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convention presenters - who do I HAVE to see?


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Wow, you are really lucky. That is a full schedule of presenters!


When I've been to convention, I don't necessarily see age-appropriate discussions, I go see the speakers I want to, lol, even if they're talking about high school. I saw Marcia Somerville talking about writing one year. I found it fascinating and still have the notes, even if it won't be applicable for some time.


Off your list, I would love to see Andrew Pudewa, Ken Ham, Jay Wile, Amanda Bennett, Jeannie Fulbright, David Quine, Jim Weiss, Art Reed, and Ray Notgrass.

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I have children in a similar age range to yours (my oldest just turned 6 then a 4,3, and 1 year old). So far, I've been to two homeschool conferences.


Except for the Wise Bauer's I recognize Leigh Bortins (Classical Conversations) and Mr. Hazell (MFW). Since I am so new to hs, I just pick the speakers who are most encouraging, or who are speaking to a topic relevant to my hs'ing journey. I might go hear Mr. Hazell b/c he speaks about entertaining toddlers.


What I've learned (the hard way), is to avoid like the plague curriculum 'specialists' who are marketing something my kids won't need for a few years. I am a curriculum junkie and almost gave myself a panic attack trying to plan 5+ years down the road.


It looks like fun. Hope you enjoy yourself!



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Andrew Pudewa's Nurturing Competent Communicators is good (and funny!) I go to anything by Tom Clark, but much of it is aimed at high school level. Do go see his talk on the Seven Laws, though (and then get the book to read!)


Obviously, SWB and jessie Wise are must-sees. :001_smile:


I avoid Mark Hanby and David Hazell. :001_huh: (I've seen each of them speak 2 or 3 times over the years.)


I've seen Julie Bogart, Ken Ham, Jeannie Fulbright, David Quine, the Mally family, Jay Wile, and Amanda Bennett, and I don't really have a strong opinion either way.


Carol Barnier is wonderful if you have any of the issues she speaks about in your homeschool. Andrew Kern, Christopher Perrin, and Martin Cothran are definites if you are interested in classical education.


Cindy Wiggers does a great job of speaking in general terms instead of selling her materials; she has great ideas. Jan Bloom is great if you need inspiration or ideas for building a home library.


Definitely see Michael Clay Thompson and Ed Zaccaro if you have dc that need a challenge.


If you are taking dc or dh, they might enjoy the Jim Hodges on Henty or anything by Jim Weiss.

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My convention schedule isn't out yet, so I'm going to live vicariously through you. The speakers that I have seen and enjoyed-


Andrew Pudewa

Carol Barnier

Susan Wise Bauer


Speakers that I haven't seen, but would like to-


Jessie Wise

Andrew Kern

Jay Wile

Michael Clay Thompson

Barbara Beers

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What is the huge deal with Tim Hawkins? Am I the only person who had never heard of him before I started getting emails from the convention?? Is he all that? What is he - a comedian? A musician? A motivational speaker? Should I be totally embarrassed that I don't know who he is? :confused:

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Well now I'm totally jealous! Is the schedule up for the Cincy convention speakers? I can't find it. Last night I went through the vendor list, all 6 pages, and that was eye-opening. Have you done that yet? Looking at the list of the speakers for your convention, I would say doing the ground work by examining all the vendors will help you decide. Some of those are vendor workshops, and some are just generally useful. Even if you never plan to use IEW, don't deprive yourself of hearing Pudewa speak!! He's a phenomenal speaker with enlightening, thought-provoking things to say, and you'll be glad you did. They're NOT just rehashes of his curriculum. Go hear Pudewa, as much as possible. SWB/JW, absolutely. Hmmm, others with your ages? Well Jeannie Fulbright would be good (the Apologia elementary). Martin Cothran's sessions are mind-boggling, if any of them interest you. (too early, just informative) Ken Ham, Jim Weiss, Barnier, can't go wrong with these. Go to at least one Cindy Wiggers talk. She's pretty fun, and her enthusiasm is catching. I notice they have some interesting people from BJU doing sessions. If the topics interest you, they might be worth going to. I'd especially do that if you have questions you would like to ask, since you'd be getting unusually qualified or thoughtful people. I find sometimes vendors know their thing but don't really THINK. It's nice to have someone who will really think with you about educational philosophy or why something does or does not work. Go hear Ken Ham at least once. He's a phenomenal speaker.


