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I did find out today why I am so tired ...

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I had some bloodwork done last week and got the results today. I have auto immune thyroid disease- hashimotos- although from my research so far it is more immune system issue than a thyroid issue per say. I suspected it years ago but now the test shows it clearly. Both my parents have it and it seems like its pretty common for women in their 40s.

I also have very low ferritin and haemoglobin. Which is "normal" for me- but this doctor wants me to get it higher rather than shrugging it off.

My doctor is happy to work with me, and although she wanted to give me an iron injection, she was ok that I said no and gave me some suggestions for supplements instead. Basically i just need to be consistent with them- I am terribly inconsistent with supplements.

And she has told me to go completely gluten and soy free for 8 weeks and then she will test me again. As well as go on a thyroid protocol of my choice (she knows I will research that and do that myself).

Well, at least i have something to work with and it probably does explain the periods of intense aches and pains as well.


Anyone else have this? Are you using diet/natural protocols to keep it under control? What is working for you?

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A dear but rather new friend of mind has this. She also has fibromyalgia--she says they are often co-morbid. Could your aches and pains be that, also?


Her biggest thing is that she's gained some weight. She says pool exercises really help, but she can't do too much because of the tiredness--but, the daily exercise seems to give her more energy! Kinda a catch-22.


I hope you quickly find a way to manage it all.

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I am glad you got to the bottom of it!


I have Hashimotos too, been taking levothyroxine for years now and get bloodwork every year and ultrasounds.

I know when it is acting up and I need to change meds, not so much because I get tired again, but because when I read aloud to the kids, I feel like I am choking. It is easy, it works for me, easy peasy.

I had a friend who tried natural methods but she never could get it under control.

There was a recent thread on this somewhere on the boards as I recall.

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I had some bloodwork done last week and got the results today. I have auto immune thyroid disease- hashimotos- although from my research so far it is more immune system issue than a thyroid issue per say. I suspected it years ago but now the test shows it clearly. Both my parents have it and it seems like its pretty common for women in their 40s.

I also have very low ferritin and haemoglobin. Which is "normal" for me- but this doctor wants me to get it higher rather than shrugging it off.

My doctor is happy to work with me, and although she wanted to give me an iron injection, she was ok that I said no and gave me some suggestions for supplements instead. Basically i just need to be consistent with them- I am terribly inconsistent with supplements.

And she has told me to go completely gluten and soy free for 8 weeks and then she will test me again. As well as go on a thyroid protocol of my choice (she knows I will research that and do that myself).

Well, at least i have something to work with and it probably does explain the periods of intense aches and pains as well.


Anyone else have this? Are you using diet/natural protocols to keep it under control? What is working for you?




Could I ask a question? You said you suspected it for years but the test showed it clearly now. Did you get tested before and it did not show up in the test results? I'm curious. I have suspected for two years that my thyroid (or some other adrenal system) is going but my tests are always fine. Even the specific thyroid test.


Oh, and how does going gluten free help?



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Could I ask a question? You said you suspected it for years but the test showed it clearly now. Did you get tested before and it did not show up in the test results? I'm curious. I have suspected for two years that my thyroid (or some other adrenal system) is going but my tests are always fine. Even the specific thyroid test.


Oh, and how does going gluten free help?




I'm not Peela, but my mom has Hashimoto's. Hashimoto's is an auto-immune disorder. The test for it is not a test of thyroid levels (which are *often* within the normal range), but an antibody test.

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Peela, my Natural Doctor uses Electrodermal testing and after doing some prescribed supplements and homeopathics (for about 10 months) I stopped having trouble with my thyroid. Fast forward 4 years and I developed another autoimmune disease... but I did not keep up with any diets, supplements or testing during that time. :glare:



Could I ask a question? You said you suspected it for years but the test showed it clearly now. Did you get tested before and it did not show up in the test results? I'm curious. I have suspected for two years that my thyroid (or some other adrenal system) is going but my tests are always fine. Even the specific thyroid test.


Oh, and how does going gluten free help?



Take a look at Drrind.com
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I had some bloodwork done last week and got the results today. I have auto immune thyroid disease- hashimotos- although from my research so far it is more immune system issue than a thyroid issue per say. I suspected it years ago but now the test shows it clearly. Both my parents have it and it seems like its pretty common for women in their 40s.

I also have very low ferritin and haemoglobin. Which is "normal" for me- but this doctor wants me to get it higher rather than shrugging it off.

My doctor is happy to work with me, and although she wanted to give me an iron injection, she was ok that I said no and gave me some suggestions for supplements instead. Basically i just need to be consistent with them- I am terribly inconsistent with supplements.

And she has told me to go completely gluten and soy free for 8 weeks and then she will test me again. As well as go on a thyroid protocol of my choice (she knows I will research that and do that myself).

