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Cloudy, gloomy grey days...

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I'm difficult because I hate being hot and I loathe the summers (mosquitoes, sweat and sunscreen -- yuck), but I also hate rain and despise cloudy days. They make me sleepy and blah. I also hate the humidity -- I have oily enough skin on my own, and it makes my hair frizzy.

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Oh, Rachel, I am so with you today! We're in the Charlotte area, and I'm not enjoying the gloom and COLD today. I'm finding it very hard to be motivated to do anything. In fact, I'm still in my PJ's. :001_smile: It's supposed to warm up later this week... I hope it does. I was enjoying the taste of spring we had recently.

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Well, I live in the Portland area in Oregon so I'd better not hate the rain, or let it stop me. I love the smell of wet pine trees; clean, moist air; fog rising out of the forest. Its beautiful, definitely not dreary.


I do love the sun though, even more for the fact that we don't see it very often.

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I must be strange too because that is my favourite weather. Throw in a nice thunderstorm and I'm happy. I really enjoy snow too, people find that odd. I extremely dislike summer.


Me too!! I love thunderstorms and snow! I detest hot summers. I'm an NC girl, and our summers are hot enough.

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I hate the heat and humidity of summer, but grey and gloomy days really get to me. I'm much more likely to sit around and do nothing on a gloomy day. On sunny days you'll find me cleaning and re-organizing the house, or in warmer weather I'm digging in the garden and having my husband yell at me to slow down and enjoy the weather.


What I need is a home in a place where the weather is rarely higher than 80 degress, where it snows and has all four seasons, but where the snowbanks don't reach 7 feet tall, with a high percentage of sunny days, without excessive humidity, and without poisonous snakes. I doubt it exists.

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