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Teachers Bistro! 3-22-2011

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What's for lunch today? Me: NO IDEA! Which is why we're getting ready to head out the door to find out! :001_smile:


What's different about your schedule and/or environment today? Us: dd is off on a field trip with the tweens from our homeschooling group. It's just me and my accelerated learner 6yo ds today. So, of course, he's almost completely done with school today and chomping at the bit to be outside, ride his bike, want Mom to interract with him constantly. Whew!


What do you wish for today? Me: I wish we had a personal chef that would do all the meal planning and cooking for my family (and that I had the extra money needed to pay for that)! :D


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Lunch- me: salad with grilled chicken on top and brown bread. kids: brown rice noodles and grapes


Different- left the kids home with sister and hung out with two mom friends and their babies. I had given the kids some assignments to do while I was gone, but we're still working on school now.


Wish- I wish I had extra money to help my sister and brother-in-law out.

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Lunch- leftover lasagna YUM

Different- dd2 is actually interacting with a phonics dvd that was meant for dd5. Quite possibly the most boring dvd ever she is NOT big on tv at all. (big kids are at school 2 of them taking PSSA's today :glare:)

Wishes- A maid and a bigger budget for schooling next year

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Lunch: kids are having frozen lasagna (well, I cooked it for them :D ) and I am having a hummus sandwich


Schedule: What schedule?! Ugh.


Wish: That this stomach bug that three of us (and the dog) have been revisited by again today would just go back to where it came from and leave us alone. We've had more than our fair share.

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Lunch: left over roast beef on a rosemary olive oil bun, banana, diet cherry Pepsi.


Different about today: DD got up before I did!


Wishes: A different house in different neighborhood. (I WILL be content despite my circumstances, I WILL be content despite my circumstances, I WILL be content despite my circumstances, I WILL be content despite my circumstances )

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What's for lunch today? Pancakes made from the left-over oatmeal (kid request)


What's different about your schedule and/or environment today? I flung cream into my son's face by accident (lid wasn't one well and I was trying to shake it up). I made all of us cry before 10am.


What do you wish for today? A do-over.

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We just got back from eating at Red Lobster. My older son is home from college on spring break. The younger decided he wanted to do half days this week (where we can) so that he could spend some time with his brother and that's what we did yesterday and today. They are out running around together now. It does my heart good to see them hang out together....


What do I wish for? Peace in the world; God's kingdom to come; aversion of crisis; a living wage for the truly poor of the world; solace for those experiencing crisis - so much to wish for. For me, personally? I'd like to figure out how my old self is going to earn a living once I'm no longer teaching a child. I've been out of the labor force a long time and need to help earn some money for my family if that is possible....

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:grouphug: to all of you! I know what it's like to 'make us all cry' before it reaches noon, I understand what it's like to be discontent and really wanting that house elsewhere!


Update on our lunch: it wound up being McDonald's since there is one right by the grocery store that I had to go to anyway!


Don't ask me about dinner,though!

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:grouphug: to all of you! I know what it's like to 'make us all cry' before it reaches noon, I understand what it's like to be discontent and really wanting that house elsewhere!


Update on our lunch: it wound up being McDonald's since there is one right by the grocery store that I had to go to anyway!


Don't ask me about dinner,though!


So Scrap, what are you having for dinner?!:D

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Lunch: leftover white chili


Different: My DH came home before noon today so I don't have to drag everyone to dance this afternoon and I get an unexpected hour by myself! That never happens, so I'm really excited.


Wishes: a cleaning genie to come and clean my house for me. I would love for it all to be clean at the same time.

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Lunch--will be spring rolls when the kids get back from the store with the peanut sauce.


Different--writer's workshop---fancy term to say we have spent the most of the last two days with me working one on one with the kids with their writing assignments from last week


Wishes---that my house could magically be clean

& that I was dressed and wearing a bra when my neighbor came over to complain about my cat:tongue_smilie:

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Lunch: Salad with turkey on top for me. A cheese & mustard sandwich with sliced cucumbers for one ds; the other had a turkey and cheese sandwich.


Different: Nothing here, and I'm starting to feel antsy about the routine. I really want to take a vacation.


Wish: Inner peace & full contentment with all that I've been blessed. I'm tired and grouchy today, and I'm finding it hard to be thankful for what I do have.

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What's for lunch today?corn dogs on the fly as we stopped at home briefly between 2 appointments. I think they have upset my stomach :001_smile:


What's different about your schedule and/or environment today?Well, welcome to the great pollen expo. My red car is now yellow greenish and we are all swollen in the face from allergies. Schedule wise everything is different as public schools are on spring break and all of our normals had to change times.


What do you wish for today? that the argument dh and I have been having for a week now will come to some sort of resolution.

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Lunch: Turkey wrap with cheese, popcorn


Different: It's 4:30pm and I'm feeding the kids an early dinner because dh and I have to drop them off at the babysitter's house before our class tonight. We usually have a sitter come to our house.


Wish: I wish I had a few more paying doula clients coming up here soon, so that I could contribute to helping with household expenses.

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Lunch - dd10 browned meat and made a gravy. dd6 made egg noodles. They put the two together for a great lunch with strawberries for desert.


Different - We've still got the flu hanging on here. The girls have done dishes, laundry, made lunch, and brushed the dog but haven't started school work yet. I'm hoping they'll make dinner too so I can get a nap.


Wish - That I didn't feel like I needed a nap.

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Good afternoon everyone.


Lunch: I had a peanut butter sandwich, Boo Boo had mac and cheese and Sweet Pea had grilled cheese sandwich (provolone on sourdough) with tomato soup.


Different today: Sweet-Pea really started to get the hang of long division. I could kick myself for not going with Singapore Math previously. It has helped her so much.


Wishes: To be Samantha from Bewitched for one day so I could twitch my nose and make order of this messy, cluttered house.

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