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Disney World - when to go

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We want to take our kids to Disney World in 2009. We want to go in the off season to avoid the crowds. Dh says May because it will be warm, and he wants to avoid fall hurricanes. I was thinking September because we will be staying in a Disney resort, and the rates are cheapest in the fall.


So what do you all think - May, September, or another time all together?

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If you can save money at the resort in September then I would go at that time. Most of the time if I remember correctly, the hurricanes head towards the palm beach area or dip down below FL and hit cuba and then continue on towards the gulf. I don't recall the orlando or kissimee area being a real threat with hurricanes.


Just some tips if you don't mind recieving them (if you do then dismiss what I say before and consider me a crazy lady that rambles lol). MGM and Epcot are not as crowded as animal kingdom and magic kingdom. Try your very best to be there before the park opens because it takes about 1 hr to park, transit to the ticket gates, go through security, and get your tickets. Plus, at animal kingdom, they have characters outside for guests to take pictures with. Animal kingdom and magic kingdom are the best for kids and if you can spends 2 days at each park then you might cover everything including the rides and show (it just can't be done in 1 day). Pay attention to the parade time and trail so that you can set yourself up in a good spot. Epcot center and MGM has more shows than rides which is why I say its more adult friendly and the kids then to be uninterested.


I think I about covered it ... OH ... take full advantage of speed pass. certain rides, like the popular ones, have this thing called a speed pass. You take your ticket and run it through this machine. You'll get a piece of paper that says what time to come back for the ride. Instead of waiting 1 hr for a ride, you only wait 10 mins (more of less).


I lived in Miami for 20 years and we used to go to disney every single year plus we've taken the kids twice.



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We've gone twice in September because DH is a teacher and has a week off then. The crowds are great, but it's still VERY hot. If I could go anytime I wanted, I think we'd probably go with early December. I hear the crowds then are at least as low as September, plus it's cooler, and all the Christmas decorations are up.

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A friend of our who goes a lot says September has better rates and less people. She also said there are small crowds on Thanksgiving Day. I haven't heard about May being a good time or not, but you'd think it would, since it's before other kids get out of school!

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Imo, October is the best, best, BEST (!!) month in central Florida. The weather is amazing, not too hot or too cold. It is at the tail end of huricane season, but even our crazy huricane year, we didn't have any in oct. Everyone is back in school and unlike during the spring, there aren't any school breaks yet. That said, the park is also really cool in December because it's all jazzed up for christmas. I personally couldn't handle a vacation in dec, but that's me. It will also be more crowded around the holidays.


September will be very hot still. Mid April through the very begining of oct are the warm months, give or take a week or 2. Hth,

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The absoulute slowest time is in January. Spetember (from what i hear) because of the (sometimes) free dining plan is getting busier. My sil and bil went in September and hated that it was so hot. We went a couple of years ago in the beginning of Dec. and the weather was good and crowds were low.

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The absoulute slowest time is in January. Spetember (from what i hear) because of the (sometimes) free dining plan is getting busier. My sil and bil went in September and hated that it was so hot. We went a couple of years ago in the beginning of Dec. and the weather was good and crowds were low.
Yeah, the free dining plan is what my friend was talking about in September. I can see how that could make it busier though!


Now I want to go in January!!! :D

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Yeah, the free dining plan is what my friend was talking about in September. I can see how that could make it busier though!


Now I want to go in January!!! :D


I have heard in January there are so few people at the water parks because the weather is around 70. We live in northern IN so 60-70 is hot to us in January! My sil and bil went in January a couple of years ago, and they said they were on a bus with a bunch of other people. They and their dc where all decked out in their bathing suits and what not and the other people on the bus were in jeans and long sleeved shirts. They were the only ones to get off the bus.

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We want to take our kids to Disney World in 2009. We want to go in the off season to avoid the crowds. Dh says May because it will be warm, and he wants to avoid fall hurricanes. I was thinking September because we will be staying in a Disney resort, and the rates are cheapest in the fall.


So what do you all think - May, September, or another time all together?



A great resource would be disboards.com . This would be very very helpful to you. :001_smile:

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to go the first week of Dec and we did and it was perfect! It's already decorated for Christmas PLUS they offer special evening stuff you can buy tickets to. So you get Disney plus more! We only had crowds at MK on the Sunday. otherwise we rarely stood in line. and we plan to go back that same week again.

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We went the last week of April/first week of May last year and virtually had the parks to our selves. As a matter of fact, we ended up with time on our hands because we covered more of the parks in less time. We didn't even use fast passes very much. We were able to walk right on to most rides, even Pirates of the Caribbean! The weather was beautiful.

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We just went in January and it was perfect! Not many lines (the longest we waited was 20 minutes at the Dumbo ride!), and the weather was perfect (80 degrees the first week and 65 the second). We're going back in September for free dining. I'll let you know about the crowds then!

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I love Disney at this time. Weather has always been perfect. No crowds...kids aren't out of school and colleges are finished Spring Break but haven't let out for the year. No lines for rides and easy to book meals.

