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This is has just been a CARPY day.

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It all started last night (after midnight, so technically it's "today") when my ds told me something very disappointing. A dream I had for my son has died and I just want to cry.


Then, this afternoon I was chopping an onion with my handy-dandy Rachael Ray santoku knife and all but chopped the end of my thumb off. I think I maybe should have gotten stitches, but no heath insurance, so 5 bandaids had to do the trick. It's bruised and quite icky looking.


My stupid cat knocked over a pretty candle holder I just got Saturday and shattered it all over the bathroom floor.


My stupid van is getting scary to drive. I should have my settlement $$ soon, and I hope this van lasts that long. I hate this stupid van.


I itch all over. I don't know what it is, but I'M ITCHY! No new soaps or anything at all, just itchy.


I don't get paid until Thursday or Friday and the kids (mostly dd) are whining about how "there's nothing to eeeeeaattt!" There really is, but it's nothing she wants, so somehow that translates into food-she-doesn't-want=invisible food.


Carpy carpy carpy.

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I itch all over. I don't know what it is, but I'M ITCHY! No new soaps or anything at all, just itchy.


This is sometimes a symptom of anxiety. It sounds like your reasons for experiencing anxiety are numerous, and a few of them are serious. Not that you asked for a diagnosis, but knowing what's causing something always makes me feel better, so I projected on you and hoped it's true for you too. If not, ignore me.

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the kids (mostly dd) are whining about how "there's nothing to eeeeeaattt!" There really is, but it's nothing she wants, so somehow that translates into food-she-doesn't-want=invisible food.


I can so sympathize with you there. My dc do that too and they also think a lot of the time food-they-have-to-cook-themselves=invisible food.


Hang in there, sweetie. This too shall pass.

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Thanks everyone. My thumb is looking better today. Bruised, but the skin seems to have reattached itself well. I wrapped it tight in the bandaids so maybe that helped.


My cat, however, is on probation. First he knocked down the candle holder, next, he tried to eat my gerbera daisies that I brought in since it was supposed to be cold last night. He's hacking off everyone, including the other two cats. The Siamese glares at him whenever he's in sight; the gray one hisses. He'd better watch himself!


I let dd make chocolate chip cookies last night, so she's happy now.


As for my son, his future isn't what I wanted for him (school/career related issues), but I guess ultimately it's his choice on what he wants to do with his life. Things were easier when I could just smack his hands. LOL


Thank you all for the hugs and prayers. :)

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I'm sorry for the thumb and the lost dream!!


For your thumb you might try that "nu skin" stuff - it's about $6 or $7 at the drug store - but it's so worth it because you can wash your hand without the bandaid coming off all the time. A cut finger is awful because of how often you wash your hands throughout the day, sigh....


Hugs to you.

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