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Update on Highway taking our house

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Things are moving along with the DOT for the new highway that is taking our house.


Yesterday the surveyors were in my yard and today I had to lock the horses up so that they could get through our pastures, etc. for more surveying.


The latest time line is that the state will have an appraiser come through the last week of March or first week of April. Then we will get a written offer in May. If we accept that, we will have up to 90 days to relocate. If we don't agree we can fight it. Likely we will need to be out by the end of August though.


So far, we have found NOTHING that comes close to matching what we have in our area. There just aren't any other 6 bedroom, 2 bath houses with 3 stall garages on over 5 acres with a barn and set up for horses. Nothing we could even make work in our area--either not enough land, not enough house, etc.


We are praying for wisdom in trying to buy, build, etc. Housing prices are very low in our area for basic homes on 1-2 acres or subdivision lots but still higher on parcels over 5 acres and no one is selling those.


Friends of ours live just 2 miles away and are in the same situation--horses, highway taking the house, etc. We are looking at lawyers to get some advice on how to get fairly compensated for our losses. It is just very hard as we can not find anyone that has been there/done this to talk to. THe people that have already sold out have for the most part been very happy to sell and relocate closer to town in smaller places. The prices listed for what they were paid is NOT good---at least not good enough for us to get something to replace this place.


Just trying to be patient here.

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:grouphug: I can't imagine what you are going through; the feeling of helplessness in not being able to stop it must be so overwhelming. :grouphug: I would fight for replacement costs though- I don't know that you'll get that, but if it were me, I wouldn't be going down w/out a fight. Ugh, stuff like this makes me so angry!

Edited by Unicorn
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Ticks me off too.


Some government guy came through here years ago researching places to put a power plant. I met him in the driveway. It wasn't pretty. All I can remember saying is "I know what imminent domain is", and I think I told him to find someone his own size to bully. Looking back I'm surprised I wasn't arrested or something.


Dh cracked up and told me I was nuts for not selling out............ **** g'ment bullies.

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Oh dear, that is terrible. Good on praying for wisdom. This sounds like a mess.


I don't remember you're situation in total:


1) Does your dh work? Outside the home? Is he able to travel a bit for a commute?


2) Is this an HSLDA-worthy question?


3) Are you working with a real estate agent to keep all options open?


I do hope that if you are "forced" to move that you would be greatly compensated so that you could build a home with several acres for those equines to roam...to match or exceed what you have now.


Keep us posted!!

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: They are changing the highway entrance right by our house & a lot of people had to move (and even part of our little "village" was axed), and I think they paid about half of what the places were actually worth/cost & for some people it was a nightmare just trying to get what they were promised. I hope it goes much better for you guys. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I have major issues with imminent domain. The government does not have the right to force "the good of the people" on anyone's legally held property without the taxpayers paying seriously for it. It's disgusting to me as a taxpayer. I don't want to drive on a road, use a power platn, or anything else if it was ill gotten on my behalf. I don't know what the government of other states is like but her in good ole' Michigan, the state is notorious for forcing people out of their hoes based on imminent domain and not paying anything close to fair market value for that property.




So, as a taxpayer of the this state, I want to humbly apologize to Otakee for what is happening to her family. I hope that she can fight it with some talented lawyers though probably, she'll be forced out. Maybe by hassling the state legally, she can at least get enough to build a horse haven somewhere near her locale. I hope she can.


I love my horse and am pained that I must find her a new home. I can't imagine the possibility of getting rid of her just because the state wanted to seize my property for a road!



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What was the result from your own appraiser? Did they come up with a price that you think is fair? If they did, then you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a fair price from the highway. If it came out low because of few comparables, etc. then you will probably need a lawyer to argue your case.


I'd be finding houses and land that meet your needs - regardless of the price range - and keeping those on file. You might also do the same with a large enough piece of land, and then get a rough estimate from a local builder on the cost for reproducing your current house, barn, etc.. Prices for these are what you should be compensated.

