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Hs'ing with a cranky toddler


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I'm going insane.

The terrible two's have hit my youngest with a resounding THUD. He's bull-headed, cranky, having tantrums, and just generally not pleasant. He's currently shut up in his room because I seriously can't take another minute of it.


Today he coloured all over himself, dumped and mutilated a deck of cards, stuck his peanut butter sandwich open faced onto the couch, screamed during our entire read-aloud time, pulled a bag of pretzels out of the pantry and dumped it on the kitchen floor, got into the office and played with the computers, just to name a few things.


I feel like I'm letting all my kids down. My eldest, because my patience is so thin that I'm really too short with him. I also really wish I could add in other subjects... history, more science, some geography, ect. He's a smart boy and capable of it, but I just don't have it in me.


My middle child doesn't get enough of my attention. I'm either trying to do school with the eldest, or dealing with the youngest. I carve out little bits of time for her here and there, but it's not enough.


I'm wondering if I'm not doing my youngers a disservice by homeschooling. I don't enjoy trying to teach math to a 6yr old with a wandering mind, while my 4yr old is pulling at my hair putting barrettes and bands in it, and my 2yr old is screaming and making a mess of the kitchen. How can I expect my 6yr old to concentrate, and yet I get frustrated with him that he can't!


It's only lunchtime, and while we're nearly done school, it will take me the next few hours to clean up the mess that's left behind, and I really wonder what we have accomplished here. Yes, we got our math, handwriting, FLL, OPGTR, Bible, and piano done, but what was the cost of it? Bible was anything but edifying, I'm not sure he'll retain anything we did in math due to the aforementioned screaming. While I should be at his side at this age for all subjects, my attention is frequently needed elsewhere. My other two kids probably felt like their presence was rather unwanted (which I'm sure has exemplified all the acting out), and I'm grumpy as all get out.


And I want to throw the Wii out the window, because the entire day has been frequently punctuated by "When can I play games???".


Not having fun here.


Please tell me it gets better!


Now to release the two-foot terror from his room....

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I feel you pain. Mine are 7, 4, and 2. My aunt, who homeschooled her 5 kids over the course of about 20 years, said that having a toddler in the house is absolutely the most difficult aspect of homeschooling. At my house, we grab bits and pieces of time throughout the day and just do what we can. When I notice the 2 year old being relatively happy, I pull out something that takes 20 minutes or less and do that. I rotate what I start with so the same subjects don't get neglected over and over. I continue working if we can, but if not I just try to grab additional 10-20 minute snippets as the day goes on. The 2 year old will sometimes listen in on our read alouds. One thing that has helped me feel better about things is Explode the Code online. I know that my 1st grader is working at least 20 minutes on phonics every day no matter how crazy things are. We sometimes work during naptime or I will turn on the TV for the 2 year old too.


ETA: A good attitude during schoolwork is required at my house for games to be allowed during that day. Repeatedly asking for games during schoolwork doesn't count as a good attitude even if the asking is done nicely.

Edited by abacus2
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I can totally relate to this.


Do you have a daily schedule in place? That would be one of the first things I'd work on: being proactive and intentional with how the toddler and 4 year old are allowed to spend their time during school hours.


Since your oldest is 6, you can relax a bit, knowing that he's very young and will have plenty of time to 'catch up', if the academics take a back seat to child training for a brief time.


I'd also consider giving the older child some independent things to do, if you think he is up to it. Even if it is just a stack of picture books from the library that are for him to look through, while you do something else. Maybe the 4 yr old and 6 yr olds could alternate times during the day with a stack of picture books?


I would also:

-use the Wii as a reward for good behavior during school, or just get rid of it.

-have 'room time' for your toddler during school time (enforced by a baby gate, or whatever enforcement he needs)

-have special toys your toddler REALLY likes only available to use during school time, and he must sit next to you, using them quietly

-Get your own iron levels checked and your thyroid checked, maybe add a B-complex vitamin to your diet

-Also, if your toddler is generally cranky, I'd think about whether he is getting enough sleep, eating the right foods (eliminate dyes, gluten, dairy?), etc.


