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Been gone for a while, long history, need advice

Mom to Aly

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Well, I've been gone for quite a while, and have a long story to tell, so don't start reading if you don't have some time, lol.


The last time I was here, I was out of a job and desperately looking for one where I could remain at home and still homeschool my dd (who is now 12). I had gone through a horrible divorce (my ex had taken all of our money, furniture, etc, we had come home from vacay to an find an empty house, and he had emptied our house, to move in with his girlfried of two years, I, of course, had no idea--he had even taken my dd's things, because his gf had a dd about the same age. During the divorce he became extremely abusive to my dd, so that I would give up alimony in exchange for him giving up visitation, which I did).


I have found a job, but it took me almost a year, and I nearly lost my house in the meantime, so I decided to rent it out, and took a townhouse with a friend and her daughter. The woman I rented it to had great refereneces, but, about 5 months into the rental, she stopped paying the rent. It took me several months to get her out, and, when she was finally evicted I discovered that, although the lease said no pets, she had 9 un-neutered mail cats, and no litter box:eek:! We had stored most of our stuff in two bedrooms and locked those; she had broken the locks, shoved our stuff, down the stairs, and her cats had gone all over our stuff, sprayed the walls, just gone everywhere. Our furniture, the little bit I'd bought was destroyed, not that that mattered much, but our house was ruined. I had contractors in, they said they could tear out the floors, the sheetrock, gut the house, but the smell would be in the ceilings, in everything, they thought it was ruined:crying:. As it was, I'd been fighting foreclosure, so I just decided to give in to it, give up my house, and move. I was sick of fighting, so beyond disgusted with my house, I have a lung disease, my daughter has asthma, the house was so filthy I couldn't deal with it, so we packed up what we thought we could salvage, and moved to FL, our dream location, two weeks ago (from VA).


Now, the story still isn't over. We had people helping us move, and, somehow, things were "accidentally left behind (another long story I won't get into). I don't have much money, had to give a deposit of $572 to the electric company here, which they hold for THREE YEARS, and, because of what was left behind had to replace much of my computer, had to get a new phone, pots and pans (luckily found some used at a thrift store), and have none of my dd's homeschool books! I got math, science and English at B&N for $24, thank goodness! But I need geography, art and history, and I'm sure more, and was hoping for suggestions of secular things from a library? Need 6th to 8th grade level, American History, American Geography, and Art appreciation as well as practical art? Or very cheap to buy, in the future. I am just out of money now, and only make $8.25 an hour, and to top off everything else, my hours were cut the week after I moved here. (It's been a bad year, lol.)


But, that said, I know there is a reason for everything, and am extremely optimistic about this move! We are thrilled to be here, our rent is so much cheaper than my mortgage, and I am afraid we never would have left VA, which is what caused my lung disease (allergies that turned into asthma which turned into a lung disease). I know things will turn around for us here :).


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer me!

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Honestly, I would look at guesthollow.com and use her FREE American history plan and just use whatever resources you can from the library. I would maybe invest in one spine book and and a cheap US map (maybe one you can get online or at a thrift store). If you have internet access, you could also use Lesson pathways, which is also a free resource.


Here's the guesthollow site:



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Ugh, I don't have advice on the history, sorry, but I wanted to post and say :seeya: Not 6 weeks ago I went through my old PMs and saw a message from you then I looked up your old posts to see if you'd been around because I was wondering how you were doing. I didn't realize how long it had been since you've posted- time sure flies when we're having fun, I guess. :001_huh:


I'm glad to hear that despite the really, really rough year, things are looking up for you and Aly. bighug.gif


It's nice to see you on the boards again. I hope you'll keep posting!

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for all you've been through. I admire your positive attitude! You could get geography books from the library and there's lots of online sites w/free map downloads. I 2nd just buying a history spine, could supplement with some biographies/living books from the library. Probably could get some decent art instruction and appreciation books from the library, too. www.amblesideonline.com has lots of free downloads for art, music, book downloads, etc. Good luck! Blessings, Gina

P.S. I believe HSLDA and maybe another org. (can't remember) offers free books to homeschoolers in need, if you haven't checked into that.

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It's nice to see you on the boards again. I hope you'll keep posting!


Me, too.


I don't have any specific advice about curricula, unfortunately. I think, since you've got most of the basics covered, I would be inclined to suggest just reading whatever comes to hand from the library in the "missing" subjects. You've had an awfully busy year full of lots of changes. Taking things a little easy won't be the end of the world.


With that said, I'm busy cleaning out a bunch of stuff, mostly books, that we won't be using again. We're moving (in the same area, just a different house) in a couple of months and I'm trying to lighten the load. I'm in Florida, too. I don't know where you are, but if I have anything you might want and we're close enough to do a hand-off, you're more than welcome to anything on my "to go" pile.


Let me take a look with your subject list in hand and see if I've got anything that might be useful.


