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Doctor, chiropractor or message therapist?

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Dh has had back/muscle issues for over a week now. At first he could hardly walk because his muscles hurt so much-from his neck all the way down to his bum and legs.


I massaged his back twice a day and he finally went and saw a message therapist. It helped, but he's still hurting. I think he still has two knots in his back.


Btw, he sits at a computer all day and gets very little exercise. With his back like it is, he hates to sit too long because that seems to aggravate it.


Honestly, I think the muscles have pulled on his spine and may be causing more issues and pain. I told him to go see a chiropractor, he thinks he should see a doctor. Maybe he just needs another professional message?



What says the hive?

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:iagree: I had pain so bad I could not stand up without being nauseous 2 years ago, and within a week of going every other day to the chiro I could walk and even bend over. It took a few months to get completely better, but it was amazing how much better a few treatments felt. I went the a doc prior to that, and he gave me muscle relaxers which helped a bit, but they knocked me out which does not work with kids around.

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Chiropractor. A chiro can give him adjustments but can also suggest exercises and such to strengthen his abdominal and back muscles.


Does he carry a wallet in his back pocket, so that he's sitting on it all day? My DH had some back issues a few years ago, and the chiro told him that that was really bad; at the time, he was sitting in traffic for several hours a day. When he started taking his wallet out of his back pocket, the back issues cleared up.

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I love my acupuncturist, so that would be my first choice if it were me. But, in the meantime, have him soak in a tub w/Epsom salts. That can help a lot. Once he heals, he should look to strengthen his core muscles to balance the damage he's doing at work. I easily hurt my back when I slack on the strength exercises. Hope he finds relief soon. Back pain has forced some of the most primal sounds ever from my mouth, so I really feel for your dh.

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Maybe all three?


He may have a bulging disc pressing on nerves. That can cause radiating pain and muscle tension, and sitting for a length of time without good posture to protect the spine can both cause and aggravate the condition.


This happened to my neck a few months after my last baby was born. Actually, the disc herniated. Massage helped relieve the pain and muscle tension temporarily. Chiropractor noticed a misalignment in my lower spine/sacral joint, probably caused by pregnancy and birthing giant baby, along with carrying giant baby and holding a toddler hand. He gently adjusted it. Doc sent me to physical therapy to learn exercises to improve my posture, relieve the pain and strengthen my neck and back muscles.



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A chiropractor can get him in the right alignment, and it will probably help for this crisis, but it won't help the cause. The cause is weak back muscles.


I cannot recommend the book Pain Free (link below) highly enough. Pete Egoscue explains the reasons modern Americans develop pain. There are exercises in this book for pain relief. Many of them will help immediately. There is also a series of exercises for maintenance designed to strengthen muscles and prevent pain. I have proven to myself over and over that this works. The maintenance portion only takes 10 minutes a day. Unfortunately, I've stopped doing these exercises a few times and within weeks was hobbling to the chiropractor.




Additional contributing factors that can exacerbate back pain and muscle spasms are dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and mineral deficiencies. This fall I pulled my back after stopping above mentioned program. I had 3 unsuccessful adjustments at the chiropractor; he then suggested that I was deficient in potassium after the 3 adjustments did not help me. I bought a supplement from him and took double the recommended dose as my chiro suggested. I also drank a glass of water every hour. Within 6 hours, the back pain that had paralyzed me for 8 days was 90% gone.



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All of the above. They address different types of dysfunction. I have dealt for many years with back and neck issues, and have learned the value of a team to address the problems:


--The dr will prescribe muscle relaxers and will order an xrayor mri to figure out what's going on.


--The chiropractor will put everything in place.


--The massage therapist will address the soft tissue spasms.


--I would add that a physical therapist to prescribe ongoing exercise would round out the team perfectly.

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