Good luck! I am right there with you! :grouphug: See if you can work out a daily schedule (www.titus2.com). That might be just what you need.

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I feel for you. I don't even try to do school while the 3 year old is awake because it causes SO MUCH TENSION. Thankfully my little one takes a good 3-hour nap daily (although this is getting later and later) and I finally put him in preschool a couple mornings a week. Grandma takes him one morning, so at least 3 days a week we get lots of science & history done.


Some things to consider - it is possible for the older kids to do a little more work independently? (Time4Learning, Netflix documentaries, math games). Would you 2 year old stay in his (child-proof) room if you put a baby gate at the door? Would he watch a video while wearing headphones so you could get some instructional time with your older kids?


I have to just set aside schoolwork if the 3 yr old is interrupting. It is not worth it to continue. Sometimes I make the 9 yr old play with his little brother - 9 yr old get a break from school, the preschooler gets some attention, and I get a little time to recover.

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I think all toddlers have their moments. Mine was horrified this morning when I insisted that he pick up all of the cereal that he had thrown on the floor. He did it with me standing there watching him, but he fussed the whole time. How the girls concentrated on their math is beyond me. Here are a few ideas for toddlers:


1. Schedule a short period of one on one time with the toddler each morning. There are many times when acting up is a way of trying to get Mom's attention. With mine I've seen a correlation with the consistancy that I spend time with him versus the amount of whining and tantrums.


2. Structure - All of my kids are happier, more productive, and get along better when we have some structure to our days. We use a MOTH schedule. Each of my kids gets a 30 minute break during which they are supposed to play one on one with the toddler. He doesn't always cooperate, but at the very least they are required to keep an eye on him for that time and let me know if he's getting into something he shouldn't.


3. Including him - This isn't always possible, but I always keep my eye out for opportunities. Sometimes my youngest will sit at the table and draw on a dry erase board while the big kids are working or sit and play with the math manipulatives. He helped shake the kitchen table when we were testing how different block structures hold up to an earthquake. He loves to help throw clothes in the washer and dryer or use the shop vac to vacuum up ashes around the woodstove. He carries folded washclothes back to the cabinet or brings me the history pages off of the printer. The more helpful and included he feels, the less he acts up.


4. Special toys - have toys that he enjoys that only come out at school time.


5. Be creative about when you school. Do core subjects during his naptime. Read history, science, etc. during meal times or as bedtime reading.


6. In a pinch, sticking him in the high chair with cheerios or in his crib with a few toys can buy a 15-20 minute window for getting work done.



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yeah, it's fun isn't it!


I have a nearly 6y/o, 3.5y/o and recently mobile bulldozer 7 month old... I feel your pain!


I hardly have any answers, just hoping it gets easier too.


One thing I don't feel guilty about is enforcing 'rest time' in the afternoon for everyone. At least one hour in their beds, reading or listening to classical music (when little one naps). I take 15 minutes of this to have a coffee, put my feet up, and read something edifying (a great tip I got from a mum of 6 - get horizontal & spiritually fed for 15mins!)

I also frequently say 'outside time' where they have to play outside until I say otherwise - ie. until I've been able to clean up the last disaster.


Having the schedule as a suggestion rather than law!


good luck!

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This is my toddler to a T. She is far more into things than her sisters where. I have no idea how I am going to manage the chaos other than I plan to rotate a lot.


as in while I work with dd12, dd9 watches her, then while I work with dd5 & dd9 together, dd12 watches her. That is my tenative plan I figure its somewhat of a break for them from school work but might make for some long spaced out school days.


I hope this is a short season of toddler crazies and I can slowly start getting her into doing "school"

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Your oldest is 6, so I would try to get as much schoolwork done as possible during naptime.