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We don't have our appraisal back yet but honestly, appraisals are coming in LOW.


Our issue is that "fair market value" won't come close to replacing what we have. We have been working with a realtor and there just aren't any places for sale with at least 4 bedrooms and at least 5 acres for horses in our area--well, there is one but much of it is in the 100 year flood plain (or in our area the almost every year flood plain).


If they compare our place to those farther out, the value will be lower BUT I have 3 kids with special needs in school and we have a great special ed program for them. We are also close to top notch medical care, only 15 minutes from "singing sand" beaches, etc.


All we want is to get enough to replace what we have. It wouldn't be fair to our kids to be forced out of the only home the 2 girls have ever known (and our son since we adopted him) and then make them loose their horses, chickens, rabbits, etc.


What was the result from your own appraiser? Did they come up with a price that you think is fair? If they did' date=' then you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a fair price from the highway. If it came out low because of few comparables, etc. then you will probably need a lawyer to argue your case.


I'd be finding houses and land that meet your needs - regardless of the price range - and keeping those on file. You might also do the same with a large enough piece of land, and then get a rough estimate from a local builder on the cost for reproducing your current house, barn, etc.. Prices for these are what you should be compensated.[/quote']

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Flood control bought our last house, and we were paid a fair price. At the time, my dad worked for an appraiser, and he was really shocked because he said the highway department is notorious for not paying what a property is worth.


I really feel for you. Get a good lawyer, and keep looking at properties.

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What was the result from your own appraiser? Did they come up with a price that you think is fair? If they did' date=' then you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a fair price from the highway. If it came out low because of few comparables, etc. then you will probably need a lawyer to argue your case.


I'd be finding houses and land that meet your needs - regardless of the price range - and keeping those on file. You might also do the same with a large enough piece of land, and then get a rough estimate from a local builder on the cost for reproducing your current house, barn, etc.. Prices for these are what you should be compensated.[/quote']



I totally agree with this!! I have never gone through what you are, but I would be fighting TOOTH & NAIL to get something of equal value or of what I already have. I would search out those places that would fit what we have or need, as close to as possible, without any regard for price. I would present those as options, so they know what kind of field you are playing in. I would make sure I had an attorney- the best I could, and that I wrote a letter on my behalf explaining what you said here. It's not about getting all you can from the state, it's about getting what you have- or as close to as possible. And if all else fails, go to the media... the news stations and people love heartfelt stories that tell them what their government is really up to!!


In short- DON'T GO QUIETLY!!


BTW, have you posted pictures of your house/property?? I am sure we'd all love to see them :)

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Watch out for those in the flood plains. Flood insurance is going thru the roof right now. We didn't make an offer on one house because a creek ran behind the house and flood insurance was $4000 a year. No way could we afford that!


I am sure that this would be the case with that one property. It is notorious for flooding every few years as it is on the river near a bend and when we get an ice jam, it floods. I think the house is on higher ground and would be OK but if 1/3-1/2 of my land is down there, I couldn't use it for pastures, etc. as i don't want my horses to go swimming.


We do have leads on a few good lawyers. I think we have a fairly good case, esp. as we have been here for 17 years and would have no intention of moving if they weren't forcing us out. I have to talk to one lawyer later today and go from there. My friends and I are thinking that if the 2 families use the same lawyer we might do better as so much of the information would be the same.

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I am sure that this would be the case with that one property. It is notorious for flooding every few years as it is on the river near a bend and when we get an ice jam, it floods. I think the house is on higher ground and would be OK but if 1/3-1/2 of my land is down there, I couldn't use it for pastures, etc. as i don't want my horses to go swimming.


We do have leads on a few good lawyers. I think we have a fairly good case, esp. as we have been here for 17 years and would have no intention of moving if they weren't forcing us out. I have to talk to one lawyer later today and go from there. My friends and I are thinking that if the 2 families use the same lawyer we might do better as so much of the information would be the same.