All in all a really nice list! Now if only they'd get ours up, lol. Is our convention first? Nope, yours is in just under a month! Whew! Bet you're getting excited. Well I bet in the next week or two they get the rest of the schedules up too.


My tip to the wise, do as you wish. When I go to conventions, I've usually tried to have my stuff for the upcoming year picked out (save for a few things), so that what I'm REALLY there doing is learning about stuff for a YEAR FROM NOW. That way I have a whole year to watch feedback on the options, see how people like them, etc. Since your kids are little, you're at a good age to do this. Just a thought.

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Andrew Pudewa's Nurturing Competent Communicators is good (and funny!) I go to anything by Tom Clark, but much of it is aimed at high school level. Do go see his talk on the Seven Laws, though (and then get the book to read!)


Obviously, SWB and jessie Wise are must-sees. :001_smile:


I avoid Mark Hanby and David Hazell. :001_huh: (I've seen each of them speak 2 or 3 times over the years.)


I've seen Julie Bogart, Ken Ham, Jeannie Fulbright, David Quine, the Mally family, Jay Wile, and Amanda Bennett, and I don't really have a strong opinion either way.


Carol Barnier is wonderful if you have any of the issues she speaks about in your homeschool. Andrew Kern, Christopher Perrin, and Martin Cothran are definites if you are interested in classical education.


Cindy Wiggers does a great job of speaking in general terms instead of selling her materials; she has great ideas. Jan Bloom is great if you need inspiration or ideas for building a home library.


Definitely see Michael Clay Thompson and Ed Zaccaro if you have dc that need a challenge.


If you are taking dc or dh, they might enjoy the Jim Hodges on Henty or anything by Jim Weiss.


This is almost exactly my list and/or perceptions of speakers ... I haven't heard all of these, but I agree with her on all the ones I've heard and others are on my not-to-miss list this year.


Hope to see you in Cinci, this year Angela ...

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Last night I went through the vendor list, all 6 pages, and that was eye-opening.


Some of those are vendor workshops, and some are just generally useful.


Even if you never plan to use IEW, don't deprive yourself of hearing Pudewa speak!!


Go hear Pudewa, as much as possible. SWB/JW, absolutely. Hmmm, others with your ages? Well Jeannie Fulbright would be good (the Apologia elementary). Martin Cothran's sessions are mind-boggling, if any of them interest you.


I find sometimes vendors know their thing but don't really THINK. It's nice to have someone who will really think with you about educational philosophy or why something does or does not work.


My tip to the wise, do as you wish. When I go to conventions, I've usually tried to have my stuff for the upcoming year picked out (save for a few things), so that what I'm REALLY there doing is learning about stuff for a YEAR FROM NOW. That way I have a whole year to watch feedback on the options, see how people like them, etc. Since your kids are little, you're at a good age to do this. Just a thought.


Excellent advice here, too. If you're buying for this year, I like to make a list of what I know I want, its price at publisher, Amazon, Rainbow

Resource, CBD, wherever I can get it cheaply online. I usually get each of my children a little something there. Know what tables are worth stopping at (by going through the vendor list) and which aren't.


There are so many talks I am interested in, but I usually try to block out 3-4 hours to go through the vendor hall and plan on buying talks for that time period. I find it easier to do the whole hall one time and then come back here and there.


To choose my talks, I highlight absolutely everything I might want to hear/see. Then I make a first/second/third choice list. I may have a bunch from a new (to me) speaker marked several times, but I can go once and decide if I'm going back. Then I have back-ups if they waste my time.


Wear really comfy/supportive shoes. The Duke, at least, is huge and there is a *lot* of walking.


Looking forward to seeing you, too OhElizabeth!

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This is almost exactly my list and/or perceptions of speakers ... I haven't heard all of these, but I agree with her on all the ones I've heard and others are on my not-to-miss list this year.


Hope to see you in Cinci, this year Angela ...