Well, at least i have something to work with and it probably does explain the periods of intense aches and pains as well.


Anyone else have this? Are you using diet/natural protocols to keep it under control? What is working for you?


I have Hashimoto's and so do 2 of my dd's. Not sure about the 3rd...she will be tested this year for the antibody.


Both my oldest dd and I suffer from horrible pain and fibromyalgia connected with the hashimoto's. My middle dd also has symptoms of joint pain, acne and low thyroid symptoms.


I am on synthroid and have been for almost 20 years. I wish i would have known more about natural treatment when this all started, but I had no idea. I must have had symptoms going on for 10 years before diagnosis.


Many of my diagnosis are traced down to the Hashimoto's...PCOS, insulin resistance, fibromyalgia, depression etc.


I find exercise and low carb diet helps me to feel much better.


I am currently taking a mess of meds because I crashed terribly last March.


Now, I am on my way back to being healthy...I hope....



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I am so glad you have an answer and will hopefully find relief soon. :grouphug:



Sorry to hijack your thread, but....


this is very interesting to me. I have been suffering from so many of the symptoms of this, so I am wondering if I have this. I just went to my OB-GYN for my yearly check-up and was discussing most of these symptoms with her. My symptoms include the fatigue, weight gain, depression, a prolonged menses, and a few others. She did not even suggest that any thyroid disorders could be a cause. Instead, she ordered an ultrasound of my uterus (which came back completely normal, thank goodness) and now wants me to come in next week for an endometrial biopsy. My pap came back completely normal and I have no symptoms of "female" problems except for the prolonged period, so I am beginning to think a biopsy is excessive. I think it would be so much more simple to order a blood test for thyroid problems first. Should I request that the blood work be done first before we do the biopsy? I really don't want to go through that procedure if I don't have to. But, it also sounds to me that I may have this thyroid issue that hopefully could be helped with medication.


What do you think?

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I am so glad you have an answer and will hopefully find relief soon. :grouphug:



Sorry to hijack your thread, but....


this is very interesting to me. I have been suffering from so many of the symptoms of this, so I am wondering if I have this. I just went to my OB-GYN for my yearly check-up and was discussing most of these symptoms with her. My symptoms include the fatigue, weight gain, depression, a prolonged menses, and a few others. She did not even suggest that any thyroid disorders could be a cause. Instead, she ordered an ultrasound of my uterus (which came back completely normal, thank goodness) and now wants me to come in next week for an endometrial biopsy. My pap came back completely normal and I have no symptoms of "female" problems except for the prolonged period, so I am beginning to think a biopsy is excessive. I think it would be so much more simple to order a blood test for thyroid problems first. Should I request that the blood work be done first before we do the biopsy? I really don't want to go through that procedure if I don't have to. But, it also sounds to me that I may have this thyroid issue that hopefully could be helped with medication.


What do you think?


An endometrial biopsy is a pretty typical precaution. I had one when I was having similar symptoms. Then they tested my thyroid. The biopsy was no big deal, I didn't have any cramping or bleeding or anything (I know sometimes women do). They then did a battery of tests on my thyroid which were also negative for problems. What solved my problem was moving to Hawaii. I think I needed the vitamin d. Being low in vitamin d can cause all of those problems. I guess I will have to find a way to keep my vitamin levels up now that we have moved from Hawaii.

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Could I ask a question? You said you suspected it for years but the test showed it clearly now. Did you get tested before and it did not show up in the test results? I'm curious. I have suspected for two years that my thyroid (or some other adrenal system) is going but my tests are always fine. Even the specific thyroid test.


Oh, and how does going gluten free help?




I'm not Peela, but my mom has Hashimoto's. Hashimoto's is an auto-immune disorder. The test for it is not a test of thyroid levels (which are *often* within the normal range), but an antibody test.


Exactly :) The doctor I went to knew to get an antibody test- the previous thyroid tests were just TSH tests.


There is a strong correlation between gluten in the diet, and hashimotos. From what I have read so far, it seems that the gluten molecule is very similar in structure to the thyroid molecules and its possible that with a leaky gut (very common) the body attacks the gluten molecules which escape into the bloodstream, then thinks the thyroid is also an enemy. That's just a theory. But people are healing from hashimotos with a gluten free diet and fortunately my doctor has that information and immediately told me to go glutenfree (which actually makes it easier for me to do it properly than if I just read it in a book!).


Peela, my Natural Doctor uses Electrodermal testing and after doing some prescribed supplements and homeopathics (for about 10 months) I stopped having trouble with my thyroid. Fast forward 4 years and I developed another autoimmune disease... but I did not keep up with any diets, supplements or testing during that time. :glare:Take a look at Drrind.com


Yes, I have been reading that auto immune tendencies can shift from one area to another.


