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King's Speech....go see it!

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I just got back from a Mommy afternoon out and saw King's Speech with Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush....excellent movie. Just wonderful. Totally character-driven film that was all about the characters without superfluous stuff thrown in to make it 'exciting' or 'dramatic' or 'shocking'.


There is cursing, but it's in the course of therapy and totally in line with what many stutterers experience (and quite silly and boyous and made me giggle, not because of the shock of the words, but watching a man forced to stuff everything inside let loose, just a little).


I just wish so many more films could be more like this. Definitely a great film.

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I have been wanting to see this, thanks for the review! I watched the trailers on YouTube and it looks fantastic. I was a little concerned by the rating, I don't go to R rated movies, but isn't it only due to the use of the "F" word? And from what I've read it's totally appropriate with the story line. I think it will be up for many Oscars.



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I have been wanting to see this, thanks for the review! I watched the trailers on YouTube and it looks fantastic. I was a little concerned by the rating, I don't go to R rated movies, but isn't it only due to the use of the "F" word? And from what I've read it's totally appropriate with the story line. I think it will be up for many Oscars.




As far as I could tell, it would have been PG if not for two brief, comical scenes with a few curses. And as you said, the swearing was completely understandable and almost childishly inoffensive (kind of like a three-year-old yelling POOP in all seriousness because he can't think of any worse words to express his frustration). I took my 14-year-old, and I'm pretty strict about movie ratings.

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Wow. Fabulous. I expected it would be great & it was.


I really hope both Colin Firth & Geoffrey Rush receive Oscar nominations & win. They were both excellent.


See it, if you can.




ETA: Yes, it is an R-rating because of some (very minor) language. However, True Grit (another fabulous movie) is PG-13 & there you get to see people being hung, shot, and having their fingers chopped off. I find it disturbing how, in our society, violence almost always gets a 'lower' rating (& is more easily sanctioned) than some 'bad' language. Jmho. I'll step off my little soapbox now. ;):tongue_smilie:

Edited by Stacia
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I really hope both Colin Firth & Geoffrey Rush receive Oscar nominations & win. They were both excellent.

Dh and I were both saying the same exact thing.

I just get frustrated with Oscars. Whenever I think someone deserves to win, they seldom do ...

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Wow. Fabulous. I expected it would be great & it was.


I really hope both Colin Firth & Geoffrey Rush receive Oscar nominations & win. They were both excellent.


See it, if you can./QUOTE]


Ditto, ditto, ditto!

Just an amazing movie--- lived up to every expectation I had, and then some. Firth and Rush-- OH MY they were so good!



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But to clarify that language, almost all of it was done in a brief therapy session where Colin Firth's character found a way to speak without stutter, as is the case with many, in a voice that was loud and powerful. The cursing isn't done profanely without reason, nor was it done in a way to mock or defile anyone. It is there, but it's not without merit or reason. It was even comical, honestly.

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But to clarify that language, almost all of it was done in a brief therapy session where Colin Firth's character found a way to speak without stutter, as is the case with many, in a voice that was loud and powerful. The cursing isn't done profanely without reason, nor was it done in a way to mock or defile anyone.


:iagree: The movie is simply outstanding! It should not be missed due to the language.

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That movie was fabulous! I can't believe they rated it R. Yes, there were some f-bombs, but the context makes all the difference there. They should have rated it PG-13. I have no problem with the content in that movie even though there are plenty of PG movies that make me cringe.


I plan to rent it for the kids as soon as it comes out on dvd. I don't know if I'll be able to get my 17yo to watch more than about 15 minutes of it, but I'm pretty sure my 15yo will love it and I think my 12yo will at least tolerate it.

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I kept thinking this would be the sort of movie I would feel more virtuous for watching (like reading some classics) but not necessarily enjoy....but i saw it last night and LOVED it. So enjoyable.

THe language didnt really blip on my screen until I saw it mentioned here. Many PG movies are far more offensive. It was in context. Great movie- I hope it wins some Oscars.

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I took my mom and we loved it.

But I will say that I believe that it has not only language, but also adult content with regard to the sexual relationship of David to his mistress, and why it is difficult for him to give her up. But it is a wonderful story and very well acted and definitely worth seeing.

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Went yesterday with my 15 yod and we both loved it. I found it to be riveting. I find the best movies are the ones where, even though I know what the outcome will be, I am still on the edge of my seat. Such was the case with this movie. I wanted to applaud at the end but since nobody else did I did not. But I was rejoicing inside my head! One of the best movie I have seen in a long, long time.


Adrianne in IL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just posting some BAFTA (British version of the Oscars) updates in case anyone is interested:

So far it's won:

Best original music

Best supporting actress

outstanding British Film

supporting actor

best original screenplay

best actor

best film

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