My kids are 8, 6, 3, and 1 1/2. . .and I'm trying to take my own advice on this. My 1 yr old dd is constantly climbing up on the table, crying, and playing with the computer etc. . .

My big kids can work atleast twice as efficiently when it is quiet and they have my full attention.


Oh how it would be nice to be done before lunch. . .someday. ;)

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That was me last year (this year is getting much better so there is hope).

Some things I did:


When I needed to work with my oldest in quiet (or kind of quiet) I:

-let my younger two color on dry erase boards. They could only do it then so it was special.

-A super bubbly bath (not super deep) with all the toys they wanted. I can't tell you how much time by then 2 year old spent in the bath tub last year...hours. This was my go to activity.

-my middle was good with the computer so they got to do PBS kids and starfall and audio books each with an ear bud in.

-when desperate (which was daily) they got to watch a show in my room (I tried to pick a "baby" show so my oldest didn't complain).

-they ate a LOT of snacks

-pladough and water colors. Messy but provided lots of seated time when they didn't have to be quiet. I put down a big plastic tablecloth so I could basically pick it up and not lose my sanity over the mess (as much).


This is what I did in the morning. It usually gave my 1-1.5 hours.


In the afternoons we did anything else while she slept. I also did a lot of read alouds at night while my husband was putting her to bed. We would do chapters and chapters this way in peace and quiet. Anyway this got my through. This year (she's 3) it is better although she is still my most demanding child. And we still have bath mornings :001_smile:.

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I feel your pain. My DD is 22 months and she can climb over and take down any babygate. She is also pottytraining, but I have to help her take off her underwear and sit her on the toilet. This was my day:


take DS2 to preschool

rush home and do AAS with DS1 while DD tore up the family room

pick up DS2

rush home and do funnix with DS2 while DD tore up the kitchen

rush to soccer and home again

do WWE w DS1 while DD caused mayham

rush to swimming and home

throw dinner together while we all pick up her mayham


thankfully, we are way ahead in our HS and my DS1 is of the nature that I can miss RS for a week and catch up in 2 hours with him. (same with AAS). our house is a disaster all the time. I am a neat person, and it is about to do me in. I just remember that it will pass. They will get older. Things will not always be this way. It is the big picture that I have to look at. I may not get any school done for 48 hours, but he is still learning.

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:grouphug: we are here! I have a 5, 3, and a 1 and it is mayhem! I could have written your post. Then I get frustrated with myself for getting frustrated with my odd all bc she can't concentrate bc someone is screaming! Ugh. We try to get alot done at nap time, and that does help. We have tried the basket of special toys that can only be played with in the school room, lots of movies, snacks, everything. i agree with a pp that said to spend some time with the toddler and middle one in the morning. That is something I need to do. It is amazing the difference with the lo's after just 5-10 minutes focused on them! I just keep telling myself, this too shall pass! :001_huh:

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Wow, I could have written this myself! With a high-maintence 6 month old and my son who just turned 2, I often wonder how my 5 year old is able to retain anything. My 6 month old is a terrible sleeper and so I haven't had a good nights sleep in OVER 6 months (because we all know you don't sleep well at the end of pregnancy!). Needless to say, I am unfairly short to my 5 year old and 4 year old and my patience level is thin!


However, youo have to remember your long term goals. Why you are homeschooling to begin with. You WILL get past the 2 year old phase.


Can you doing some working during the other little ones' nap times? I very very begrudgingly did this with my DD a couple of weeks ago and it has been really helpful for her. She gets my full attention and it is quite. I say "begrudgingly" because I really needed that quiet time/nap time for my own recharging. For read alouds I try to do those during snack time, which we have at 10:00. That way, everyone is sitting down and is quiet because they are eating snacks.


