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s/o... if you consider bargaining rude...

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Reading the thread where some people consider bargaining to be rude/greedy/pushy has me wondering how those folks would handle this situation...


I posted a "want to buy list" here at wtm. Someone responded with a list of 4 books she has for sale. She said she wanted $20 ppd for them. These 4 books together cost $23 new, so I replied and thanked her for the offer but said I was hoping to get more of a discount, otherwise I would just buy them new at Rainbow for $23 (I'm buying other things too so I'll get free shipping).


Typically I expect to save 25-50% by buying used.... I never thought that would make someone consider me greedy but maybe it does? I'm very generous in giving but I'm of 100% Scottish blood and that shows in my spending!! :)

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Well, if it were *me* I'd do the same. I'd thank her but pass. In fact, I'd probably mention that they are $23 new on RR- in a polite way, of course.


I've gone to used curriculum sales and seen items priced at higher than new :001_huh: and pointed it out nicely. One lady had a book that amazon sells for $20 listed for $30. When I mentioned it to her, she simply asked me what I was willing to pay and I told her 1/2 of amazon's price- $10. I ended up buying it for that and best I could tell, both of us were happy with that.


For some people, it's an honest mistake and they don't know how much their items are currently selling for or they may have bought from a more expensive source.- I don't see this as having to be my problem though. ;)


That said, I *have* insulted people with my bargaining before (at garage sales- and not by being pushy, only by offering too little) and even my dh, who taught me the art of bargaining has admitted that he's embarrassed to take me out sometimes. :lol: I'm not always like that though, and I don't always push the boundaries as I know people want to make money off their items. Sometimes, it's fun for me to bargain and I figure people can always say, "no".

Edited by plain jane
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I don't mind bargaining or negotiating in certain circumstances (definitely where pre-owned materials are for sale. ie. garages sales, used curriculum, etc). However, I think that bargaining can be done politely and shouldn't become pushy. Considering your question, it doesn't sound like you were rude in any way. You were polite and not pushy. Really, I didn't even see your comment as bargaining. You were just explaining why you weren't interested in her "deal" - which, imo, isn't much of a deal.

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Sounds fine to me. But then I'm Scots - Irish!


:iagree: And I'm Scots - Irish, too!


I only think bargaining is rude if you get really pushy with it. I usually offer less than is being asked when buying used homeschool materials or from a garage sale, etc, but I'd never push it, especially for $.25, like in the other post.

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I wouldn't have considered you rude, I would have just thought "Ok well, she's not interested, maybe someone else will be"


I completely understand when someone turns down my price or will PM me about a FS post of mine asking if I'll take x instead of my posted price. I'm willing to haggle a bit on prices if my items are truly used. The only time I might be a little taken back is if I post something which I clearly state is "NEW, Never Used" or "Still in Shrink Wrap" because I honestly never used it, I may have paged through it to see if it would work and then I place it FS at 25% off and someone PMs me and asks if I'll take 75% off rainbows price and that wants shipping included in that. I think that's too much of a discount for something that's new, but that's me and like I said I may be a bit shocked or taken back, but I wouldn't be offended I'd just politely refuse their offer and move on.

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I am not a bargainer. If at garage sales, online wherever, if I don't want to pay the price listed, I pass on the item. When we have garage sales, it doesn't bother me if people ask me if I will accept a lower price. It does bother me if I come down and they keep pushing.


Now that being said, I remember once I listed a group of homeschool items for sale for a certain price. I was contacted privately and the person on the other end asked me if I would take a lower price because she really wanted the items but only had so much to spend. I gladly came down on the price for her and she got the items. At garage sales, I am more hesitant especially since we have seen people before that have tried to bargain us down to the last quarter because they plan to take the item and resell it elsewhere. My MIL knows many of these people and refuses to come down in price for them. I guess it is all in how it is approached.

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Reading the thread where some people consider bargaining to be rude/greedy/pushy has me wondering how those folks would handle this situation...


I posted a "want to buy list" here at wtm. Someone responded with a list of 4 books she has for sale. She said she wanted $20 ppd for them. These 4 books together cost $23 new, so I replied and thanked her for the offer but said I was hoping to get more of a discount, otherwise I would just buy them new at Rainbow for $23 (I'm buying other things too so I'll get free shipping).


Typically I expect to save 25-50% by buying used.... I never thought that would make someone consider me greedy but maybe it does? I'm very generous in giving but I'm of 100% Scottish blood and that shows in my spending!! :)


I would have done the same thing as you.

