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Daytime Curfew Law--We killed it! :-)

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Awesome! And your DDs?? ADORABLE!


Thanks. :)


The mayor wants to form a community task force to examine the truancy and gang issues that were the reason for this (very badly written) ordinance. Many of us feel that the solution is for the city to fully utilize and enforce the existing truancy laws, which allow for police involvement for chronic truants.


In other news (announced at the meeting last night), our city is getting its first commercial airline at our little airport. First flights will happen in June.


It was nice to help make a difference in our local government. :)

Edited by Veritaserum
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Yay! Dh and I were talking last night about his days living behind the jello curtain. What were peeps in Provo thinking??? I'm so glad that you guys were able to shine some light and that the mayor was able to see reason.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Thanks, that was fabulous :lol:

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Yay! Dh and I were talking last night about his days living behind the jello curtain. What were peeps in Provo thinking??? I'm so glad that you guys were able to shine some light and that the mayor was able to see reason.


:lol: I am a transplant from SoCal. Life is a bit different here in Jell-o land. Today I read that the city has never seen such a demonstration at the city building. We made quite an impression. ;)


Last night's council meeting was awesome. For two hours the public was allowed three minutes per person to say whatever they wanted. The vast majority of the speakers were there to express concerns over the way the ordinance was written. It was thrilling to sit and listen to person after person make sound and sometimes passionate arguments in favor of liberty. It was like a testimony meeting for freedom. I'm so glad my kids and I participated. It renewed my faith in the people's ability to make their government work for them. :)

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