I am by NO means a pro. :grouphug:

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Oh, something else that helped me was I wrote out a schedule of the things we needed to get done daily. I know a lot of people do well by scheduling everything to a time throughout the day. This not only didn't work good for us, but since we have so many distractions throughout the day, it made me feel like a complete failure and that I was always "late" on the schedule.


So, on my schedue I just use check boxes next to each daily subject and when we get around to the subject and get it done, I just check it off. I try to at least hit the core subjects and then if we don't get to some of our stories, I just bump it to the next day.

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We have the same thing going on in our house...pure chaos! My 12 month old is into everything. Luckily we have a LOT of baby gates which helps a little, but it is hard to keep her interested in anything for more than 5 minutes.


When I want to do schoolwork with my 12 year old we:

-do the schoolwork during her nap times which is usually at least 2 hours

-do the schoolwork after dad gets home which gives us a little more time

-do the schoolwork when little one is at grandma's

-put her in the highchair and give her some snacks

-give her something to play with that I normally would not (cups, bowls, laundry whatever looks interesting and safe)


I have to say it is tough with a 12 month old because they are old enough to get into a lot of trouble, but not old enough to be kept busy by the majority of what you would give an older toddler (crayons, paints, etc).


For my little ones birthday this week we are giving her a water activity play table and I will let her play with that either in the kitchen or outside on the patio...so we might move our schoolwork to wherever we place the table so we can use that time as well.


Another idea, do school outside if possible and let the little ones run around a little bit. I might try that this next year with mine, but I might have to put up some kind of fenced area in the yard because our yard is huge and she could get away from me fast.

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Ditto, Ditto, Ditto.


I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and now a mobile 9 month old. Sigh. Do husbands count as children too? Cause mine likes to come down when I'm finally getting the kids settled to do some activities and he decides to try and play with them.



Anyway, I feel your pain. But I really think that as the children get older this chaotic time will be more balanced out.


Oh and one thing I recently found. Super Mom vitamins from Beeyoutiful .One of my friend's with 5 children that she homeschools on a boat, swears by these. So I ordered them and they came in the mail today. I LITERALLY felt a difference in my day. I don't know if its the b12 or one of the other combinations of healthy stuff in it but I am a believer now. You really need to take care of your body and health in order to care for your children.


Hugs to you!

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Thanks ladies.... all the suggestions were wonderful, and I was really glad to hear from others in the same boat. I knew my house couldn't be that unique in the chaos, but sometimes it seems it! Really, even more than the advice, just hearing about other people having the same challanges was so uplifting.


I will put some of those suggestions into play. Maybe using naptime really is the way to go, but my oh my, I hate to give up my sanity time! I so need a break by then! My other hesitation is that my ds's math brain seems to shut off as the day wears on. He's so much quicker with it in the morning! I hate to put the little one in front of the TV, because he actually gets the most screen time of anyone in the family, which is so bad for him. The older kids have to earn their time (I loved the point that even asking nicely for Wii before school was done was a no no. Going to use that.), but of course he wanders over and watches them use up their game time. They each get about 45mins a day, so he watches for 1.5hrs, which already is too much!).


Thanks for the idea of a bath. That will work. If I give him a bath in the morning, I maybe can get math done then. The checkbox idea for a schedule is great, as I would find the other way self-defeating.


I do like the idea of going outside as well (once the snow melts), but right now there's too much trouble for little monster to get into as we're building a new fence. It's all for him too... after he managed to escape the yard last fall and be returned by a neighbour nearly a block away we decided to kid-proof the yard! Now I'm paranoid :) Anyways, there's hope there. Once it's a safe zone, I won't hesitate to do school work on the deck!


Hugs to all of us who are making it through this stage! I wish some of you were my neighbours and we could just take turns taking care of the toddlers! An hour of peace in the mornings could really go a long way!

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I'm so there with you! My two year old has been sick with something practically this whole year so far, which has made her exceptionally clingy, whiny, and demanding. Not to mention she hasn't weaned yet and I have a newborn. It's been fantastic.


