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Question for those with house dogs re: keeping a fresh-smelling house...

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We got a new puppy recently, and we are keeping him inside. I have never had a house dog before, so I need help. :) He is a Great Pyrenees puppy and at 12 weeks, he weighs in at 33.5 pounds, so already we have a big doggie! :lol:


I do not want my house and carpets to smell like dog. Besides bathing him regularly, what should I be doing to my carpets, floors, etc? What are your best tips for keeping a fresh-smelling home?


I am specifically wondering if there is a shake-on baking soda based powder that I can put on the carpets at bedtime and vacuum up in the morning.


On my hardwood floors I am mopping with vinegar and water; is there something else I should use for optimum odor control?


I am eager for any advice I can get!


Thanks :)

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I sprinkle my carpets with baking soda and let that sit for 15 minutes prior to vacuuming. We allow our dog on the couch so when I am not expecting company I keep a sheet over the couch that I wash once a week.

When I wash the sheet I will sprinkle some baking soda on the cushions and vacuum.

I use vinegar and water on my floors and sweep every couple of days.


I also feed my dog a mostly raw diet which helps keep the stinky dog smells down.


The reality is, you have a dog. The house will not smell like a house without a dog.

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I don't have a dog, but I do have cats - you can sprinkle normal baking soda and vacuum, or you can actually get a specific carpet powder made for pet odours..I think Arm&Hammer makes it.. I know our Walmart has it, as do most grocery stores. Febreeze is also great - they make an 'extra strength' one that I find works the best. You can spray curtains, couches, jackets, carpets, whatever - basically anything fabric. (Of course if you're concerned, do a spot test first - I've never had it wreck anything though.) I wouldn't suggest actual candles with a dog running around, but the plug ins would be fine. I prefer scents like vanilla, cinnamon, apple spice, etc - rather than the fake 'berry' or 'tropical' smells.


For mopping - I have Mr.Clean with orange Febreeze added scent.. it smells good. I couldn't use vinegar myself - it would just make me hungry all the time! :laugh: (I associate vinegar with fries & spinach)

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We have 2 indoor dogs a black lab and a mini schnauzer. Well, actually the black lab spends time outdoors too quite a bit!


I keep them bathed and brushed well. They aren't allowed on the furniture--except we have one old chair that we've covered with a nice fleece blanket that our lab can sleep on (the schnauzer has her own little bed) and I just wash that blanket once a week or so as needed. Also, we don't have carpet, but, I would think you would need to keep it vacuumed well.

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I'm wondering what kind of food you are feeding your dog. Mine doesn't smell--ok, once in a while, but then he gets a bath! (It's usually something he's rolled in, not a natural dog smell coming from him.)


He's only allowed on one piece of furniture, which has a washable cover on it and gets washed once a week. He has a kennel (plastic) and prefers that over anything else. We have wood floors.


I'd say wash your dog's bedding, keep him brushed, don't bath too much (as a PP said), and check his food--the more natural, the better.

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We have a yellow lab in the house, we rarely bathe her unless she gets muddy and she doesnt smell like "dog." We feed good quality dog food and brush her regularly. We dont let her on furniture and our entire house is carpeted. I do use FeBreeze on the furniture and rugs once a month and a have an H2O mop for the tile.

I so shampoo maybe 4 times a year also.

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We allow our dog on the couch so when I am not expecting company I keep a sheet over the couch that I wash once a week.



Yes. And I always teach my dogs that no cover = no up on the couch.


Also, we air our house out weekly in the winter and keep our windows and doors open all summer long. And, we change our heater filters like clockwork. And, I vacuum my dogs (attachment), in addition to regular brushing, to help with the shedding.

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I have a 90+ pound lab (and up until last summer also had a 120 pound lab), and our house never smells like dog, except in the summer when they've been swimming or after bath time. We only bathed them every other month or so, unless they were dirty (or after swimming).


One thing that I've noticed is dogs that spend more time outside seem to stink. My dogs went outside to go potty, that's it. They loved being in the house. We just kept them brushed and vacuumed the floor.


(And both dogs spent plenty of time on furniture.... :tongue_smilie:Almost no one sits on the couch but the dogs!)

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Thanks for all the wonderful replies!


Our house doesn't have an odor yet; I just want to prevent it :)


I bought some of the Arm and Hammer pet odor powder today, along with a couple of other things. I really appreciate all the helpful responses. I'll take more if anyone has anything else to add. :D


Also, I changed my plans to bathe him today. I bathed him 2 weeks ago. I don't want to make him have itchy, smelly skin.


Thanks so much!!

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My dog had an accident in the house. This is a rare thing, and only happens when ds forgets to take her out. The problem is it happened while I wasn't home and neither ds nor dh noticed it. :glare: (Don't get me started on that.)


By the time I got home the pee spot had dried enough to blend in with the carpet. I have cleaned several areas I thought might be the source of the odor, but it still smells and it is driving.me.crazy. Any suggestions short of renting a carpet shampooer?

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What are you feeding the pup? How is housebreaking going? Diet can have a LOT to do with skin/body smell in dogs.


Because really, with one dog, a northern flock-guardian breed, and a puppy no less, you really shouldn't notice a smell.


We have three house dogs, wall-to-wall carpeting and no smell. We don't really do anything special, though we show one of the dogs so she gets bathed regularly. I don't even vacuum ever day.



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I have 2 Anatolians, 1 terrier mix and 1 Anatolian Foster dog.

I vaccuum during coat blowing season(so 2-4 times per year) sometimes 2 times a day. We have carpet, stone and laminate flooring.

The dogs are not allowed on our furniture.

They have their own beds(crib mattresses double stacked) and those sheets get Odoban sprayed on once a week and the sheets get washed weekly.

We never bath the dogs but Furminate them reguraly.

People comment often that they have no idea we have that many dogs as our house does not smell.

We feed Taste of the Wild kibble.

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Yup, the good food is important. I feed raw and then have been using the "Honest Kitchen" ...the one with fish. I honestly:) won't be able to afford it all the time... But I will be buying a box... and then giving him some every few days... or a bit with every meal or something. It makes a lot!! (dehydrated food) but is too expensive for my large dog to eat all the time... This box... I won :)

Especially because he is so big... I'd think of feeding raw. It's the least expensive... best food you can buy. When your dog is fully grown, you would still probably be around $2.00 a day... which is pretty good ;) (I'm figuring you'd feed a couple of pounds of meat a day... just a guess... there's a pretty easy formula) Or a little less... and then throw in something like the Honest Kitchen.... stuff... just to add some "things" even though most will tell you that "extra" is not needed. I fed raw because my dog was just suffering with horrible skin etc... and he's doing great now! But, when I went back to price out Taste Of The Wild... cuz I wanted kibble... Wow... so expensive... (compared :))

Here's the other thing about big breeds... dog food is known to make them grow too fast... With meat only... it's a steady growth....


And... they smell less :) (And usually you don't have to get their teeth cleaned.. which is VERY expensive :))

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