Can't wait! My girls and I are going with my friend and her daughter, and it's been a few years since we went without the whole family, so I'm hoping to get a LOT done! (Dh slows me down. :D) Now if they would just post the speaker list.... :glare:

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  • 4 weeks later...
What is the huge deal with Tim Hawkins? Am I the only person who had never heard of him before I started getting emails from the convention?? Is he all that? What is he - a comedian? A musician? A motivational speaker? Should I be totally embarrassed that I don't know who he is? :confused:


If you should be embarrassed, then we can be embarrassed together, as I never heard of him before the Midwest Homeschool Convention emails

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Speakers I heard in person before & would recommend:


Susan Wise Bauer (keynote speaker at CHEA in CA years ago - fantastic!)

Andrew Pudewa


Speakers I'd like to see:


Jay Wile

Peter Enns (curious about the new book)

Andrew Kern

Michael Clay Thompson


I'd recommend Debra Bell if she was listed at your convention, but she's not.


Have a great time! I'd love to go to the Midwest one, but the dates conflict w/ our co-op program.

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So excited to go today to the conference. A little disappointed....I asked on facebook today at PHP if Jessie was coming or not as her speaking engagement disappeared from the list. She is not able to come after all. Wishing her the best but still disappointed as I wanted hear her take on FLL. Oh well....still super excited to see Susan, the other presenters and see Tim Hawkins!

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So excited to go today to the conference. A little disappointed....I asked on facebook today at PHP if Jessie was coming or not as her speaking engagement disappeared from the list. She is not able to come after all. Wishing her the best but still disappointed as I wanted hear her take on FLL. Oh well....still super excited to see Susan, the other presenters and see Tim Hawkins!


I was disappointed to not be able to here Jessie either, but her husband had had emergency surgery. That was for the Memphis convention, so I don't know if maybe they're still dealing with recovery from that?


SWB was *awesome*. I could listen to her all day. :D I also went to one Ed Zaccaro lecture and really liked that too. I wanted to go to his earlier one, but I didn't hit the convention until Friday evening (for JW's FLL lecture, which got canceled last minute).


Make sure you have your list of curriculum and books you'd like to look for. They also have used book/curriculum vendors there too.

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So excited to go today to the conference. A little disappointed....I asked on facebook today at PHP if Jessie was coming or not as her speaking engagement disappeared from the list. She is not able to come after all. Wishing her the best but still disappointed as I wanted hear her take on FLL. Oh well....still super excited to see Susan, the other presenters and see Tim Hawkins!


Oh no, I'm so sad to hear that! Sounds like she has a good reason and has her priorities straight though. Wishing him a speedy recovery!

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And now for the REALLY dorky question - would I be a total nerd if I took my copy of TWTM and asked SWB to autograph it? :tongue_smilie:

If so, than I'm a great big nerd too! :D I got her to autograph my copy at my last HS convention, and I walked around grinning for the rest of the day. Her speech was so amazing and inspirational! She's really a terrific speaker.


I also recommend Andrew Pudewa. He was great!


Oh, and Jim Weiss too. My kids are huge fans. He autographed a tape for my daughter once - she's 17 now and still loves it!

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AFAIK, all of the sessions are being recorded.




Nurturing A Mathematical Gift Into A Passion


Good news, thanks! That's the talk I *really* want to attend and they've scheduled the MCT talk I really want to attend at the same time (the Poetics talk) Did he use a lot of visuals or will the recording work?

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Good news, thanks! That's the talk I *really* want to attend and they've scheduled the MCT talk I really want to attend at the same time (the Poetics talk) Did he use a lot of visuals or will the recording work?


He has a slideshow but the bulk of it was him just talking, plus he has a website to download his slides. :)

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I found the MCT talks to be really wonderful. He doesn't allow his sessions to be recorded. He also uses powerpoint extensively & effectively - but don't try to copy every slide... you're lucky to be able to read them while he talks!


I thought his vocabulary talk was great fun too!


I also enjoyed Carol Reynolds a lot.


I do wish there were a lunch break though... I am just worn out!

It was well worth going though! (Now I need to process & recover! I think we're taking Monday & Tuesday off of school!)

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