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Jim Weiss is such a gentleman!

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For those of us who have listened to his wonderfully versatile voice reading SOTW or other story recordings, I thought you might like to know . . .

Jim Weiss is one of the keynote speakers at a homeschool conference here in my hometown of St. Louis. I was looking forward to hearing him, but I just have to say that not only does he have a warm, inviting VOICE, he is such a friendly and courteous person, too! As he came into the auditorium for his workshop he greeted everyone with a friendly, "Hello! How are you today?" and a warm smile. He even recognized me as having been to a workshop yesterday and welcomed me back. :001_smile: It was amazing to hear "that voice" in person - so entertaining! But even more wonderful was meeting the man (behind the voice) who is pleasant, personable, and approachable. If you haven't taken the opportunity to listen to his recordings, go get one and know that there is substance behind the entertainment!

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I quite agree! I've had the privilege of chatting with him at his booth at the Cincy convention and he was just so incredibly nice. My kids are so glad he attends because every year I buy them more cd's for their collection. They've been speculating as to what I might pick this time around. :D

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Our family met him last year in Cincy. He was wonderful! We went to one of his sessions late at night. It was the perfect bedtime story for my kids. My kids actually prefer to listen to him read SOTW. I've thought of sending him a letter asking him to do a recording of basic commands, like "Clean your room" or "Stop hitting your sibling" since my dc prefer his voice over mine.

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I was at his booth in Memphis picking out some titles to go with next year's topics and he kindly took time away from SWB (who I didn't notice in my absorbtion until later :001_huh:) and helped me pick the best titles for my topic and for the age and stage of my kids. He was beyond gracious and helpful. I think I bought more than planned just because he was so kind.

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His wife always has a smile and a moment to say hi. And I don't think I've ever bought anything from them. She just says hi and she remembers the time I took a break in her booth when I was overwhelmed at conference in Indiana about 5 years ago. I see her once a year and remembers that. and I get a warm smile from her.



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My first encounter with Jim Weiss was 12 or 13 years ago or so. I was at a hs convention and he had a booth selling his story tapes. There was no one there, and I had bought everything I needed, so I was browsing for those extra gems that one can sometimes find. I looked at his tapes, then asked him why his story tapes are better than others, and why I should buy his. It was a genuine question. He simply said, "Well,..." and launched into a story. Within a couple minutes, there was a crowd around listening. I was immediately sold and bought several tapes. My dc loved them. Then I found that he was coming to our local library, so we went to hear him. One of my ds's talked to him there. I continued to buy his story tapes because my dc couldn't get enough of them and my dh and I enjoyed them, too.


I spoke with him several times after that and was always impressed by his gentleness and genuineness. One of my sons was inspired to tell stories and decided to enter a Toastmaster story telling contest. There was no age minimum, so he entered. He was the only child participating, and he prepared for quite a while. He used what he had learned from listening to Jim Weiss. He entered the contest the next year, too. All because of Jim Weiss, who encouraged him when ds told him he wanted to tell stories.


Jim Weiss's inventory has expanded considerably since those days, but I have not been disappointed with any of his cds (we still have those old cassette tapes, too). My dc won't let me get rid of any of the cassettes because they love the stories too much.


It is always nice to know that the person behind the product is someone you can respect as a person.

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Last year my dd8 (at the time) drew two pictures for Jim that illustrated her favorite cds by him. She sent the drawings with us to give him at the conference. When we gave them to him, Jim suggested we take a picture of him with the drawings for her. He then took my email address and, a few days later, sent dd a thank-you email.


As you can see from my location, I am in love with Jim Weiss! Even dh thinks he's cool. ;)



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One year at the Cincinnati convention I spent my last $20 on CDs. As I was counting dollar bills to hand them to her, we chatted about my plans to drive back to the Chicago area later that day - a six hour drive. When she realized that I had just spent all of my cash on Jim Wiess CDs, she insisted that I keep the money - and the CDs.


Even though I had credit cards with me, and said I could use them in an emergency, she said that as a mom, she would never want to think of her daughter driving across three states without any money :001_smile:

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One year at the Cincinnati convention I spent my last $20 on CDs. As I was counting dollar bills to hand them to her, we chatted about my plans to drive back to the Chicago area later that day - a six hour drive. When she realized that I had just spent all of my cash on Jim Wiess CDs, she insisted that I keep the money - and the CDs.


Even though I had credit cards with me, and said I could use them in an emergency, she said that as a mom, she would never want to think of her daughter driving across three states without any money :001_smile:



Wow! What a testament to the integrity of this family! I have heard of him, but had not purchased any of his recordings. I will rethink that.

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We've always been huge Jim Weiss fans and he and I used to keep in touch via email many times. He's so sweet and so kind. Sadly, our dc have now outgrown most of the CDs. But they were great memories. We did listen to his Tale of Two Cities on our recent trip to the U.S. That was nice.

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Jim and Randy Weiss are two of the kindest, wisest people I know. Hope you get a chance to meet them in Cincinnati.




I had the pleasure of meeting Jim last year at the InHome conference. He was such a delight. Hearing that voice on a real person was disarming. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to any of his workshops because I was busy working as an exhibitor and as a presenter. He was such a dear, lending us some of his CDs for our workshop.


I had the pleasure of meeting his wife just this past weekend - we were on the same floor of the hotel at InHome this year. She is such a dear, so friendly and engaging, from helping my daughter pick out some new CD's to chatting up the teens at the conference.

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