Yes, I would at least consult with a lawyer and see if they think they can help you. Just beware of how outrageous their fees can get as well. I really hope it works out for you. It sounds like a terrible situation.:grouphug:



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Just another update. We got a private appraisal done and we need to pray for more money than that if we expect to buy something else like what we have.


We will be meeting with a lawyer when we get back from Disney to discuss our options and hopes for a better deal. We still have dreams of building.


My dh was also got a "transfer slip" at work yesterday---all of the employees in his prison got these. This might mean that they are closing the facility that he works at. We won't know yet---this is sorta like pink slipping teachers---"just in case".


On a positive note though, I found a horse today. I bought an 18 year old Morgan cross gelding. At noon I got an email from my friend/riding instructor that said she knew of this horse for sale. In just a couple of hours I was writing the check. Several friends know this horse VERY well and they have owned him for 11 years or so. He was used in my daughter's 4H group last year too. His owner is in college though and doesn't ride. On another positive note, he was MUCH less expensive than what my budget amount was so now I have some wiggle room in that money to pay for extras for a new barn, extras if we build a house, etc.---not huge things, but still, every bit of money saved now is great.

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Just another update. We got a private appraisal done and we need to pray for more money than that if we expect to buy something else like what we have.


We will be meeting with a lawyer when we get back from Disney to discuss our options and hopes for a better deal. We still have dreams of building.


My dh was also got a "transfer slip" at work yesterday---all of the employees in his prison got these. This might mean that they are closing the facility that he works at. We won't know yet---this is sorta like pink slipping teachers---"just in case".


On a positive note though, I found a horse today. I bought an 18 year old Morgan cross gelding. At noon I got an email from my friend/riding instructor that said she knew of this horse for sale. In just a couple of hours I was writing the check. Several friends know this horse VERY well and they have owned him for 11 years or so. He was used in my daughter's 4H group last year too. His owner is in college though and doesn't ride. On another positive note, he was MUCH less expensive than what my budget amount was so now I have some wiggle room in that money to pay for extras for a new barn, extras if we build a house, etc.---not huge things, but still, every bit of money saved now is great.



Good job on the horse! and I'm with the others on the lawyers...it's time. My experience is with the private sector, which pays much better. From what others are saying, Michigan's DOT does not sound like it is working in your best interest. Uggggghhhhhh.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :glare:

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We would just like enough money to replace what we have here. If they can find us an already built place with as much room, barns, etc. we would do that, otherwise we will likely build.


From what I understand of these take overs, I've never heard of anyone being offered enough to replace what they already have :( They don't care what you have on the property, particularly when they just want the land and plan on tearing it down.


Still praying though.

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((HUGS)) We have friends going through this, too. Their situation is the mother in law suite and farmstead that were built since they've purchased the property, and those are impossible for them to find in the same condition. They've been appealing all along, but haven't gotten anywhere so far. They're in a bind because their MIL can't afford to go to a home, the state is unwilling to compensate them on the value of their property, and they don't know what they'll be doing with her if they can't find a place.


I feel for you guys and hope it works out in the end!

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That is what STINKS. If they would just give us enough to replace what we have, we can deal with it. They keep telling me that I will be "very happy" with what we get so we will see.


In their minds, you SHOULD be "very happy" that you are getting anything, as they plan on taking it one way or another regardless :glare: One of my issues with imminent domain (good grief...build the highway AROUND if need be!)

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That is what STINKS. If they would just give us enough to replace what we have, we can deal with it. They keep telling me that I will be "very happy" with what we get so we will see.

Is there anyone at the DOT you can talk to who can help you find something that will replace what you have and make you "very happy"? Somebody over there has to have a heart.


Do they know your concern about special education and various medical needs? And if this gets uglier, have you asked the lawyer if there is there anything in the disability laws that can help you with this situation?

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There is someone assigned from MDOT to us but honestly, I think his role is to placate us. Their suggestion was to "find a realtor". We did get them to concede that there are NO properties in our area for sale like ours and that we might end up building.


We will know more after we talk to the lawyer.

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