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s/o boys flushing things down the toilet.....

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A pencil.


A pen.


A green soldier.


I just asked him now, "Why did you do a pencil AND a pen?" "Because I wanted to experiment."


Dh had to replace the toilet twice.


When he was four, ds broke a window by throwing a rock at it. "I wanted to see what would happen." He only broke the storm window. A year later, he threw another rock and broke the rest of the window.


He was quite young, and he's never been a destructive kid. Really!


How did I survive that? How did he?

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tooth brushes numerous time

green army men

hot wheel cars




When ask he said he was figuring out how it worked:lol:


I removed toilet numerous times dug out what ever was flushed. I kept a supply of wax rings.


This is my youngest. Its been 12 years and those are thing I remember. We ended up locking the bathroom to keep him out. This is the same kids that I had to reverse his door knob and lock him in at night so he wouldn't walk out the door or spread destruction through out the house.


He was not meaning to me destructive just a very hands on boy.


So fast forward to age 9/10. He broke the basement door, the front door glass, and the back glass on my Jeep. He shot the windows in barn. He decided after a boyscout lesson on ax. To well ax the back of the barn. We found this little price just recently .


When ask about each incident. He was always testing something or wanting to find out something. My dh said he was going to make us homeless and broke. He cut lots of grass working off the cost.


He is now 14 and hopefully he want destroy anything else.


Oh yeah I forgot recently he was cleaning the toilet and flushed one of those toilet wand things


He s learning construction and building stuff. He wants to put stuff together. He was obsessive with Lego's and now he wants to build sky scrapers:tongue_smilier:


Maybe all his natural curiosity for how things fall apart and work will end up as a career.

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Sometimes, I wish I could exchange our "climbing" experiences, for some "flushing down" ones! :glare::D

Like the time ds son decided he was Indian Jones, on a horse, rode said horse under a beam, grabbed beam. So there's ds hanging from a beam and the horse loose!!!! :glare: Was not my favorite day! Who do I catch?!!!! Son or horse that's heading towards the street?!!!

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Sometimes, I wish I could exchange our "climbing" experiences, for some "flushing down" ones! :glare::D

Like the time ds son decided he was Indian Jones, on a horse, rode said horse under a beam, grabbed beam. So there's ds hanging from a beam and the horse loose!!!! :glare: Was not my favorite day! Who do I catch?!!!! Son or horse that's heading towards the street?!!!



My kind of kid.


The triplets flushed the contents of their diaper pail down the toilet once, after I told them we were going to start putting our pee and poo in the toilet.

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Thankfully none of mine have taken to flushing things that shouldn't be flushed--we have septic. But my brother once managed to get a tennis ball flushed when he was about 2yo. Mom had to get the Roto-rooter guy and he snaked the toilet. It flowed out to the road--that's how we knew it was a tennis ball--and stunk up the neighborhood. But not as bad as the dead dog we found behind the neighbor's house. Ewww!

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tooth brushes numerous time

green army men

hot wheel cars




When ask he said he was figuring out how it worked:lol:


I removed toilet numerous times dug out what ever was flushed. I kept a supply of wax rings.


This is my youngest. Its been 12 years and those are thing I remember. We ended up locking the bathroom to keep him out. This is the same kids that I had to reverse his door knob and lock him in at night so he wouldn't walk out the door or spread destruction through out the house.


He was not meaning to me destructive just a very hands on boy.


So fast forward to age 9/10. He broke the basement door, the front door glass, and the back glass on my Jeep. He shot the windows in barn. He decided after a boyscout lesson on ax. To well ax the back of the barn. We found this little price just recently .


When ask about each incident. He was always testing something or wanting to find out something. My dh said he was going to make us homeless and broke. He cut lots of grass working off the cost.


He is now 14 and hopefully he want destroy anything else.


Oh yeah I forgot recently he was cleaning the toilet and flushed one of those toilet wand things


He s learning construction and building stuff. He wants to put stuff together. He was obsessive with Lego's and now he wants to build sky scrapers:tongue_smilier:


Maybe all his natural curiosity for how things fall apart and work will end up as a career.



A whole loaf of bread???? Was it still in the bag or was it one slice at a time? :lol:

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My oldest flushed my glasses down the toilet when she was 3yo.


I couldn't find my glasses anywhere and couldn't figure out what I'd done with them. I finally decided they had fallen off the counter into the trash (which I had taken out and had been picked up already).


The toilet in the kids' bathroom was stopped up, but I didn't connect that to my glasses at all. It was Christmas Eve, so I had to wait several days for a plumber.


When the plumber pulled my glasses out of the toilet, my 3yodd piped up, "I clean your glasses, Mommy!"

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I don't recall anything interesting being flushed. However, our youngest used to pull the registers off the floor vents and drop things down there when he was a toddler. DH had to crawl under the house and cut into the ductwork to get it all out. Toy dinosaurs, Thomas the Tank trains, and a whole lot of other things I can't recall now. There was about 1/2 bucket full of toys. We nailed the registers down after that! :D

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I know someone that flushed her dad's car keys down the toilet when she was a teenager. She had taken them without permission while they were out, and they fell out of her pocket as she reached down to flush the toilet! The mom didn't have an extra set with her either.


I know someone who flushed the toilet keys down the toilet! In my sister's office building the toilet was kept locked. One of the ladies went in, locked herself in and dropped the key in while flushing. Took a while before they went looking for her, apparently!


Ds put the mop in the toilet more than once. It's not flushable, but it certainly is messy to remove...

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My ex is a plumber, thankfully, or some of my son's flushing experiments could have been expensive!


First repair- Ex came over and tried to snake it, but it wouldn't work. So he pulled up the toilet and put it on its side. He pulled out a glow in the dark dinosaur, 2 hotwheels, a hand towel, 3 socks, a t-shirt, and a handful of army guys. I have no clue how all of this fit, but it was jammed right at the base of the toilet.


Second repair- He snaked out some socks.


Third repair- He had to take the toilet in the backyard because he couldn't see in it. There was a chip & dale's (kid cartoon) McDonald's toy really stuck in it!


DS also tried bathing the ferrets in the toilet!


DS potty trained soon after the 3rd repair and lost interest.

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My oldest flushed my glasses down the toilet when she was 3yo.


I couldn't find my glasses anywhere and couldn't figure out what I'd done with them. I finally decided they had fallen off the counter into the trash (which I had taken out and had been picked up already).


The toilet in the kids' bathroom was stopped up, but I didn't connect that to my glasses at all. It was Christmas Eve, so I had to wait several days for a plumber.


When the plumber pulled my glasses out of the toilet, my 3yodd piped up, "I clean your glasses, Mommy!"


LOL- well, I guess after that it is a little hard to be mad! She was just "helping.":D

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All of you who have children who flush things should take them on a homeschool field trip to the wastewater treatment plant. The employees were thrilled to have people interested in their work and we got to see how and where all of those things come out of the water. Just a warning though, you may need to distract your children from some of the items that are being removed from the water.:blink:

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