Edit: Okay, I took a look, and I don't think I can be very helpful. Most of the things I have are probably too young for Aly. And I've already cleared out a lot.


If you can PM me and let me know where you are, we can decide whether it's worthwhile to meet so you can take the few items I have.


For art, by the way, I did think of http://www.gardenofpraise.com/art.htm . It is not secular, but we're using bits and pieces this year and finding it a good resource.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Thanks so much for the kind replies, and for the information! So nice to see some old friends!


As for the positive attitude, better than being down! I was, very, believe me--more like in a true state of shock when I opened the door of my house! You cannot imagine how bad it was--I can't believe anyone would live in that, much less allow it to happen. It was a true, life size litter box without the litter! I mean, everywhere!!! I took her to court (she never showed up), and it turned out her "references" were friends, forgot to mention that, who claimed they had no idea, and when I went to file to try to get in line behind other debtors I met a woman who had been trying to get money from her for three years for basically the same thing, so she has apparently been doing this for a while. Ugh!!! But I truly believe everything happens for a reason, not that my beautiful house was meant to be a litter box, lol, but I do believe we would never have left VA otherwise, or not in a timely fashion, and we really needed to. Now, losing our stuff, on top of everything else being ruined? Haven't figured that one out yet, lol.


But, basically, I'm a really upbeat person, and I'm too happy in our new home, which doesn't smell!, and in sunny FL to be down right now. I figure we will find some phenomenal new curriculum, or my dd will be inspired to create her own, or me my own (rotfl!!!) or something like that. Probably the former :D. And it got me back here, where I've wanted to come forever, and haven't had the time!! I've missed to many people here! That is a VERY positive thing!

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I am not good at utilizing this forum, but if you go to Tags and type in free curriculum or free resources, there is a Free Curriculum List from last year that is absolutely huge and maybe will be of some help to you.


Maybe someone could teach me how to link up a previous thread to a new one?

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May I suggest checking out your library for history spine and supplements? Hopefully you live in a place with a good library system. I have had Joy Hakim's entire American History Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄series, A History of US, checked out to preview it, and the specific books as I needed them. I was curious about the level being middle school (it seemed easy to me, but hey, middle school was a long time ago!) until I read my dd 8th grade text book for social studies, which is American History focused next year. I have also found the Kingfisher and Usborne histories at our libraries. Some are reference, some not, so YMMV.

Best of luck.


edited to add: You might want to stop and talk with your librarian. All of the ones I know (I work in our school library and camp out at the public one a lot) would consider it a personal challenge to find the stuff you need, help you figure out what you need. They will have better knowledge of what you may be able to get there. For Geography, ours have tons of different Atlas books. You could probably find one specific to what you are studying whatever 'theme' you want out of it.

Edited by mommycheryl
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Art Appreciation:




And here's some music appreciation, too, just in case you can use it:




American History and Geography Resources:








Middle School Geography:



(U.S. is near the bottom of the list)



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Wow! I can't believe all the info you guys have posted!! Thanks so much!!!


I'm in northern FL, for those that have asked. And this looks enough to keep me going for a while! Thanks you all, so, so much!


I did go to our local library last night, and, while they have nothing like curricula, they have a very good history section, a not so good music and art section, but I did find a few Jim Weiss (not necessary, but oh so fun!!), and found there is a huge homeschool group with 800 families, there own building and their own library!!!! I believe it is non-secular, but I can live with that! I also found a bunch of clubs for my dd to try, and she is thrilled!


So, thank you all, so much! As always,k this is the place to go, and the best place to be! So happy I thought to come here, and happy to be back!!!

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What a story! I was actually thinking of you the other day and wondering how you were. I couldn't remember your dd's age.


If you have a Border's near you, many of them are closing and might have some sales. They did have a nice selection of encyclopedia like books for 9.99 at our locations.


Don't forget Ambleside Online. Even if you don't want to use their schedule they have links to many free books and resources.


Owl Writing lab - this link is for resources for 7th-12th.


Here's some free downloadable language art workbooks from mcGraw Hill.


Science Activities.


Some more LA resources.


Also don't forget thrift stores, I've found many workable resources there for dirt cheap.


Best of luck and welcome back.

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Gosh, the information keeps coming! This is amazing!


As to the question of which math book I use from B&N, it is their brand, Flashkids, and I think it is great. We tried Saxon, Math-U-See, and Singapore. I have to say, my dd is a natural at math, as was I, so that probably makes a diff. But neither she nor I could stand the repetition of the first two, they drove us nuts! These books are workbooks with an example or two of each thing it is teaching, not something that is going to go into long explanation, so if you need that, it won't work. And I lied, they are $6.95--but, with your 20% off, they come out under $6 :D.