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I haven't seen the other post, but I don't think what you asked is unreasonable. I would do the same.


I am always amazed at all of the books posted here that are listed way above the amazon price. I understand that it may have been bought somewhere else at retail price, but why would I pay more and not even have the option of returns, ya know?


I don't really like to bargain or haggle, but I will ask if the prices are more than buying new at amazon, rainbow, or wherever. Can't hurt to try, I guess.

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I would have passed on the sale also. If it is culturally acceptable, part of the sales pitch or otherwise generally expected I have no problem with dickering.


I wouldn't walk into Macy's and ask the sales girl for 75% off then work my way up.


For the record I'm Scots-Irish - I like to save money wherever possible so I can blow it on wine, song and 75% off sales at Macy's.

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I see no problem asking a person if they will accept X. They have the freedom to say yes or no.


Speaking strictly of many of the for sale posts that I see listed here, I feel that many people ask far too much for their used items. I will often see posts saying an item has erased pencil writing and such and they are asking for close to new pricing but shipping paid. Do people really pay that? Unless it's worth my while worrying about if I will actually receive what I paid for in the condition that I expect with no opportunity to return it, I won't buy unless it's a very good deal. I also think that many times if you don't ask them if they are willing to take less, you will lose out to someone else who did. :)

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I have no problem with bargaining, or asking if someone will take a little less, but haggling down to the penny (or quarter) bugs me. Is that .25 really going to break you? I think at that point it's no longer about getting a good or fair price, it becomes about being THE WINNER! and I've no interest in playing that game.

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I pm'd a lady about some books she had listed w/out prices, & she wanted *more* than Amazon. When I picked my jaw up off the floor, I didn't bother bargaining (which I really hate, anyway)--I just said oh well, that's too bad. :001_huh:


I know sometimes people are selling books in perfect condition, & that makes them worth more, to some extent. The problem, imo, is that buying from an individual rather than a business is intrinsically less valuable, as there is no exchange policy, no return, no guarantee, no accountability. I'm taking a risk buying from an individual--that has to be *worth* it. Saving $3 is not worth the risk, even if the books are pristine.

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I am not a bargainer. If at garage sales, online wherever, if I don't want to pay the price listed, I pass on the item. When we have garage sales, it doesn't bother me if people ask me if I will accept a lower price. It does bother me if I come down and they keep pushing.


:iagree: Generally, I'll even pass if prices aren't listed. Too much hassle, too embarrassing.


Man, I tried to sell something (over $100 used) once for just the price of shipping, & someone wanted to know if I'd take less for *that.* I just removed the FS post because I was so annoyed.

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I hate it when people ask for a discount when I'm selling something but only because it's always so hard for me to decide what to do. I think at a garage sale or a use curriculum sale it's easier because there is not shipping involved. Chances are the woman that offered you those books for $20 was factoring in that she was going to spend at least $5 to ship so in the end she'd only get $15, kwim? That being said, I wouldn't buy them for only $3 less than rainbow resource either.


Honestly I don't think selling online is very worthwhile anymore. When I have a larger item to sell, or a whole bunch of stuff to list I will still do it but for onesies and twosies it's not worth it at all.

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Thanks everyone for your responses, I appreciate it. I am encouraged that I am not totally off base in my thinking and not randomly offending people on the for sale boards!! Reading that other thread made me wonder if this is part of the problem between me and my in-laws... they are meek/passive-aggressive, I am more direct. Recently we've been buying a few pieces of new (to us) furniture and they always act like wow, that is such nice stuff, you spend way too much on furniture. This makes me uncomfortable so I say oh it was another Craigs List deal, and dh loves to brag on how I made an offer below asking price and it was accepted by the buyer. The buyers don't seem offended, dh is thrilled to save money, but then the in-laws act like I am greedy/pushy, or maybe just materialistic for buying a new console table? I don't get it! And of course dh is the saint in all this, he can do no wrong... but that's another topic altogether and not one that will be resolved.


just for the record, should she come across this thread, I have no problem with this gal asking whatever she wants for her books, I don't know what she paid or what she calculated postage at or what her emotional attachment is to these books. I tend to think along the lines of letting someone know why I am not interested so they at least have all the information as Kim mentioned above, but maybe that hurts their feelings... I hope not though. I like to assume we all have our BGPs on! :)

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