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Anyone want to join me on a Homeschool Room Spring Cleaning week?

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Wish we had a thread like this about 3 weeks ago when we redid my room. I have pictures in my album under my user profile on here. But basically I had a double bed, a metal shelving unit, a drop down table, a HUGE Step 2 toddler castle bed, 3 Target Itso cubes, a 3' tall skinny bookcase, 3 hampers, and assorted boxes and odds and ends around my little ole bedroom. It was housing me and my 4 yr old in my bed, my 6 yr old in the toddler bed and my 8 yr old had a cushy pallet made up in my closet, which was his "room"...


Then I met my friend, Ikea, and we began a hopefully long and very fruitful friendship. We got ALL the kids loftbeds, except 1- she got a daybed. We put 3 loft beds in the first room, and the 8 yr old got his own space. The eldest tookover what he has dubbed his "man cave"... aka the garage. The girls room got 2 loft beds- one for the 15yr old, one for my daughter who visits, and then under that making an "L" off of it is my 6 yr olds daybed :) We are waiting on some desks to put under 3 of the loft beds. A few already have dressers. The 6 yr old keeps her clothes in Trofast bins under her bed.


Then we took MY room, and gave the 4 yr old her own space with her own mini-loftbed. We put a dresser, dolly bed, and her toys under that. I got my bed off of the floor and in a foundation frame, and out one of the Itso cubes next to the for a nightstand. I have no clue what I will do with the one leftover (1 is housing Bitty Baby stuff under the 4 yr olds loftbed). So my bed is in a corner of the room, we pushed my BIG ole executive desk in front of that. Then next to my bed is that cube thing, and then the mini-loft length ways along that wall. Then there is a bathroom, the bookcase next to that door, with a wall I am not sure what I am going to do with :confused: I put the shelving unit in the closet where son's pallet bed was. Got all of his toys out of there, and I think I am going to house the hampers in there. I got most of the boxes out, but ****it those things keep returning!! And I have yet again acquired stuff on that drop down desk :glare: So while I did *most* of the stuff already.... I have 37 books coming here in the next 2 weeks, and I need to go:



  • reorganize all of the bins- DONE
  • reorganize the shelving unit- DONE
  • put in at least 1, if not 2 additional shelves in the closet- especially to house those reference books (this weekend, maybe?)
  • VACUUM!!!!
  • Finish the laundry and put it away- DONE
  • Clean up behind my desk; Put stuff away in the boxes, or the boxes themselves
  • Clean off the drop down desk once and for all
  • And clean off/straighten up my desk.... again *sigh*
  • I should probably clean up under little ones loftbed too
  • And if I REALLY wanna be ambitious I could make the bed!! LOL
  • Oh, and I need to move my ABC wall
  • I would also like to get a State and US flag to hang up somewhere, a cork board for above my desk, and a small grease board to announce "school in session", "in meeting" to the older kids when I am schooling their younger siblings, and to the kids in general when I have one in here I am talking to.
  • Go through all the "miscellaneous" workbooks that others didn't want so they thought they'd drop them off with me... *sigh*

Now if we wanna get down deep, I might have some fan blades and windowsills that need attention... and a bathroom that is a few steps away from being it's own disaster area... LOL

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Okay, progress-although now the hallway is filled with stuff! Next step is to put all the stuff I removed from the School Room closet into the hall closet. Should take about 2 hours. I also need to buy some large Sterilite totes, so won't be able to do it all tonight.


Empty school room closet:



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I couldn't figure out how to imbed pictures. So here is a post on my blog showing the disaster that I'm starting with.

Thank you for sharing!


Okay, progress-although now the hallway is filled with stuff! Next step is to put all the stuff I removed from the School Room closet into the hall closet. Should take about 2 hours. I also need to buy some large Sterilite totes, so won't be able to do it all tonight.


Empty school room closet:

That empty closet looks great. Now make it look good with stuff in it. :tongue_smilie:
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I'll play. before pics are not happening just picture a room with a billion boxes, bags and broken down furniture that dh hasn't fixed. somewhere under that are some computers. this was my office at one point but I haven't used that room since I got my laptop last march. I have a lot to do in their but I am not schooling anyone atm so its not a huge deal. After I haul all the junk out I can start fresh. dh did make some nice built in shelves in their for me last year so that will be nice to actually use them. this will take me much longer than a week. my main goal is to be done by June lol. As of right now I am just storing homeschool stuff in the living room for next year.

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I'd like to play but I just did a quick cleanup a couple of weeks ago. I do want to say that seeing everybody's mess makes me feel less alone!!! Sometimes when it gets so "out of control" it feels like I am the only one with a messy house/school room. So, thanks to you mom's for saving me therapy dollars!!!

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Great to see how many people have made progress!


