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non-prescription sleep supplements for adults?

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Can anyone recommend a sleep supplement that might help a person who wakes during the night and cannot get back to sleep due to all the stressful things on his mind that need to get done? This person also exercises a great deal. Mineral supplements?


He's already tried melatonin with little success. In a little while I'm off to the vitamin store for some Rescue Remedy Sleep to try.


Thank you for any suggestions you might have!! :)

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You can try Valerian root. Smells HORRIBLE but worked really well for me.

Also if you are anywhere near a Whole Foods they have a powder mixture called Calm. You can mix it into a cup of Chamomile tea or cocoa before bed. It has a bitter taste to it though, so if you do it with tea, add a little extra honey.

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5-HTP will help to rebuild the serotonin levels which have been depleted due to stress. Passionflower would help to quiet the mind. Passionflower is best taken in tincture form.


Give the 5-HTP some time to help rebuild the serotonin levels. You may not see immediate results.


I took 5-HTP, passionflower and valerian for several months and was cured of insomnia for a year afterwards. I got this concoction after listening to a newscast special on natural health help. The key issue is reducing stress. Stress will always interrupt good sleep patterns.

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Majorum essential oil can work, if the person likes it. Put one drop on each side of the pillow in case you turn over. It only lasts a couple of hours, so if you wake in the middle of the night, you may have to reapply.


A chiropractor can sometimes help, oddly enough.


A few months of eating a better breakfast will probably help too, if breakfast is not so good.


When is this person doing all this exercise? Perhaps too close to bedtime?




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Assuming no psychological problems, a good bed so the tossing-and-turning spouse isn't the problem, and ear plugs for the light sleeper, after more than 30 years of insomnia, Moby Dick is my best sleep aid. (sorry Bill).

It is meaty enough to fully engage my mind and slow enough to slow it down. It is complex enough that I can't read it while I'm too sleepy. I never keeps me awake because I need to read the next chapter the next chapter.

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Thank you everyone!!! I bought a few new things. Tonight DH is having 5-HTP, mag citrate, and Rescue Sleep. If that doesn't do anything, we'll try adding the valerian root - I opened the package and it smelled rather nasty! I hope I remember to give him his D and calcium in the morning.

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Benedryl, although if you take it too late it's very hard to shake it off in the morning and get up.


A small notebook is really helpful. You write down all the stuff you're worried about or that came to mind and woke you up, especially if it's thing's you're afraid you'll forget. Then it's easier to let them go, knowing they will be safely stored until morning.


Then guided imagery is really good.

I used to imagine weaving designs--what colors to combine, accent marks, things like that -- it has to be something that really engages you but is completely pleasant, and just a little challenging.

It calms you down, almost as if you lift your mind off your stress and place it somewhere else.


Then prayer. Turning it all over to God is the best thing. And then to sleep.

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I've tried Valerian and Melatonin to no avail. Benadryl works, though i'm always groggy in the morning. I have a prescription for Klonopin for my TMJ. Aaaaaahhhh..... That's wonderful stuff. I wake up so cheerful:). But, that's a prescription and not really relevant.:)

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I hope I remember to give him his D and calcium in the morning.



I was just going to post that Calcium and Magnesium supplements help make me sleepy. I always take both together with Vit D. If he has Calcium in the morning, he may feel sleepy at the wrong time of day.


Also, I take DHA OmegaBrite at bedtime. I have to be careful of heartburn but it always relaxes me.


I hate insomnia and I get is fairly often. :glare: I feel bad for your dh.

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I was just going to post that Calcium and Magnesium supplements help make me sleepy. I always take both together with Vit D. If he has Calcium in the morning, he may feel sleepy at the wrong time of day.


Also, I take DHA OmegaBrite at bedtime. I have to be careful of heartburn but it always relaxes me.


I hate insomnia and I get is fairly often. :glare: I feel bad for your dh.


Doesn't the D keep you awake? I cannot have D at night or I'll be up all night (D3 5,000 units).


I did give him one softgel of Omega 3 Mood. I have noticed that some omega supplements relax me, but I've been experimenting recently (on my poor guinea pig children) and I can't remember which one LOL.

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Hops tea knocks me out. It smells and tastes like body odor. Horrible horrible horrible, but it works GREAT. I can't even finish a cup before I'm snoozing.


You have to be careful with the 5-HTP. It is very powerful stuff. It can backfire on you. If the sleep problem is related to mental stress or any level of anxiety it may not help. 5-HTP can increase one's level of anxiety and cause agitation. I found that out the hard way. I personally don't think it should be used without consulting a doctor first.


My favorite sleep remedy is lavender essential oil. A few drops in a tablespoon of grapeseed oil works wonders for me. But, no more than a few drops because too much can actually have the opposite effect. I especially love it mixed with a few drops of clary sage essential oil. You can rub it on your chest and neck, take a lukewarm bath with it, or sprinkle it on a cotton ball and place it in your pillow case.


Melatonin is good as has been mentioned but you have to be careful not to use it too often. Frequent use will dimish the amount that your body produces on its own.


Valerian gives me a crushing head-ache.

Edited by Donna T.
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Doesn't the D keep you awake? I cannot have D at night or I'll be up all night (D3 5,000 units).


I did give him one softgel of Omega 3 Mood. I have noticed that some omega supplements relax me, but I've been experimenting recently (on my poor guinea pig children) and I can't remember which one LOL.



I do take it at night and have never noticed a bad effect. But I think with these things is is all about carefully experimenting and seeing what works for an individual. If it doesn't work for him then keep it for the daytime.

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These are things that I have tried and had varying levels of success with:


Benedryl - works for most people but not for me. I take 50mgs every six hours round the clock during allergy season and still function the same as normal. I have one child and one brother who get very hyper on it and finally one child that pukes anytime they take it. As many have mentioned it can take a while to wear off if it works for you. Definitely worth a try for occassional (not prolonged) use.


5HTP - didn't work for me because it induced mania. Not a problem for most people but I have never actually talk to anyone that it worked for either.


Melatonin - causes nightmares for me but does work for one of my brother and one of my children.


Valerian - smells horrible but definitely calms and would probably induce sleep for a regular person


KAVA KAVA - same effects as Valerian but doesn't smell nearly as bad. I don't know it's current market status. It was pulled from the market for awhile but then went back on the market.


Rescue Remedy - I have had good success with this in many different circumstances.


Nyquil - always works even for me. Theoretically, the combination that induces sleep is the mixture of the anti-histimine and alcohol but I have never been able to match it's effectiveness mixing these two ingredients on my own. I also don't like to take it on a regular basis because of the tylenol. Also it could possibility of inducing tolerance after a continued period of use so I like to save it for when it is really needed.


Waking in the middle of the night is much harder to deal with than having a hard time falling asleep, especially if you have to get up the next morning because many of the things that do work take a while to wear off. Reducing or even eliminating caffiene during the day can help. Most people don't know it but caffiene has a half life of eight hours. :001_huh: Keeping it very cool at night can help, as well as white noise and complete darkness.

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I heard from an herboloigst to try Lemon Balm. It's in dried form and you brew it as a tea. I had to find it at a very crunchy health food store.


It. Works. Period, end of story.


And I looked up "side effects" and it doesn't have any. They even give it to Alzheimer patients to calm anxiety.


My only problem: when I drank it every night before bed for 2 or 3 months my body adjusted to it. So now I only use it when I really feel the need.



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