Getting outside is a great idea. My kids have LOVED "School at the Park" day the few times I've tried it. It's a bit of work to drag all are stuff out of the house, but they have done really well mixing up school work with play. I can work with one while the others play and then alternate. OK, I haven't actually tried this since the baby came, but I'm confident we'll do it again someday. Also, I live in Phoenix where it was 91 degrees today. So maybe when it gets nicer where you are....


I dream of how much we'll be able to accomplish when there are no more 2 year olds in my house.

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Calms4kids by Hyland's


This is what I give Julie anytime she's melting down, or if we need to get dressed and she is being overly independent, etc... I keep it with me at all times now and it works within minutes to help her chill out a bit and just play. I also find that if I can be in the floor with the toddlers they are MUCH better behaved & willing to entertain themselves than if I'm sitting at my desk, or roaming the house trying to "get things done". If your school-age kid can sit with or near you in the floor it might be easier to multi-task with both school-work and entertaining the little one.


Good Luck!!!! :D

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I alternate who plays with him to keep him busy. The stuff I really need attention for I wait for him to nap. I read aloud while he is nursing to sleep, then do History or science together with the girls. It is hard but I know with every day that he is getting older and starting to pull away and be more independent. There are says I wait until my DS's get home from PS to help out so I can finish some stuff up. Just be flexible and do the work when you can. I also sit on the floor and build blocks with him while DD does math next to me.

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I'm with you :)


I've got a 10yr, 7yr, 2yr, 7mo. The 2yr can drive us crazy. I can tell you some of the things we've done that made it a little better.


1. Room time - DD2 has worked up to about 30-40 min of room time. Room time for her is in my room in a pack and play. I have her favorite CD playing and then I put some books and 1 or 2 toys. I do this early in the morning so that she doesn't fall asleep and then not take a good afternoon nap.


2. Blanket time - we do this on and off. I just put her in the family room with us and I have a big bucket of toys that we rotate each day and she can play with them.


3. TV time :001_smile:


4. I also try to start the school day with her. I read a book and do a little activity with her and then move on to the others.


5. One of the things that I've found useful is something called Tot School. If you google it you will find a bunch of ideas. It is a bunch of homeschooling moms that have come up with ideas for toddlers to do. Some of them can be done more on their own and others are more involved. I picked some out and gathered my supplies. Then when I need to, I can pull them out for her. They are similar to preschool bags, but for the younger set.


Hope this helps. It helped me with dd2. I am looking at the 7mo old though and kind of dreading it :lol:

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My youngest is very difficult. She is the kid who keeps anyone else from learning anything, and distracts me to the point of driving me over the edge. After discussing it with some homeschooling friends, we just decided that for my sanity she is will be going to our church's preschool a few mornings each week next year. Not exactly ideal, but it is the best thing for the family as a whole.


Maybe that's a possibility for you?

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:grouphug: we are here! I have a 5, 3, and a 1 and it is mayhem! I could have written your post. Then I get frustrated with myself for getting frustrated with my odd all bc she can't concentrate bc someone is screaming! Ugh. We try to get alot done at nap time, and that does help. We have tried the basket of special toys that can only be played with in the school room, lots of movies, snacks, everything. i agree with a pp that said to spend some time with the toddler and middle one in the morning. That is something I need to do. It is amazing the difference with the lo's after just 5-10 minutes focused on them! I just keep telling myself, this too shall pass! :001_huh:


This is us!!!! But with a newborn thrown in! The noise is deafening and it is chaos and the house is a mess! :willy_nilly:

We do as much as we can while my 1-year-old naps in the afternoon. I spend about an hour with my 3-year-old doing art, playing, reading, playing games or whatever. Then he has room time and I spend time with my 5-year-old. That's when we get the most done. I also work with her at night while hubby puts the little ones to bed.

