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Moms of hungry boys?!!!!

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i know it's come up before, but I have nothing else to today....so, let's discuss these bottomless pits!!!!


How do you fill them up at lunchtime? I am dealing with a constant chourus of, "I'm still hungry!!!!"


Oh, and it would be nice to not go into debt doing it ;).

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I have 2 boys and a girl who are always hungry. They can each have two sandwiches and a piece of fruit at lunch. We are trying to teach them that eating a meal should leave one satisfied, not full (i.e., Thanksgiving meal-type full). If one is feeling stuffed, then one has eaten too much.


This is what I need to work on with my ds :glare: He is a carb maniac and I feel like he just wants to gorge himself. Luckily, he is not overweight.


So, I am not much help, but all :bigear:

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They eat, and eat and eat. And stay stick thin. It's not fair:001_huh: My two older boys go to ps and take their lunch. Usually a turkey sandwich on half a loaf of french bread. They split one/day. (Thank goodness I bake). They'll each take a thermos of veggie/chicken/tomato soup with that. They'll take a rack of crackers or tortillas and salsa and a handfull of cookie/granola bars/muffins. They do drink water at least. Dinner is 2 or 3 helpings of whatever we're having. My 9yo can eat almost as much. He is scary and below weight on the charts. It's not from lack of calories. He'll have a hoagie roll with turkey/ham/rst beef, soup and fruit or we'll have pasta and he'll eat a couple bowls. He had a huge lunch and just came to me saying he was hungry and downed 2 oranges and a cheese stick. When they leave I'll save $$$.

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I have three starving boys, too. Wish I could get a tax deferred savings acct for groceries! :)

A good breakfast makes our lunchtime better. Usually oatmeal or eggs and toast. Lately they've gotten into fried ham sandwiches. I second the whole wheat and lots of protein suggestions. It helps.


Lunch - Usually leftovers from dinner (though leftovers are becoming an endangered species around here. And I've already doubled what I usually make for dinner.) I tell the kids they can have one serving for lunch and then I move them onto another activity - quickly. If I don't, they'll graze for an hour and eat a whole week's worth of groceries. If/when they are hungry later, they can have fruit or veg. - no "fun" snacks. That way they only snack when they are actually hungry and I feel good about their snacks.

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Lunch - Usually leftovers from dinner (though leftovers are becoming an endangered species around here. And I've already doubled what I usually make for dinner.) .


:lol:This made me laugh!!! I was thinking, "Leftovers?! We ain't got no stinkin' leftovers!!!" They ate them all.


Last night was unlimited spinach salads (2 servings each) 3.5lbs homemade chicken nuggets ( I cut them off at 3 servings) I broiled 6 zucini's halved (there's none left) and 2 loaves of fresh bread!!! No leftovers :glare:

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I have 2 boys and a girl. The oldest boy is 12 and he eats as much as his father. He's rail thin. I can see his bones! And he's a bottomless pit as well. My youngest son, 3, eats as much as my daughter, 9. Stocky but not overweight. They burn it so fast...I'm jealous!!

Does whole wheat really keep them full? I might have to change over! Or they are all going to have to get jobs!! :)

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Two teenaged boys here.


Breakfasts: Eggs. LOTS of eggs.

Toast with peanut butter


Plain yogurt sweetened with jelly


Lunch: Leftovers (I cook a LOT for dinner the night before and set aside enough for lunch.)

Salads with nuts, cheese, spinach



Cottage Cheese



Nuts. LOTS of nuts.

Peanut butter on carrots or apples



Good luck!!!

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It is mind boggling how much they eat, isn't it!!!


I make enough for two servings at every meal. Breakfasts I make big with plenty of protein and fiber and that seems to help throughout the day.


I allow free range snacking on yogurt, fruits and veggies with the free choice of peanut butter, cheese, and whole grain crackers to go with.

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My two 16 yr olds eat everything in sight and stay thin. They go through stages of eating different things to help them fill up after three servings of dinner and dessert. Currently it's oatmeal. It's their favorite snack right now, seasoned with things like peanut butter or raisins. Or both.

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It's so nice to hear that I'm not alone! My almost almost 8 year old is hungry constantly! I thought for sure it was too early for him to want to eat so much... I was prepared for ages 10-12ish as the starting point of this undying hunger and definitely through the teen years, but I was in no way prepared for now! He's thin, but eats all.the.time. It's been difficult staying in budget for our groceries lately. We always eat whole wheat bread here, so I'm going to try ww toast with peanut butter and scrambled eggs in the AM. Maybe that will help. I told dh we needed to enlarge our garden this year in order to keep the kids fed!

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My aunt had three boys and their typical after school snack was:

a steamer full of brown rice mixed with a lot of cheddar cheese and sour cream with a sprinkle of some spices (garlic, cayenne, taco seasoning etc.)

Each boy would get 1.5 large cereal bowls full - to last him the 2 hours until dinner!

Rice is cheap and the fat in the cheese and sc keeps them full for a bit!

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Okay - tonight's dinner:


Chili (1 pound meat, LOTS of beans (I didn't measure - but LOTS), onion, spinach, peppers, corn, spices)



Broccoli (3 pounds)

Salad (lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, feta, crushed walnuts, homemade oil/vinegar dressing)


Filled everyone! And, there's enough for lunch tomorrow. My 14 yo may have a small snack around 8 - apple/peanut butter or a handful of almonds.

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