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Between May and September? I'd pick early May. Late in May it gets really hot and September is even hotter!!


Another time of the year would be the first week in December - its perfect!


I wouldn't concern myself to much about hurricanes. They really aren't a common occurence in central Fl (except for the one season a few years back!). And even if one were to come - it's probably only affect you for one day. Besides, after Wilma several families I know went up to DW while we were without power and they said it was fantastic - no crowds at all!


As far as warm temperatures - unless there is a strong cold front - it's always warm at some point in the day - even in December - February.


Another poster mentioned October. We went late in Oct. about a year ago, and there happened to be record high temperatures that week!! We couldn't believe it - thought we'd be getting a break from the SFL heat - not! And it gets hotter there because there's no ocean breeze.

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We actually got there on Sat. after Thanksgiving and that day and Sunday were extremely busy! But by Monday, it was awesome. We rarely waited more than 10 minutes for a popular ride and getting fast passes was no problem (i.e. they didn't run out). Plus, the park is decorated for Christmas and there are special evening events for Christmas.


I've also heard Sept. is a good time to go, too.

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We went in January of 2007 and it was the best. The longest we waited in line was 15 minutes and we had lots of free admissions thrown into our package because it was such a slow season. The weather was just perfect for us Northwesterners...it was warm enough to go to the water parks.

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Between May and September? I'd pick early May. Late in May it gets really hot and September is even hotter!!


Another time of the year would be the first week in December - its perfect!


I wouldn't concern myself to much about hurricanes. They really aren't a common occurence in central Fl (except for the one season a few years back!). And even if one were to come - it's probably only affect you for one day. Besides, after Wilma several families I know went up to DW while we were without power and they said it was fantastic - no crowds at all!


As far as warm temperatures - unless there is a strong cold front - it's always warm at some point in the day - even in December - February.


Another poster mentioned October. We went late in Oct. about a year ago, and there happened to be record high temperatures that week!! We couldn't believe it - thought we'd be getting a break from the SFL heat - not! And it gets hotter there because there's no ocean breeze.



If you have to choose between May or September, I vote for May. September is WAY hotter and, I don't know about you, but being really hot makes me grumpy. (LOL - and, yes, I do live here.)


The best visit we ever had (and we don't do a lot of Disney) was the two days after Thanksgiving. Christmas decorations were up, but the crowds had not really arrived. That was a few years ago, though.


Like Brenda said, I wouldn't worry about hurricanes too much. If they're going to hit, September is more likely than May.

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From our Florida theme park experience, fall is slower than spring. In spring you get a lot of unsupervised teens due to choir/band/Senior trips. In fall, it's been us and the Europeans. :) If you go prior to Halloween, be prepared for the decorations & some rides to be closed due to the special after hours things they do, but you can check their web sites to see what's scheduled to be down. Since we have to go way north to Orlando, we don't find the Sept weather to be bad, but Oct is always cooler. Hurricanes are always something to keep an eye on, but folks here go to Orlando to avoid them.

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Go in late November early December. The weather is gorgeous. Cool but not cold, and comfortable during the day. Prices are at their lowest. Crowds are pretty much gone. And you can buy extra tickets for their Very Merry Christmas party...SO WORTH THE EXTRA MONEY!!! Disney only sells so many tickets to this special event. We literally could stay on rides and just tell the people we wanted to go around again. They had several fireworks displays. They had awesome parades. The kids could play with the characters since there were no lines of kids waiting to get autographs. We had Peter Pan fighting Captain Hook in front of us, and Wendy literally hid behind our stroller. They give you as much free hot cocoa, apple juice, cookies, and apple slices as you want. Plus the snowy bubbles as you walk down main street. SO MUCH FUN!! Enjoy!

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We went to Universal Studios in mid/late September and never stood in a line! We would exit a ride, then turn back into the entrance and ride it again. The weather was warm--still felt kind of summery--but not too hot. One thing to keep in mind though is hurricane season. Fall (September especially) can be a busy time for tropical weather. It can put a kink in travel/flight plans.

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Thanks for all the excellent advice! I no longer want to go in September. Ohio is so hot and humid in August. We look forward to cooler temps in September, so heading back into the heat and humidity at Disney would not be a treat for us.


I had not considered going after Thanksgiving, but you all make it sound very appealing! Do you think we could still swim in the resort pool in November?

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Just wanted to second (or seventh!) the idea of the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sometimes it's hard to get away then (Christmas pageants, various recitals, etc.), but because of that, no one else is there either! We live in FL and always try to visit during the first half of December. We've been able to ride our favorite rides over and over again (get off, go around, ride again!), which is unheard of almost any other time. The cooler weather is a plus, too. Check with the various resorts for a heated pool, and you'll have the best of all worlds!

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The pools at all the hotels in Orlando are heated. If your kids are used to swimming in Ohio, November in Florida (barring freakish cold snaps) will not phase them in the least. My own kids swim almost year round here. You might want to consider a day at Blizzard Beach or one of the other water parks - they're really fun.

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