went to performing arts school from early years to high school and i was a ballet major in university but also involved in musical theatre and opera as well just for a you a little background)


now my belief is it takes you away from worshiping Allah (sometimes without our realizing it) memorizing Quran has alot of benefits with Allah even reading it etc. so i am missing out on the reward i could be getting when i am lost in classical music or a good opera. Also i believe from my study of the religious text and the major scholars who say its forbidden for that to be the truth so if its a sin im stay far away from it as possible. any other questions feel free to ask. again i dont speak for all of islam because there are many groups with in who have all kinds of beliefs

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no i don't mind you asking at all. before i converted to islam i did listen to all types of music. i am trained in opera and i played the violin,viola and the piano for many years( i went to performing arts school from early years to high school and i was a ballet major in university but also involved in musical theatre and opera as well just for a you a little background)


now my belief is it takes you away from worshiping Allah (sometimes without our realizing it) memorizing Quran has alot of benefits with Allah even reading it etc. so i am missing out on the reward i could be getting when i am lost in classical music or a good opera. Also i believe from my study of the religious text and the major scholars who say its forbidden for that to be the truth so if its a sin im stay far away from it as possible. any other questions feel free to ask. again i dont speak for all of islam because there are many groups with in who have all kinds of beliefs


I find that quite fascinating. Thank you for sharing.


It is interesting to me because music is such an important part of our worship. Singing Scripture and proclaiming the Word in song is so powerful to me. It is interesting that your sect of Islam would discourage this.

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I find that quite fascinating. Thank you for sharing.


It is interesting to me because music is such an important part of our worship. Singing Scripture and proclaiming the Word in song is so powerful to me. It is interesting that your sect of Islam would discourage this.


no problems if you look on youtube you can find many Quran recitations this is one of my favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxBbu2hfFMg this is i guess the equivalent to what you are speaking of because i get that same powerful feeling that you speak of when i listen to Quran.

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My ex was raised Sikh, born in the Panjab, and while he was a non-believer by the time I met him, he loved the music. The second video down is a pretty typical "church choir" at your local revival event:




And then there is Nasrut Ali Khan. I am so sorry he died before I got to see him live. Here he sings with his nephew and others. Most of his traditional stuff is religious (he got famous and sang on Dead Man Walking, and with Peter Gabriel, etc, but he was careful to make sure what he sang didn't cross his religious beliefs). I don't have my ex here to tell me if this particular song is religious, but I bet it is, and, to my entirely secular soul, it sounds even more religious than the hymns I grew up hearing. The only song in Western tradition that comes close for me is Gaudete.



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I dont subscribe to a particular faith but more a flavour, and yes there is absolutely plenty to choose from. I play bhajans with a group of people and it can get quite up beat. There are many musicians that are popular in my circle. From meditation music to dance music.

Here are a couple:




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