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Does anyone else not have it in their spirit to give anon neg rep? nt

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I have neg rep'd someone...not recently. And she deserved it. She met all the stated requirements for neg rep- rude, caustic, attacking another personally etc.


I love being able to positive rep!


There sure seems to be a lot of agreeing and willingness to private message. I can't imagine PMing someone who I feel is insulting and rude- I guess I'm chicken, but there it is.


I would never neg rep for a difference of opinion, that's just foolish. The criteria states it is to be used for cases of crudeness, rudeness, and insensitivity in the extreme. We rarely see it, but I'd neg rep again if I did.






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I've never left negative rep and don't plan to. If a person were really out of line, I'd rather send them a PM or, if it's clear that won't have any effect, flag their posts for the moderators to deal with. Happily there are very, very few people here who are rude enough to make that sort of thing necessary.


I agree that flagging for mods is probably more effective than leaving negative rep. I've not left any at all, and don't plan to - but should I ever feel the need, I will certainly sign. I ain't chicken. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't give neg rep, and I don't plan to, but if someone were to post something like, "I met Robin in Tx's dd and she's a disgusting child," well... I can't promise I wouldn't neg rep that one! LOL And I'd probably say something tacky and anon, too, just because I'd feel like being a jerk at the moment :).


Seriously, though, I would neg rep someone if they came online and said they'd read TWTM and was very critical of it or of SWB personally in an extremely RUDE way. Or if they were an obvious jgemom troll. My goal would be to lower their rep, not to argue with them. So, under a circumstance like that, I don't think I'd ever attach a comment or my name to a neg rep because if I wanted to argue with them, or "come out" with my dissenting opinion, I'd do it in a post. Neg rep is about lowering rep, not having a personal confrontation.

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I don't give neg rep, and I don't plan to, but if someone were to post something like, "I met Robin in Tx's dd and she's a disgusting child," well... I can't promise I wouldn't neg rep that one! LOL And I'd probably say something tacky and anon, too, just because I'd feel like being a jerk at the moment :).




Yeah, this is *so* likely to happen too because you are just so mean all the time. Big huge ROLL of the eyes!! You are too sweet, Robin, and this made me giggle. :)

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I have neg rep'd someone...not recently. And she deserved it. She met all the stated requirements for neg rep- rude, caustic, attacking another personally etc.


I love being able to positive rep!


There sure seems to be a lot of agreeing and willingness to private message. I can't imagine PMing someone who I feel is insulting and rude- I guess I'm chicken, but there it is.


I would never neg rep for a difference of opinion, that's just foolish. The criteria states it is to be used for cases of crudeness, rudeness, and insensitivity in the extreme. We rarely see it, but I'd neg rep again if I did.





I should have just said ditto to this post. There's no way I'd pm someone to let them know I thought poorly of something they said. Plus, I agree that you don't ever neg rep someone just because you don't agree with them or don't like the point they're trying to make. I was under the impression that the neg rep feature was there in order to call down someone who is being rude. I also think that it's inappropriate to use the anonymity of the feature to say something tacky or flame someone... either leave no comment at all, or explain why you're leaving the neg rep without using inflammatory language.


I can't say that there will never be a situation where I might want to give neg rep in the future. I would do it without any comment at all, though. And only if I felt it was deserved, but you'd have to push me REAL hard, kwim?

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Yeah, this is *so* likely to happen too because you are just so mean all the time. Big huge ROLL of the eyes!! You are too sweet, Robin, and this made me giggle. :)


Oh, Kate, you are the one who is sweet to give me the benefit of the doubt! All I can say is you haven't seen me when someone messes with my kid! My dd has a name for that look on my face - the "scary eyebrow" look. LOL!!

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Oh, Kate, you are the one who is sweet to give me the benefit of the doubt! All I can say is you haven't seen me when someone messes with my kid! My dd has a name for that look on my face - the "scary eyebrow" look. LOL!!


That is hilarious! It is funny how our children read our moods so well, isn't it? :)

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I'm rather new to this, and still trying to work out how it all works.

There seem to be green blocks and blue blocks. What do these mean?

My other question is how would you give someone a positive rep (i.e. the mechanics) and also under what circumstances?


Thanks for your help.


How did I miss this post previously?


Willow, where have you been? Are you the willow of the old boards? If so, you should know that every once in a while, I find myself reading a post and wondering, "Where's Willow when you need her?" :).