I have Hashimoto's and so do 2 of my dd's. Not sure about the 3rd...she will be tested this year for the antibody.


Both my oldest dd and I suffer from horrible pain and fibromyalgia connected with the hashimoto's. My middle dd also has symptoms of joint pain, acne and low thyroid symptoms.


I am on synthroid and have been for almost 20 years. I wish i would have known more about natural treatment when this all started, but I had no idea. I must have had symptoms going on for 10 years before diagnosis.


Many of my diagnosis are traced down to the Hashimoto's...PCOS, insulin resistance, fibromyalgia, depression etc.


I find exercise and low carb diet helps me to feel much better.


I am currently taking a mess of meds because I crashed terribly last March.


Now, I am on my way back to being healthy...I hope....




:grouphug: Yes it all seems related. I suspect my dd might have a predisposition to this too.



I am so glad you have an answer and will hopefully find relief soon. :grouphug:



Sorry to hijack your thread, but....


this is very interesting to me. I have been suffering from so many of the symptoms of this, so I am wondering if I have this. I just went to my OB-GYN for my yearly check-up and was discussing most of these symptoms with her. My symptoms include the fatigue, weight gain, depression, a prolonged menses, and a few others. She did not even suggest that any thyroid disorders could be a cause. Instead, she ordered an ultrasound of my uterus (which came back completely normal, thank goodness) and now wants me to come in next week for an endometrial biopsy. My pap came back completely normal and I have no symptoms of "female" problems except for the prolonged period, so I am beginning to think a biopsy is excessive. I think it would be so much more simple to order a blood test for thyroid problems first. Should I request that the blood work be done first before we do the biopsy? I really don't want to go through that procedure if I don't have to. But, it also sounds to me that I may have this thyroid issue that hopefully could be helped with medication.


What do you think?


An endometrial biopsy is a pretty typical precaution. I had one when I was having similar symptoms. Then they tested my thyroid. The biopsy was no big deal, I didn't have any cramping or bleeding or anything (I know sometimes women do). They then did a battery of tests on my thyroid which were also negative for problems. What solved my problem was moving to Hawaii. I think I needed the vitamin d. Being low in vitamin d can cause all of those problems. I guess I will have to find a way to keep my vitamin levels up now that we have moved from Hawaii.


Yes. Get a thyroid antibody test. The normal thyroid tests don't necessarily show up anything.

Then do your research if your doctor isn't already onto the new information about thyroid issues. It IS possible to heal a thyroid gland in many if not most cases, according to what I am reading. If the thyroid is being attacked by the immune system, that is primarily an immune system issue and it can be dealt with. It is not primarily a thyroid issue- giving synthroid etc is only dealing with a symptom down the track, not the cause.


As for Vitamin D- yes, that is a huge issue too. My doctor said mine was fine but when I look at the levels they are above the Australian minimal standard but 20% below what the U.S. Vitamin D Council recommends for its minimal levels. So I am supplementing that too as it is very related to thyroid issues.


Thanks for your feedback everyone- the research continues.

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I have Hashimoto's - I was diagnosed 7 years ago and it was extreme fatigue that sent me to the doctor.


I take Armour thyroid and I am tested yearly -- as long as I take the Armour, I am fine.


I learned alot from reading Mary Shomen's thyroid books - you can look her up on amazon or do a google search.


I will tell you that I felt better within 2 weeks after starting the Armour thyroid --hth

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I have Hashimoto's, too. Mine was "kicked off" by the birth of my first baby. My brother was diagnosed at age 9. We're both on Synthroid. I'm going to research the gluten connection.


I posted a couple of days ago about my DD12. She's sick right now, and we're pretty concerned. We're waiting on her lab results, but her ped. suspects something rheumatological/auto-immune is going on.


I'm glad you're getting some answers and hope you feel better soon!

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Exactly :) The doctor I went to knew to get an antibody test- the previous thyroid tests were just TSH tests.


There is a strong correlation between gluten in the diet, and hashimotos. From what I have read so far, it seems that the gluten molecule is very similar in structure to the thyroid molecules and its possible that with a leaky gut (very common) the body attacks the gluten molecules which escape into the bloodstream, then thinks the thyroid is also an enemy. That's just a theory. But people are healing from hashimotos with a gluten free diet and fortunately my doctor has that information and immediately told me to go glutenfree (which actually makes it easier for me to do it properly than if I just read it in a book!).




Thank you for this information! I had no idea that one was an auto-immune and one a thyroid issue. This past year I have noticed that my body doesn't particularly like heavy gluten any more. I was eating high fiber cereal daily for my IBS and when I went off of it I felt so much better. I am now trying to fit all these pieces together to just feel better. Plus I have a feeling that something similar is going on with my dd16 who is my apsie.

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