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I make it from scratch. I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to the favourites on my home computer, but I'll link it later today.

Very easy, very yummy. The store-bought stuff was bland and yuck in comparison.





They say 'pita'. I say 'naan'.

Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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YUM! This is how I make it. It's the best recipe and cooking technique that I have found. My kids beg for this stuff.





Thanks for the link. I'll watch it tomorrow.


I make it from scratch. I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to the favourites on my home computer, but I'll link it later today.

Very easy, very yummy. The store-bought stuff was bland and yuck in comparison.

Please share!

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Never heard of it but I do


Pizzas make my own with Bisquick.

chicken make my own

tacos make my own


restuarants are charging for every little thing now.

I was at taco bell and they charged me because I asked for 4 taco sauces packets. You have to ask for ketchup at places or you do not get it.


They throw in charges you do not even notice till you have paid and get your receipt.


I always make a menu so that helps with what food we have in the house.


Yesterday I bought frozen already made casseroles, so I would have more room in the ice box for regular food and not other food we do not use right away.


Even for three people eating out is not an opition.

With the price of gas, delivery charges have gone way up also even if the place is just half a mile away they charge over 5 dollars to deliver.


To me buying the food and cooking it is better.

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I just use my 5 Min Artisan Bread dough which is always handy in the frig. Mmmm.


Like some other pp, I've never had authentic naan but a friend who has been to India came for lunch one day and I served it without calling it anything. He commented on my great naan! So I'm satisfied!

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Oh,yeah, well, I walk down the street and buy.....



Oh,....I'm in Oklahoma where there's nothing but red dirt and wind. :lol:



:001_huh: Nevermind.


Carry on. Nothin' to see here.....


Heh. We've got about as much chance here. I need to drive 8 miles just to reach the local bait shop and something tells me they don't sell naan (though they do, actually, have a surprisingly impressive collection of wine, so who knows). Unless the resident wildlife have constructed a tandoor in the forest, I think I'm on my own.

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Heh. We've got about as much chance here. I need to drive 8 miles just to reach the local bait shop and something tells me they don't sell naan (though they do, actually, have a surprisingly impressive collection of wine, so who knows). Unless the resident wildlife have constructed a tandoor in the forest, I think I'm on my own.



We used to have a gas station in Shawnee that had a bait vending machine. You could choose the buttons for crickets, worms, etc. :lol:

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