I've gotta a little done ... but mostly gotten distracted by other things today :glare:


I did get a few things cleared from "the wall" ... and got crayons/markers/pencils resorted and put in little plastic tubs ready to set on the shelf when it gets brought in (from the garage)

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Great to see how many people have made progress!


I've gotta a little done ... but mostly gotten distracted by other things today :glare:


I did get a few things cleared from "the wall" ... and got crayons/markers/pencils resorted and put in little plastic tubs ready to set on the shelf when it gets brought in (from the garage)


Hey do you have an Ikea?? I have a homeschool friend that took this:




and added these to go with it:




She put all her crayons, pencils, etc.. in there for the kids to come grab as needed. I picked up some the last time I was there cause I was worried they might be "last chancing" them.

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That sounds like an interesting idea ...


Don't think there is an IKEA near me though.


Also I am renting so limited on what I can attach to the house .. got several plastic pencil boxes at Wal-Mart one year on clearance (after school had started) and they use those to keep their crayons and colored pencils in, since they stack well they fit on a bookcase pretty good ;)


Once I get boys to bed here I can dig in and get more done, might post pics later if I get enough done tonight

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That sounds like an interesting idea ...


Don't think there is an IKEA near me though.


Also I am renting so limited on what I can attach to the house .. got several plastic pencil boxes at Wal-Mart one year on clearance (after school had started) and they use those to keep their crayons and colored pencils in, since they stack well they fit on a bookcase pretty good ;)


Once I get boys to bed here I can dig in and get more done, might post pics later if I get enough done tonight


Well if you were interested and wanted some, I'd have no problem going and picking them up and shipping them out for you :)


We rent too, you'd be :eek: about the things we've went ahead and decided to do so we could live our life and make the most out of our space with our big family. The way I see it is as long as we fill the holes, then it shouldn't be an issue, they'll have to paint when we leave anyway. But I don't forsee us leaving for at least another year, and at that it's iffy.

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Easy peasy. :D Imagine the normal schooling area, books, posters, projects, maps and such. That's my before.



Now imagine bare walls and a big pile of boxes. That's my after. :001_smile:


Ask me again in May. :tongue_smilie:

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It's funny that you started this thread because I am in the midst of ... something.. maybe it's the start of spring or a change in my being but I, too, am redoing the schoolroom.


So many reasons but we are actually redoing two areas, a study part of the master bedroom and the outside back patio (perhaps two areas outside).


Here are my before photos of the indoor school room. The color is Buxton Blue from the Pottery Barn catalog. Hey, can't afford the furniture but I can buy paint.







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HOLY COW!!! I bow to you... seriously, if you can overcome that we will crown you as our Spring Cleaning Queen!!!


Now we're talking. Seriously, I think I will make that my focus tomorrow after school. I don't think that I can take even one more contentious thread on the general board, so that should free up plenty of time for me.


Plus I really need to stop squating on Facebook, hoping one of my friends in Japan will post an update. Time to get moving with what needs to be done instead of living by extension. The bad news will hold until I check in at evening time. (And it seems like there is plenty of bad news to go round.)


(Sorry that I'm sounding maudlin. The last bit of posting has me a tiny bit freaked out.)

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Now we're talking. Seriously, I think I will make that my focus tomorrow after school. I don't think that I can take even one more contentious thread on the general board, so that should free up plenty of time for me.


Plus I really need to stop squating on Facebook, hoping one of my friends in Japan will post an update. Time to get moving with what needs to be done instead of living by extension. The bad news will hold until I check in at evening time. (And it seems like there is plenty of bad news to go round.)


(Sorry that I'm sounding maudlin. The last bit of posting has me a tiny bit freaked out.)


I understand :( I am so sorry you haven't heard from your friend...

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We rent too, you'd be :eek: about the things we've went ahead and decided to do so we could live our life and make the most out of our space with our big family. The way I see it is as long as we fill the holes, then it shouldn't be an issue, they'll have to paint when we leave anyway. But I don't forsee us leaving for at least another year, and at that it's iffy.


Awww thats sweet of you ... think I will leave it the way it is though .. works fine with just the 2 little here most the time anyway ;)

I will have holes to fill too ... from toy dents, and such .. just don't wanna make more.


Feels good to have at least gotten started on this ... even though I have yet to get much done.

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Hey do you have an Ikea?? I have a homeschool friend that took this:




and added these to go with it:




She put all her crayons, pencils, etc.. in there for the kids to come grab as needed. I picked up some the last time I was there cause I was worried they might be "last chancing" them.


I do like those I looked at them at IKEA, then I visited a friend and in her school room hung on the wall she had a shoe holder She had all the mom only stuff up high and little toddler stuff at the bottom and in the middle she had stuff for the older kids out of toddler reach. I really liked the idea. I would likely cut it in 1/2 because my toddler would make too much mess with anything low enough for her to reach.