In the morning, we do a 30 minute switch schedule. 30 minutes of one activity and then we switch. It keeps things moving and gives everyone a chance to choose an activity. This keeps them from getting bored by something and really makes the time go by more quickly. They also know that what we are doing will be changed soon and they are much less fussy since we've started changing activities frequently. It also gives me occasional 30 minute blocks of time to work with my 5-year-old while the little ones play (or fight :lol:) I also try to spend some one-on-one time with the little people because after they've had their mommy time they are much less disruptive and destructive.

We do a lot of our read alouds at breakfast and lunch while their mouths are full and they are more quiet than usual.

I also use some learning software and DVD's when I really have to. We also have a school room and I sometimes shut the little ones in there to let them play while we work in another room. The fenced backyard is also another lifesaver.

Right now we're spending much of our time on "life" and child training so we do the best we can. It is so hard to get anything done around the house or any school done with little people. It is also hard for my oldest to concentrate on anything. We are right there with you!!! :grouphug:

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My daughter liked doing school more at K age, but she got less history and science than my son because my son was 2 when she was K age!


The older he got, the better it got. Two is a hard age, hang in there and don't worry if most days you just do the 3Rs, if you teach them to read well they can go chop down trees on their own!


Here is a bit of the quote from John Abbott, 1844, full thing in this thread.


Teaching a pupil to read, before he enters upon the active business of life, is like giving a new settler an axe, as he goes to seek his new home in the forest. Teaching him a lesson in history, is, on the other hand, only cutting down a tree or two for him.

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One thing that I have found really helpful as part of our homeschooling resources is our Touchscreen laptop. Since my 2 year old can't coordinate the mouse she can literally just touch things on the computer and navigate herself around child-friendly websites like Starfall and games like Sesame Street or Clifford.


Also, we have an i-pad in the house that has been a life saver for the same reason. I don't have to hover over her and it usually buys me anywhere from 15-45 minutes.

There are so many great learning apps that I don't feel like I'm throwing mindless stuff at her. Plus, I like that she is getting comfortable with todays' technology.


Just another thought.

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  • 3 years later...

I feel your pain. My DD is 22 months and she can climb over and take down any babygate. She is also pottytraining, but I have to help her take off her underwear and sit her on the toilet. This was my day:


take DS2 to preschool

rush home and do AAS with DS1 while DD tore up the family room

pick up DS2

rush home and do funnix with DS2 while DD tore up the kitchen

rush to soccer and home again

do WWE w DS1 while DD caused mayham

rush to swimming and home

throw dinner together while we all pick up her mayham


thankfully, we are way ahead in our HS and my DS1 is of the nature that I can miss RS for a week and catch up in 2 hours with him. (same with AAS). our house is a disaster all the time. I am a neat person, and it is about to do me in. I just remember that it will pass. They will get older. Things will not always be this way. It is the big picture that I have to look at. I may not get any school done for 48 hours, but he is still learning.

Oh my goodness....someone liked this post I made today, and I read this for the first time in 3 years.  I have to laugh now.  DD also took to climbing the outside railing of our two story stair case in the foyer and getting all the way to the top.  She would then yell BAD NEWS.  


Things are so different now.  I gave away all our clutter,mostly toys.  We moved into a different house (no two story foyer.)  We have a Rec room in the basement, so legos are upstairs in their rooms or down there.  I have no toys on the first floor:).  My kids are old enough to do the dishes, get their own breakfast and lunch, help with laundry, and we get school done every day:)  It did pass, but it was sure not easy going through it.

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I have a 7 year old, a 4 year old, and a 1 year old. It's definitely a struggle. Each day, I have three things I absolutely want to do, three more things I'd really like to do, and three things I hope to get done. We do any mama readalouds during breakfast. I then take the kids to the park and try to wear the one year old out, so he'll take a long (1-2 hour nap) after lunch. I keep telling myself that 7 is really young and when she's busy outside playing demigods with her brother or reading in her room, she's learning, too.

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