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Echoing others: Never have given it, can't see the circumstance when I would. Anything that bad would probably be dealt with quickly in other ways. :-)

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The whole rep thing is probably the most juvenile thing I have seen on a message board. It's like notes passed around class, people trying to gang up on other, less popular people..... I find it all so idiotic. I don't give a big fat rat's posterior what my "rep" is or what it will be after this post or any other..... I am here for information and guidance...... and if everyone and their grandmother decided to gang up and give me negative reps........ so be it.... if I got banned, so be it.... life goes on, the world still turns, etc. etc. etc.


As a lark I will sometimes log on and give everyone I come across a positive rep..... particularly those that are being picked on...... just to screw with the system.... 'cause the system is moronic!


okay........... I'm done. :D

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either leave no comment at all,


Robin, I understand what you're saying -- better not to say anything at all than let your emotions carry you away -- but I actually think non-comments are less helpful.


See, this is what bugs me about the rep system as it currently stands -- it's too easy to anonymously drag down someone's rep without giving any reason at all. That just contributes to the juvenile nature of it. I think that if there's going to be a way to neg rep somebody, you ought to be required to reveal your identity to that person. It's too similar to the anonymous flaming posts that would come up from time to time on the old boards. (That's one of the reasons TPTB moved to the new system, right?) Only now it's all under the surface.

When I got neg rep'ed, it really bothered me that the person didn't reveal herself, because I didn't have the opportunity to ask her for clarification. I wanted a chance to smooth things over, but I'll never get it. And when there's neg rep and NO COMMENT, it's even more annoying.


I really like the system over at Angie's List, which is a website where you rate your experiences with service providers -- contractors, handymen, accountants, plumbers, etc., so that other people can get feedback on companies they're considering for hire. Anyway, you can describe a negative experience you've had, but the service provider has an opportunity to respond to your comments. PLUS, you can access the other reports that a consumer has put on the list. This is really helpful, because you can see for yourself whether the complainer is giving constructive neg rep, or just being a malcontent who is incapable of being pleased. That helps put the service provider's comments into context as well.


I have to admit, the whole rep thing is a big temptation for me. I never had pos rep to speak of as a kid, so the rep system just calls out to my 8th-grade self in a very troublesome way. I'm a lot happier when I'm not obsessing over other people's opinions of me. Sheesh, when I want to play stupid cliquey games with catty women (i.e., NEVER), I just go down to the Little League field. LOL.


I understand the purpose of the rep system, but I'm not sure it's working out as intended.

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The whole rep thing is probably the most juvenile thing I have seen on a message board. It's like notes passed around class, people trying to gang up on other, less popular people..... I find it all so idiotic. I don't give a big fat rat's posterior what my "rep" is or what it will be after this post or any other..... I am here for information and guidance...... and if everyone and their grandmother decided to gang up and give me negative reps........ so be it.... if I got banned, so be it.... life goes on, the world still turns, etc. etc. etc.


As a lark I will sometimes log on and give everyone I come across a positive rep..... particularly those that are being picked on...... just to screw with the system.... 'cause the system is moronic!


okay........... I'm done. :D


I am sorry that you think so poorly of us.

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I would not leave negative rep. I would simply confront the person on the thread if I didn't like something they said. I can't even imagine that though. I really think people are entitled to their opinions whether or not I happen to like those opinions.



I think we are confusing the issues.


Opinions are not a reason to neg rep. I repeat, you can state any opinion you want on this board-- yay!


What people are not entitled to do is be rude, mean, crude, or repeatedly insensitive to feelings of everyone- it isn't always used appropriately- I know this personally. But it is a way to rub off the rough edges and keep conversation civil. It has anonymous feature so that if someone is being over-the-top rude you don't have to "call them out" publicly in front of the whole board within the thread- and not everyone allows PMs.


WendyK- I'm not directing this to you personally dear. There have been many posts stating people are titled to their opinions- I absolutely agree. But that isn't the purpose of the neg rep system as I read it.



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I really like the system over at Angie's List


Well, I think the purpose of the system there has more to do with business/professional reputation. Kind of like customer satisfaction ratings.


I just don't see the big deal with the rep system. It is what it is, kwim? The purpose is not to lob a complaint or accusation at someone who should then have a right to defend themself. And I don't think ANYONE has had their reputation measurably downgraded by neg rep. I mean, look at Gothic Gyrl (or however she spelled it)... she as getting neg rep all the time (according to her) yet she was way up there with two or three green squares!! Didn't seem to damage her reputation any.