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I will play! This room needs a major cleaning out. I will post some pics tomorrow. We are NOT on spring break...so my progress may be slower than the rest of you. Lots to do! :) Thanks for the motivation.


Back to add pictures. :)


I need to completely purge and organize the huge closet that goes on forever so I can get the junk sitting in the floor into the closet! I also need to clean out the book shelf and make room for next year's curriculum. We use HOD and I am starting to think I need lots more bookshelves! :)






The rest of the closet




Boxes of curriculum in the floor:




More junk in the floor...along with my bunnies




And my lone bookshelf..



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Oh yes. :) But give me a couple weeks.


We're totally rearranging every bedroom in our house, including the school room. We're doing a big "switcheroo" lol.


So I'll post pix when I'm done. We won't have a neat little room just for school anymore :( But we need that for a nursery. ;) Instead we'll take a corner of the downstairs.

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I understand :( I am so sorry you haven't heard from your friend...


Didn't mean to worry you. All of my friends are accounted for. They are well south of the earthquake and tsunami devastation. They are, however, dealing with electrical blackouts, shortages of food and gas, and as of Tuesday their time - detection of some small amounts of radiation.


At the moment, everyone is well. But I find that I keep checking for an update from them, as if my sitting ready to click "like" will be able to keep them safe from harm.


It will be some good therapy to put on some hymns and clean my basement instead of hovering over the computer.

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Well, I made some progress yesterday. I cleaned up the floor and vacuumed, and went through a box of materials I bought months ago. I'd forgotten I'd bought that stuff! The floor was the easy part though. Today I have to make some difficult decisions, so this part will be harder. I need to seize the opportunity though. Somehow I managed to get the kids into this "Let's give our things to charity!" mindset, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I have it!









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We put the bunk beds together and Emily slept in it all night! That is the first time she has ever slept in her own bed all night. YAY! Now to get some organizing done in her room. I will post before and after pics.

Well, I made some progress yesterday. I cleaned up the floor and vacuumed, and went through a box of materials I bought months ago. I'd forgotten I'd bought that stuff! The floor was the easy part though. Today I have to make some difficult decisions, so this part will be harder. I need to seize the opportunity though. Somehow I managed to get the kids into this "Let's give our things to charity!" mindset, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I have it!
You go girl! I like your before and after pics. I think I will copy you.
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Well, I made some progress yesterday. I cleaned up the floor and vacuumed, and went through a box of materials I bought months ago. I'd forgotten I'd bought that stuff! The floor was the easy part though. Today I have to make some difficult decisions, so this part will be harder. I need to seize the opportunity though. Somehow I managed to get the kids into this "Let's give our things to charity!" mindset, so I'm going to take advantage of it while I have it!


WOW! What a difference a vacuum can make to a mess. LOL It looks great!

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I am so kicking myself right now. I had to run out and its trash night I saw a PERFECT huge cabinet with shelves and doors I could childlock to keep my busy 2 year old out of. My trash NEVER gets picked up before 11am I got home around 10 and it was picked up already. it would of been GREAT storage :( I do plan on at least getting all the bags of random junk out today. trying to set mini goals so I don't overwhelm myself.

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We put the bunk beds together and Emily slept in it all night! That is the first time she has ever slept in her own bed all night. YAY! Now to get some organizing done in her room. I will post before and after pics. You go girl! I like your before and after pics. I think I will copy you.


Wow, that is a huge milestone, congratulations!!! And thanks :D I wasn't going to do that, but I kind of wanted to see the progress myself, so I did. It's very cheering in the midst of a long, hard job.


WOW! What a difference a vacuum can make to a mess. LOL It looks great!


:lol: That is so true! I worked my way forward from the stairs into the room, and I was dying to vacuum as I went, just for a breath of fresh air. I managed to hold off until I got the majority of the floor mess cleaned up though. Thanks!


My trash NEVER gets picked up before 11am I got home around 10 and it was picked up already. it would of been GREAT storage :(


Oh noooo! That just totally stinks.


I don't wanna!!!!!!:banghead: Ok, fine. I'm going to get started. I'll have photographic documentation later. Let me just go on record that I've been dreading this...


:lol: That's why I stayed out of the room for most of the winter. I could see it slowly getting worse and worse, and I knew I'd have to face it eventually. I'd just keep the light off when I went to and from the other areas down there and pretend I couldn't see it. Spring is near though, so no ignoring it anymore :tongue_smilie:

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So how many of you don't actually do school in your school room? Ours is mainly a messy storage area. I am trying to change that.


