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To be fair, Mosaicmind recently edited her OP on the biggest thread ever.

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And my word, what a thread it was. People, thank you so much. I was crying with laughter through quite a lot of it. I was reading a chunk of pages last night, and woke DH up because my laughter was shaking the bed.. and I couldn't stifle my snorts into the duvet well enough either. Hysterical! :smilielol5:


If Mosiacmind is still around reading.. please don't go away. I think that's really sad. Yes, we all have own opinions about pretty much everything, but I believe there is a place for everyone here. :grouphug:

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MosaicMind, don't feel you have to leave forever.


Nearly all that I have read re: these latest controversies has been pure silliness. Everything is just in such bold relief; and some of it is completely out of context. There is no perspective. It'll all pass and life will resume as before.

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If Mosiacmind is still around reading.. please don't go away. I think that's really sad. Yes, we all have own opinions about pretty much everything, but I believe there is a place for everyone here. :grouphug:


I really agree. Please don't leave. I once said such a dumb thing on this board -- I really hadn't been thinking -- and worried for days that SWB herself would email me and say, "good bye, lady!"


I was so happy when I never got that email.


I can't quite imagine homeschool life -- or life in general -- without this board.


Please don't go -- you're needed here.



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Thanks for pointing out the change and Eliana's beautiful response.


Mosaicmind - I know it wasn't your intention to start that whole *kilt and kaboodle*, but with a contribution like that. . .you have to stick around! :D


You said you don't know where all this leaves you. . .it leaves you human, with feelings. . .and very welcome to stay. :grouphug:

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Yes, I am still here :blush: I didn't really want to leave but add a little wine and hormones and I went nuts. Sorry, please I am asking for everyone's forgiveness. I am sorry if I hurt anyone. But, I am glad that I was able to contribute to the board in such a memorable way :)


Thanks to everyone who showed me support on and off the boards.

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Eliana -


I thought about you a lot yesterday because I felt deep down you probably really didn't want to leave the board, but were instead trying to express your feelings about the issue. I know what a rough time you have had in your life and I would hate to see you leave and lose this board as a support system based on what happened yesterday. The response to your post went way beyond what it would normally have been had people not already been so up in arms about the controversy.


I hope you will stay. I'm sure the whole thing will blow over in a short time.:grouphug:


And, Colleen, how kind of you to point out the change in her original post and give people a chance to welcome her back.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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Yes, I am still here :blush: I didn't really want to leave but add a little wine and hormones and I went nuts. Sorry, please I am asking for everyone's forgiveness. I am sorry if I hurt anyone.


They'll get over it!


But, I am glad that I was able to contribute to the board in such a memorable way :)


It could be the sleep deprivation talking but, that's epic :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



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Yes, I am still here :blush: I didn't really want to leave but add a little wine and hormones and I went nuts. Sorry, please I am asking for everyone's forgiveness. I am sorry if I hurt anyone. But, I am glad that I was able to contribute to the board in such a memorable way :)


Thanks to everyone who showed me support on and off the boards.


Glad you decided to stay. I'd much rather hear someone say that they don't agree with something but be determined to stick around to voice their opinion than to leave.


Your original post did hit me the wrong way but I couldn't possibly hold a grudge after all the mischief and mayhem that it brought about! As far as I'm concerned, not that my opinion matters a whole lot, you should put it out of your mind.:D

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Glad you decided to stay. I'd much rather hear someone say that they don't agree with something but be determined to stick around to voice their opinion than to leave.


Your original post did hit me the wrong way but I couldn't possibly hold a grudge after all the mischief and mayhem that it brought about! As far as I'm concerned, not that my opinion matters a whole lot, you should put it out of your mind.:D



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I am happy Lisa is staying. We all get our tail feathers in a ruff sometimes....but the henhouse is quite welcoming and forgiving.


Welcome back...and thanks for the other post....men in kilts....gotta love it. I threatened to buy one for ds....he seemed to like the idea....but dh has absolutely forbidden me...and since he is the boss (on job sites anyway:D). I guess I will have to pass.......



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