You know, I just think that if someone's gutsy enough to say something edgy, then they don't have much room to whine about neg rep (which is what she did). And if someone neg reps me for something I said, jthen I should just look at what I said and how I said it and decide one of two things: 1) Yeah, I probably didn't choose the best tone for that comment so I will either temper my comments or quit commenting on that topic, or 2) I stand behind what I said and how I said it and I don't care if someone else doesn't like it.


I think that the neg rep thing can be misused in a juvenile way, but that makes the "misuer" juvenile... not the rep system. And sometimes the person who receives the neg rep responds in a way that is just as juvenile, imo. Again, the system isn't what's juvenile... it's the way people use it. And it sounds like admin is trying hard to monitor and delete misuses. I really don't think the whole point of the rep system is to provide yet another avenue (on top of posting and pming) to "work out" or "smooth over" anything or to express disagreement. It's just a way to encourage and discourage certain types of posts. No one complains about receiving anonymous positive rep, but boy howdy they want to KNOW who gave them that bad mark, dad gum it! :) I look at postive rep as a thumbs up and negative rep as a MAJOR eye roll.


I used to dislike the rep system but I'm not so sure anymore. It does help me temper my comments sometimes! LOL

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No specifics, just wondering.


If it is warranted and fits into the specific guidelines given by the admins, then, yes I do have it in my spirit to give anon neg rep. I do it very, very rarely, especially since I know that my rep is high enough to alter someone's rep points by 3. I don't mess around with that and I don't take it lightly. But sometimes it is warranted. We are all human and we are all capable of being rude or speaking in an innapropriate manner.

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Amen, Robin!!


(Unfortunately I am again out of rep - grr!)


I also want to add that I have a great deal of faith in the ladies of this board. I think the huge majority of participants are very mature, thoughtful, intelligent people of integrity. I really don't think this "juvenile behavior" which concerns so many is a big problem here at all.


In fact, I find the accusation to be very hurtful.



I think that the neg rep thing can be misused in a juvenile way, but that makes the "misuer" juvenile... not the rep system. And sometimes the person who receives the neg rep responds in a way that is just as juvenile, imo. Again, the system isn't what's juvenile... it's the way people use it. And it sounds like admin is trying hard to monitor and delete misuses. I really don't think the whole point of the rep system is to provide yet another avenue (on top of posting and pming) to "work out" or "smooth over" anything or to express disagreement. It's just a way to encourage and discourage certain types of posts. No one complains about receiving anonymous positive rep, but boy howdy they want to KNOW who gave them that bad mark, dad gum it! :) I look at postive rep as a thumbs up and negative rep as a MAJOR eye roll.


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Amen, Robin!!


(Unfortunately I am again out of rep - grr!)





It's okay. I had some so I got her for you. We can say it was from both of us, okay?



Don't you wish the admins would sell us more rep points? You know we could set it up with paypal or something!:D

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Maybe some are getting the Rep system confused with popularity? It seems to me to be more about interesting comments, helpful information on the curriculum boards, and over all support for each other. Even if I don't agree with someone, I will often send good rep them if they make a great point or state their views better than I could. Make sense?

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Maybe some are getting the Rep system confused with popularity? It seems to me to be more about interesting comments, helpful information on the curriculum boards, and over all support for each other. Even if I don't agree with someone, I will often send good rep them if they make a great point or state their views better than I could. Make sense?


I have done that, I have given good rep and told the person that I disagree with them, but they said what they said with such kindness and respect that they deserve some good rep.

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I have never given negative rep, I was tempted to ONE time- by someone who posted a one-liner comment that was pretty insulting (IMO) to the OP in that thread. But I let it go- because I realized that if *I* left a neg rep, it would be more than just one square, and would take away more than just one point. I didn't feel like engaging with that person, so I just walked away- MUCH easier and MUCH more peaceful. I don't see how neg. rep for a person who's already behaving badly will improve anything- it's more likely to cause them to behave more inappropriately, IF they were inappropriate to begin with- most often it seems that people here just can't handle someone else having a different (STRONG) opinion than they do. That's okay with me.

That's about all I have to say about it here. Oh- one except for this: I don't trust the people here any more, because of the anonymous neg rep. Someone can be all kissy kissy to "your face" here, and pretend to be your friend- then they can turn around and leave you neg. rep. It has severely tainted my view of posters here. of COURSE no one is going to SAY they've left anon neg rep, LOL. Especially not a two-faced person.