I struggle with it. I strongly prefer doing school up in the main living area (kitchen, living room), but I really needed to get all the school stuff out of the living area because it was taking over. We did do school down in the schoolroom in the fall before it got too cold, but I really think it works better upstairs--then DD5 isn't alone upstairs, we can move easily to the couch for the things we do as readalouds, when DD8 is working on independent parts of her lessons I can be cleaning up the kitchen, making snacks, etc. I don't know what will happen, ultimately!


My legs are aching from sitting and crawling around on the floor so much--I think I may break for the day and :chillpill: with the kids for awhile.

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mostly school storage and playroom. It's too small to have a big table to work at. its just off the dinning room so it will be easy to grab things and head to the dinning table. I need a place to contain the toddler while I work with the big kids so we will see how it goes.

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So how many of you don't actually do school in your school room? Ours is mainly a messy storage area. I am trying to change that.


We don't. It's gone from schoolroom, to school storage area and more recently to workshop (We don't have a garage and the basement has awful lighting.). I just gave up. :tongue_smilie:


So I guess this is my before pic:





My goal for this week (in addition to getting over a head cold) will be to get at least one of those projects out of there so I can... start another! :D


Seriously, the light in this room is great and I do have in mind some actual school related projects to do in there before summer (bookshelves!). Hopefully, by fall we can make it more of a school room again. Maybe. Sort of. This week, I'm just going to do what I can. :)

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We use it mostly as a storage area, but i also have my computer there. We use our big breakfast table to work, usually.


I am almost done with the School Room, now to clear all the "cleared out stuff" into bins and put into the storage closet.


I am exhausted!

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We use it mostly as a storage area, but i also have my computer there. We use our big breakfast table to work, usually.


I am almost done with the School Room, now to clear all the "cleared out stuff" into bins and put into the storage closet.


I am exhausted!


Can't wait to see pictures! DD5 is sick and everyone was up extra early today, so we're slacking off, schoolwise. I think I'm going to head back down and at least finish off my drawers. Now, what to do with all those stacking workbox drawers I pulled out, hmmm...

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I didn't touch my schoolroom today, but I cleaned out my pantry!


:lol: I just saw this! My "pantry" is a room downstairs off the schoolroom. Thankfully I cleaned it out last week, because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to clean out my school stuff! Some of the extra school supplies get stored in there, and I needed some bins, which, thankfully, I actually had because I emptied them while cleaning the pantry! Of course, it's only a matter of time before I need to shovel it out again :glare: I'll start the thread when it's time :lol:

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I do like those I looked at them at IKEA, then I visited a friend and in her school room hung on the wall she had a shoe holder She had all the mom only stuff up high and little toddler stuff at the bottom and in the middle she had stuff for the older kids out of toddler reach. I really liked the idea. I would likely cut it in 1/2 because my toddler would make too much mess with anything low enough for her to reach.


That is a neat idea!! I suppose I could put it behind my bedroom door. My closet door already has one holding shoes... LOL

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After pictures!! Whew--HUGE amount of work...


WOW!!! It looks terrific!!!


Insomnia is kicking my ass... :( I tried to go to bed 'early" last night so I could get up bright eyes and busy tailed and finish my stuff... but yeah, that didn't happen. Instead I laid in bed forever, dosed, got up 2 hrs later, laid in bed some more and then finally crashed after the sun came up :glare: Got up, saw the time, rushed out of here for a Dr's appt. I am back now, eating some lunch and then I promised the kids a movie.... but after that.... ;) LOL

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LOL. I hate having a mess in the house, so I knew once I'd pulled everything out of our school room closet to reorganize that I'd have to work like a maniac for 24 hours or I'd go nuts.


Of course, now I have the rest of the house to tidy, and I am going to tackle the boys' closet next. Then the garage. So, while my school room looks good, there's still more I am going to do this week--more BEFORE pictures to come!!!

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Wow ... everyone's after pics look great!


I have spent the day with a headache :(


Not gotten a lot done, but did some research (again) on work-boxes. Think I may actually try this now.


Last time I looked at it I only had one DS schooling full-time and he did fine with just a chart.


Boys are asking for a video, so while I let them have the screen (no TV so vids go on comp) I will make myself get something done.

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No new pics to post yet, but I'm still working away at the spring cleaning challenge. If you happen to read my blog, you'll understand how mammoth a task it was putting away clean laundry in "my" bedroom today--there were four tubs' worth, a lot of it the baby's, which also meant cleaning OUT a giant bag of maternity clothes for donation. It had to be done in the spurts between the baby's naps. Ack.


But it's done!


And now to turn my attention to the clutter remaining in my "old" office.... I'm sort of half-wondering if maybe I oughtn't to just light a fire in there and hope it goes away.

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What? I am still taking "before" pictures.




Well my ummm, "aunt" came to visit and I am not feeling like doin much of anything. I am sore, crampy, and just generally :cursing: BUT, my Amazon order came today!! WOOT! So I have to make a run to Target for more bins... LOL

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