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So what's on the menu at your house this weekend???

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I'm debating about making some fresh ground wheat bread. The kids asked for chef salad for lunch & dh is at church working. I might throw a roast in the crock pot for dinner. I had been doing a good job of planning, but then everyone had a bout of the stomach bug and it really threw me off.


So what's cooking at your house this weekend?



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I'm about to start a roast in the crockpot and make a double batch of mac and cheese. (One for dh to take with him this week; he works out of town.) Tomorrow I'd planned chicken, but chili seems to be winning the popular vote, so we'll see. Whatever we eat tomorrow will be scheduled around the football games, though. :)

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We are planning REAL FOOD this weekend! My family has had influenza and sinus infections for a week now. So far, 3 out of the 5 have had it. Anyway, we are all getting tired of soup and such so I put a pork roast in the pot for supper. Tomorrow's supper will probably be minute steaks cooked in mushroom soup! As far as lunches, we really don't plan those ahead, it's whatever is fast and easy.

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This weekend I am making


An oven stuffer roaster with stuffing

Baked Ham (mainly for lunch during the week and then soup)


homemade sauce for pasta

chicken noodle soup

Eggplant Parmesan


Tonight we will be having baked salmon with lentils

Tomorrow is football/Amazing race final food - Crab dip with crackers, and other munchies.

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We'll be having stew, a new wild rice and turkey casserole, and I have to cook up some hamburger, so probably spaghetti, too. May have to try making homemade french bread, too. My mom found one of those french bread glass tubes like I had years ago, so I want to try it again.

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Mom's Vegetable Soup and toasted cheese sandwiches



Barbecue Chicken, made in the crockpot; Crock Pot Dressing, broccoli and....?? fruit or dessert


Sunday Breakfast

Dad makes this if he's in the mood. I usually make it a get-your-own.


Sunday Noon

Rib eye steak, baked potatoes and lettuce/spinach salad... + ?


Sunday Evening

Make your own

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