Okay, that's all.

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of COURSE no one is going to SAY they've left anon neg rep, LOL. Especially not a two-faced person.



Actually if you scroll up a bit I did say that I have done it. It is very, very rare and it has to fit into the admins guidelines, but there have been a couple of times. I have never given someone bad rep because I disagree with them. I have given negative rep a time or two if someone was nasty to someone else. I refuse to give negative rep to someone if I am involved in the virtual conversation, I will just say what I want to say in the thread itself. I don't know if that makes me two-faced or not. But I am not going to lie and say I don't/won't/haven't left negative anon. rep. points.


Okay, back to school.

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I don't trust the people here any more, because of the anonymous neg rep. Someone can be all kissy kissy to "your face" here, and pretend to be your friend- then they can turn around and leave you neg. rep. It has severely tainted my view of posters here. of COURSE no one is going to SAY they've left anon neg rep, LOL. Especially not a two-faced person.

Okay, that's all.


Okay, now, as someone reading this, I am going to take from it that you can't stand this group - a group which I am a part of - which means you can't stand me or my friends.


You talk about two-faced people - since I don't know who you mean, and you are addressing the group as a whole, I can only guess that you think the group as a whole - a group to which my friends and I belong - are all two-faced.


The words "juvenile" and "moronic" were tossed about in a previous post (not yours) but referring to the group as a whole. A group to which *I* belong. So what am I to conclude but the person thinks that my friends and I are "juvenile" and "moronic".


I posted previously that another poster must think very poorly of us. I really wasn't trying to be snarky, or rude, or "stick it to her". In my mind it was an honest, and gentle observation based on her own comments.


FTR I really don't take things that personally. But I wanted to point out how these types of posts can be hurtful to many of us.

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No, I'm talking about the people that leave nasty comments with their anon neg rep points. There are a couple of people I am especially weary of- who "appear" to be nice and civil in front of everyone, but aren't so behind the scenes. I find it sad and disturbing that some folks feel the need to be "two-faced" in a virtual community.

What I meant to say was, "Of COURSe those who are leaving nasty anon rep for no good reason are not going to own it."

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No, I'm talking about the people that leave nasty comments with their anon neg rep points. There are a couple of people I am especially weary of- who "appear" to be nice and civil in front of everyone, but aren't so behind the scenes. I find it sad and disturbing that some folks feel the need to be "two-faced" in a virtual community.

What I meant to say was, "Of COURSe those who are leaving nasty anon rep for no good reason are not going to own it."


So you know who they are? I would think you'd be suspicious of everybody.

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I don't trust some people here. I'm not going to say who those people are, because I may very well be totally wrong about them and I don't want others to think poorly of them because of *my* discomfort with those people. If you feel that you are not trustworthy, or if you know that you are not trustworthy, then by all means take my comment personally.

I am being open about my thoughts/opinions. Several people have use a behind-the-scenes route to be purposely hurtful to others, and many here have said they think I am making a big deal out of something that I have no business complaining about. I find those nasty comments and feelings to be much more offensive than someone openly stating what they feel.

FTR, thinking poorly of a system, and abusers of such a system does not mean that person thinks poorly of ALL participants. They find the system beneath them, and they are entitled to that opinion.

If *you* don't take things personally, then why would such a post be "hurtful"?

It hurts to receive nasty comments in private, from an anonymous "attacker". IMO, that's much more painful (whether the comments are erased or not) than an open accusation.

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You're wondering if...you're the only one who is too kind to do that? Is that really the question? lol There are lots of kind-spirted people here.


It strikes me as an odd question. Does one answer, "Me! Me! I don't have it in my spirit to dole out anon neg rep!"? Should I jot down the names of all who have joined the club and rest easy, knowing they allegedly don't play that game? By not answering, are the rest of us thereby implying our spirits are lesser-than? Are we therefore suspect?:tongue_smilie:

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I am suspicious of those who have not backed up their open support with pos rep points.

I am not suspicious of those who have left the pos rep points, along with sending me PM's inquiring about certain things that have been said, or telling me they agree with me and are disappointed with things that have been said/done.

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I don't trust some people here. I'm not going to say who those people are, because I may very well be totally wrong about them and I don't want others to think poorly of them because of *my* discomfort with those people. If you feel that you are not trustworthy, or if you know that you are not trustworthy, then by all means take my comment personally.