We also just got the language arts book, eighth grade, and it is great! They have the names of everything, explanations and examples (I taught Freshman English and Creative Writing at a college level and I don't know all the names of these things!)--I am really impressed with this book! It is going to be ideal for this year. Now, I'll admit the unspeakable--I've never really done language arts with my daughter--she does writing and creative writing, but her spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocab, etc, were always so high, I felt I didn't need to (she has had a college reading level since she was seven, something I largely attribute to 1) she started reading, literally, when she was 1 & a half and, 2) I completely took away television when my ex, who was a tv-a-holic, left, when she was 4, so she read as much as others watched tv, not that she really watched it before then). But, I've realized she, and I, need to learn the names to things the gazillion types of verbs and nouns, etc, they now have and I didn't have to learn through my whole life, and somehow survived (even though I have degrees in foreign language, and survived that, too!). My, how the world has changed, lol!


All that to say, I think the language arts book is great, too! And I believe they have a spelling book, but I had Spelling Power, and would test her once a year or two, and as long as she was progressing, which she always was, but at least a couple years or more, I felt she was fine. She did better when we didn't work on spelling than the one half year we did, so I left that alone, lol. But now that my Spelling Power book is gone, I'm feeling guilty, so I may break down and get something, rotfl!

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You have been missed. I'm sorry for all you've had to endure, it is inspiring to see you've retained your spirit of optimism.


Are you aware of the MEP math materials? It is a strong program and the files can be downloaded without charge online. They also have interactive versions online for some grades.


Also the Indian government has allowed their national textbooks to be distributed online as well. These books are quite charming at the lower-age level (I have not seen the materials for older children), and offer a nice exposure to Indian culture. There are two sites where you can get these, I will link to one (Note Monk) as it was easier back when (the NCERT site was in beta):




You could also Google "NCERT" and try the Indian site, as it may be fully functional now.


For American History you might check if your library carries any of the "Drama of American History Series" written by the brothers Colliers. I like the books I've read in this series much better than the Joy Hakim series, but you should check the library for those too. I will look for Moira's list of the books in the DoAH series, as it is quite helpful.


Welcome back!



Edited by Spy Car
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Here is Moira's list in case your library has any of the Drama of American History series.



Here's a list of the titles in the series:



  • Clash of Cultures: Prehistory to 1638, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • The Paradox of Jamestown, 1585 to 1700, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • The French and Indian War, 1660 to 1763, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • The American Revolution, 1763 to 1783, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Pilgrims and Puritans, 1620 to 1676, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Creating the Constitution, 1787, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Building a New Nation, 1789 to 1803, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Andrew Jackson's America, 1821 to 1850, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Hispanic America, Texas, and the Mexican War, 1835 to 1850, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • The Jeffersonian Republicans, 1800 to 1820, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • The Civil War, 1860 to 1866, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Slavery and the Coming of the Civil War, 1831 to 1861, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 1998.
  • The Rise of Industry: 1860 to 1900, Marshall Cavendish (New York, NY), 1999.
  • A Century of Immigration: 1820 to 1924, Marshall Cavendish/Benchmark Books (Tarrytown, NY), 1999.
  • Indians, Cowboys, and Farmers, 1865 to 1910, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 2000.
  • The United States Enters the World Stage: From Alaska through World War I, 1867 to 1919, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 2000.
  • Progressivism, the Great Depression, and the New Deal, 1901 to 1941, Benchmark/Cavendish (Tarrytown, NY), 2000.
  • The Rise of the Cities, Cavendish/Benchmark (Tarrytown, NY), 2000.
  • United States in World War II, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 2001.
  • The Changing Face of American Society, 1945 to 2000, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 2001.
  • The United States in the Cold War, Benchmark/Cavendish (Tarrytown, NY), 2002.
  • The Middle Road: American Politics, 1945 to 2000, Benchmark Books (New York, NY), 2002.


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I 2nd FLVS!!! Florida Virtual School is FREE and you retain your homeschool status and you can find everything you could possibly want right there.

I too admire your strength and I think things will start to turn around for you. Florida is a great state to be in to homeschool!

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Mom to Aly, I have missed your presence on these boards, and wondered how you were doing. I am so very, very sorry to hear what a trying time you have been through. I am glad that you are in a better situation now, and relieved that things are looking up.


I haven't read all the replies, but I'm sure you've gotten lots of great advice on free and inexpensive resources. One that just recently came to my attention is a method for doing geography that only requires an atlas, pencils, and paper. It sounds so simple, but I know that using it would give a child a better geography education than I got in public school, with our expensive textbooks and everything. I read about it in The Core by Leigh Bortins. If you're interested in more information, just let me know.


I would offer to send you some "hand me down" curriculum, but since my daughter is younger than yours, I don't think I would have anything you could use!


We have a used book store here that has a rather extensive education section. They have lots of homeschool curriculum and textbooks from public schools. You have to wade through a lot of junk to find the treasures, but they are there from time to time. Is there anything like that where you live?


So glad to have you back!

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