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For fun:What I learned from being mom.

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1. Patience.

2. Mothers do have eyes in the back of her head except it's called hearing or just mother instinct. Love it when I catch my kids doing something and calling them on with without having to see them actually doing it.....

3. Kids can only do tasks properly when shown to do them and not to expect them to do things I have not taken time teach them.

4. Put white shirt on a child and some brightly colored food/drink will spill on it.

5. Spray in conditioner gets gum up out hair.

6. Goo gone is good stuff.

7. I should have bought stock in shout or spray n wash.

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  • unconditional love is possible in humans (I always knew it was in dogs)
  • it's really cool to have a conversation with someone you helped create
  • I should have kept my hot wheels from my childhood
  • that the words I speak have great power (good or bad)
  • that sometimes you do end sounding like your mother
  • that is is hard to explain the whole Star Wars thing to a 7 year old. "Even though Episode 1, 2, & 3 take place before 4,5, & 6, they were filmed many years later. That why its hard to match the technology and special effects between the movies."
  • sometimes kittens are green (my son colored a coloring page of a kitten green when he was little. I shut my mouth and didn't tell that cats were not that color. I didn't want to stifle his creativity)
  • that 10-year-olds can be ocassionally be bribed to rub your back for additional TV time

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1. "Because I said so." really is a complete sentence.

2. two hands are about 6 hands less than a mom needs

3. time flies when you're having fun

4. time flies even faster when you're not young anymore

5. McDonald's is NOT a food group, despite DCs best efforts

6. you can love each child equally, but differently...and more each day

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LOL! Especially drywall!


("Stuff" includes furniture. And drywall.)


I have learned, and vocalized loudly and often, that I am not an octopus, and that too much multitasking means I need either a clone or some kids to help and/or cooperate. Since there are no clones available....


I have learned that, even though I sorely miss having little kids, having big, strong teenagers to carry laundry baskets downstairs and to unload groceries and put them away is wonderful too.

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1. Soaking caked-on melted resin in soapy water actually makes it come loose.

2. My instincts are trustworthy.

3. How to attach a tail to a pair of pants.

4. People are who they are from birth.

5. More about trains and dinosaurs than anyone ever needs to know.

6. Sleep is much less necessary than commitment.

7. Six ways to commit suicide with household objects I previously thought of as quite harmless.

8. To differentiate the sounds of children brushing their teeth and children spitting toothpaste at each other.

9. Happiness is never environmental.

10. How to hold things without using my hands.

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That I had no idea it would be as fabulous as it is. I loved bfing, I loved cloth diapering, I loved Gymboree and Music Together, and I loved readng story books, and I love re-reading Nesbitt etc with my youngest, and 'great' lit with my teens.


I also really enjoy the fact that my children now all sleep through the night. it was very dicey there for a few years. :001_smile:


But the most important thing I didn't know is how time speeds up once you have a child, and speeds up bunches more once you have the last. It's like I'm living in hyper-space now.

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  • 'good night's sleep' takes on a whole new meaning
  • skeevy substances which do not originate from me don't actually cause me to melt upon contact
  • I'm a much better juggler than I thought
  • kids are smart so mothers must be smarter
  • love and discipline are intertwined
  • laughter really is, sometimes, the best medicine
  • I have a lot left to learn


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