I don't want you to say. I appreciate the clarification.



I am being open about my thoughts/opinions. Several people have use a behind-the-scenes route to be purposely hurtful to others, and many here have said they think I am making a big deal out of something that I have no business complaining about. I find those nasty comments and feelings to be much more offensive than someone openly stating what they feel.

FTR, thinking poorly of a system, and abusers of such a system does not mean that person thinks poorly of ALL participants. They find the system beneath them, and they are entitled to that opinion.



I agree, but we cross a line when we go from criticizing a system to attacking people. Harsh public comments hurt too.


If *you* don't take things personally, then why would such a post be "hurtful"?



Good point :blush:

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I am suspicious of those who have not backed up their open support with pos rep points.



I promise you my lack of positive rep does not equal negative rep in my mind. I am frequently out of rep, then I forget to go back and rep the people I wanted to rep when I discovered my rep stash depleated. I am just much too scatterbrained :w00t:


But please don't judge us for not leaving pos rep. Maybe we did it anonymously ;)

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harsh public comments hurt too, I agree. OTOH, I think that many here have a different tolerance or a different idea of what they consider to be "harsh". I don't think my posts in this thread have been harsh, and I definitely don't have any intent in "hurting" anyone here. I'm just letting it be known that *I* have been hurt by this "system", and that this has caused me to feel weary of partaking in the community. It has left a very bad taste, and I question people I wouldn't have thought twice about questioning before.

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harsh public comments hurt too, I agree. OTOH, I think that many here have a different tolerance or a different idea of what they consider to be "harsh". I don't think my posts in this thread have been harsh, and I definitely don't have any intent in "hurting" anyone here. I'm just letting it be known that *I* have been hurt by this "system", and that this has caused me to feel weary of partaking in the community. It has left a very bad taste, and I question people I wouldn't have thought twice about questioning before.


I am genuinely sorry that this has been such a hurtful experience for you. Maybe I don't get it because my experience has been quite different. Another lady whom I respect a great deal just told me others have felt hurt by the system


So what can I do - right now - to make you smile :001_smile:



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I am suspisious of certain posters who've not backed up their public/private support with pos rep points.

And some have sent my suspiciously cautious PM's. I have a couple of specific posters in mind, who for various reasons have lost my "trust" and "confidence". There are some I outright distrust, don't like, never have trusted or liked. :) But that's just me, and I'm sure most people here have a few posters they dislike.

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I happen to agree with Flock of Sillies... I think any system that allows people to make anonymous negative comments only seen by that person is really pointless. What is the point of being able to send mean comments and not sign your name? Customer satisfaction ratings are public, and include an explanation of why they were given... that I understand. This is ONLY meant to criticize one individual privately and anonymously. Would you send an anonymous critical letter to someone -- negative rep (unsigned) is the same thing. But I'm not in a stew over it either.


I've been following this thread mainly because it just boggles me that people feel so passionately about it. What I don't understand is why there is so much defensiveness about this issue. Beansprouts, you wrote... "In fact, I find the accusation to be very hurtful." I'm really confused by that... I think you said above that you don't send anonymous negative rep, so why does the comment bother you? I don't think Peek is slurring the "women of the board" in general, just certain types of behavior. I've been around here for six years, and I don't feel insulted. Peek has been here longer that that, I'm pretty certain. Women of the board, certainly.


I'm just confused. Of course, I don't give out neg rep. And I haven't gotten any yet either... (will I be editing this soon?)

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I am suspisious of certain posters who've not backed up their public/private support with pos rep points.


Well, I'm off the hook 'cuz I've given you positive rep.;) But I admit I'm not tracking with you right now. Some people use the rep system; others don't. Some give positive rep and forget to sign a name. It doesn't make sense to me to suspect people who express agreement or support, just because they don't follow it up with positive rep. Why hold that against them? I don't understand.:001_huh:


There are some I outright distrust, don't like, never have trusted or liked. :) But that's just me, and I'm sure most people here have a few posters they dislike.


Well, sure. But...why mention it? I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns. Just wondering what good purpose it serves to publicly state that one doesn't like or trust some of the members here....?

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The whole rep thing is probably the most juvenile thing I have seen on a message board...I find it all so idiotic....I am here for information and guidance...


So has this particular thread been informative to you?:D Just thought it was interesting that you chose to reply since you don't give a rat's arse.;)

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